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  1. #1
    Raaf's Avatar
    Raaf is offline New Member
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    Cannot sleep............

    Hi all,

    I a frustrated moody guy at the moment. For the past 2 weeks I cannot get more than 3 hours sleep a night!!! I wake up every hour. Some people suggest I might be overtrained? I have looked at the symptoms on the web ans insomnia is the only thing that relates. My energy levels is great, can't get enough training to be honest. I spend about 3 hours a day training. Weekends mostly cardio and now and then weights. My training is intense but I am loving it. I'm addicted u can say yes, like a lot of you guys r I imagine!!

    To get back to my insomnia, I have been to a doctor and all the normal stuff checks out great. I am going for blood test to make sure everything else is fine. I was given a sleeping pill(Stilnox MR 12.5mg) to help me sleep, but it does absolutely nothing for me. Max time slept is the last 2 weeks is 4 hours!!

    I just wanna make sure I am not overtrained!! I really dont feel overtrained..............have to much energy!!!


  2. #2
    Keenstyle1's Avatar
    Keenstyle1 is offline Junior Member
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    I also have sleeping trouble. My mind starts firing as soon as I hit the pillow. Make sure your not taking any pre-workout supps after 2 pm. If you go back to the doctor, tell him you need Ambien, tell him you've taken it before and they'll give you a prescription.

    Three hours in the gym should leave you tired enough to go to sleep.

    If you decide against pills the natural way is to meditate, as cheesy as it sounds. This Hindo doctor told me to do 2 miniutes of heavy slow breathing and then focus on the most peaceful place I could think of. It worked.

  3. #3
    Raaf's Avatar
    Raaf is offline New Member
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    Thx. The thing is I fall asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow but an hour later I am awake!!!

    Here is my sleeping pattern of last night: Went to bed at 21:00, woke up at 22:08, fell asleep and woke up at 23:15, feel asleep and woke up 01:15 and fell asleep waking up at 03:20 where I got up and went to gym at 05:00. That is about how my sleep pattern is lately.

    I have tried going to bed later but still the same thing!!!

  4. #4
    Keenstyle1's Avatar
    Keenstyle1 is offline Junior Member
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    Unless you subconsciously stressed about something, your melatonin levels are out of wack. Go back to the doctor, get ambien. Or ask some friends if you could try a couple of theirs to test it. Alot of people take it.

  5. #5
    Rockstar1990's Avatar
    Rockstar1990 is offline Junior Member
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    maybe try and take sublingual melatonin, that may help

    i used to wake up occasionally and when i take it i wont wake up
    its pretty cheap so go buy some from gnc and if you dont like it u can get your money back

    its worth a shot

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Are you on cycle?

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I take a melatonin and then start reading a book. About 30 minutes later I am gone.

  8. #8
    makod's Avatar
    makod is offline Associate Member
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    I would have though the first question would have been if hes on a cycle

  9. #9
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    Just tell the doc that the medicine dosent work and you want to try something else. My doc gave me trazadone and ambien. they both work good. ambien will knock you out quick 2!!!!!

  10. #10
    Jenseno9's Avatar
    Jenseno9 is offline Member
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    Well if you think its overtraining go a couple weeks at 50%. Personally 3 hours a day is A LOT of time in the gym.

  11. #11
    badboy247's Avatar
    badboy247 is offline Junior Member
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    tramadol hydrochloride 100mg slow release. this stuff works, one tablet before bed and even if u are restless thru the night youll get up the next day regardless of the amount of sleep- feeling on top of the world.

  12. #12
    Raaf's Avatar
    Raaf is offline New Member
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    Hi guys,

    Sorry for late reply. It is now 00:05, went to bed at 22:00 and in this 2 hours woke up like 10 times!!!!

    At the moment I am taking 1ml Deca300mg a week and that is actually to help wth sore joints. I am also using Anavar (Oxandrolone10mg/tabs) 4 x tabs a day but only started this about 5 days ago where as my sleepless nights is now going on for 3 weeks!!

    A friend today also suggested Ambien, so I will get some and c if it works!! This shitty sleeping patern is now slowly but surely getting the better of me!!!

    To answer the stress queston, at the moment I am in a happy place if I can put it like that. I am training hard, getting great results and really feel good about myself, so nothing I am aware of that could stress me subconsciously!

    Thx for the input guys. Will keep u guys posted!!!! I took a stillnox MR12.5mg tab now.............will c if it gives me a few hours of sleep. Getting up at 04:10 to go training!!!

    Last edited by Raaf; 03-24-2009 at 04:18 PM.

  13. #13
    StritationOrBust's Avatar
    StritationOrBust is offline Associate Member
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    Whats your age? Do you have any history of bi-polar disorder in your family?

  14. #14
    reardbandit's Avatar
    reardbandit is offline Associate Member
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    I feel your pain bro. I work night shift and have a hard time regulating my sleep patterns. I haven't had a consistent sleep schedule for a few years now. Ambien my friend

  15. #15
    thai-lan's Avatar
    thai-lan is offline Member
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    it sucks doesnt it? ive been up since 4pm and its now 0610am

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    A lot of people on here are suggesting ambien, I'm pretty sure stilnox is what they sell in the UK and they are both the same thing zolpidem. Lunesta works for me, tastes like having a penny in your mouth though.

  17. #17
    kerrbear is offline New Member
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    have you changed your sleep pattern lately? i had the same problem a while back. dont go to bed thinking "aw crap in an hour im going to wake again" it plays on your mind and your body will get used to it. i dont need an alarm any more i always wake between 7-7.30 even after a night on the piss but needless to say it isnt to hard to fall back to sleep.

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