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Thread: workout help

  1. #1
    diesel094's Avatar
    diesel094 is offline Associate Member
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    workout help

    hey im currnety on a cycle of test p 100 mg/ml EOD for 8 weeks. i am in my third week, and starting to see some results. i was wondering if my workout routine was sufficient enough for my cycle. my supplier wrote it up for me, but i want to make sure. i want to lose about 5% bf if possible, as well as packing on the lean muscle.

    bench- 5x5
    support lift 1- 2x5
    support lift 2- 2x5
    pushups- 2x failure

    squat- 5x5
    support lift 1- 5x5
    support lift 2- 5x5
    calf raises- 1x100

    barbell curls- 5x5 (last set- to failure)
    close grip bench- 5x5
    pushdowns- 3x5 (last set- drop)

    dumbell military press- 5x5
    lateral raises- 3x10 (last set: 5 lb. drop till failure)
    rear delts support lift- 2x10
    traps support lift- 3x8

    deadlift- 5x5
    support lift 1- 2x5
    pullups- 2x failure

    along with that i do 40 min of cardio 4-5 times a week and abs tuesdays and thursdays

    i eat clean, getting around 3500 calories a day. let me kno if anything needs improvemant..

    let me know what u think..

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What does "support lift" mean? I don't think it looks good at all. What are your current stats? Why doe's your "supplier" write your training routine and not you yourself?

  3. #3
    diesel094's Avatar
    diesel094 is offline Associate Member
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    support lift is a lift corresponding to the main region i am working out, ex- for legs my 2 support lifts could be db lunges and step ups, or leg press and straight leg dead lift. he wrote it becasue this is what he does... hes big as hell so i took his advise..

  4. #4
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    support lift is a lift corresponding to the main region i am working out, ex- for legs my 2 support lifts could be db lunges and step ups, or leg press and straight leg dead lift. he wrote it becasue this is what he does... hes big as hell so i took his advise..
    Ok thank you that makes more sense to me now, what are your stats?

  5. #5
    diesel094's Avatar
    diesel094 is offline Associate Member
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    age 19, i know im young but i have been working out hard for 3 years, and i havent grown in 2...
    height- 6'01''
    weight-215 now, 210 when i started the cycle 3 weeks ago
    goals- lower bf while packing on lean muscle mass

  6. #6
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    19 is TOO YOUNG to be using gear. You're not growing because your diet sucks. 3500 cals a day isn't enough.

  7. #7
    diesel094's Avatar
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    well im already on it... i reasearched for 4 months before i made my decision, and im happy with what im doing... its not like im a shrimp, the doctor told me that this was most likely my max height

  8. #8
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would worry more about your endocrine system than your height. If you haven't grown in 2 years it means your diet sucks and/or you do not know what kind of training is best for you. Just because your buddy who is a big guy says that training program X works for him it doesn't mean it will work for you.

  9. #9
    diesel094's Avatar
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    i eat 5-6 times a day, alternating between protien/fat and protien/carb meals. im not exactly sure how many cals im getting, that was an estimate.

  10. #10
    diesel094's Avatar
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    and everything i eat is clean..

  11. #11
    diesel094's Avatar
    diesel094 is offline Associate Member
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    any other suggestions??

  12. #12
    MJP is offline New Member
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    The workout plan doesn't look bad, but you have to find what works for you. I would think you would know that after lifting 3 years. Either way it's all about intensity so you can make it work.

    Quote Originally Posted by diesel094 View Post
    i eat 5-6 times a day, alternating between protien/fat and protien/carb meals. im not exactly sure how many cals im getting, that was an estimate.
    You NEED to count your calories though, you don't have to do it every day but if you eat a lot of the same foods you will have a much better idea of where you are at. I thought my diet was ok, until I counted and I was barely at 2.5k. Eating clean it's actually hard to get the cals up there, I had to increase serving sizes I was eating pretty much across the board, and I started cooking with olive oil on everything and eating high cal healthy snacks to get where I wanted to be. (nuts/almonds/natty pb, etc)

    Losing 5% BF might be asking a bit much in 8 weeks though, you'll lose a little a bit though with that much cardio and eating right.

  13. #13
    diesel094's Avatar
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    alright man thanks for ur input, i appreciate it.

  14. #14
    jamyjamjr is offline Banned
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    uhhhh.. im so tired of this...

    do you have a strong pct set up man????

    i hope you do....

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