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  1. #1
    Dazza21 is offline Junior Member
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    Need some help getting some mass on my chest

    Alright guys and girls, never asked a question about lifting on here before but here goes.

    Was chatting with a mate last night and it made me realise how pittiful my chest 1 rep max is, and i dont have the biggest chest either.

    My legs and back 1 reps are:

    Deadlift : 200kg or 440lbs

    Squat : 190kg or 418lbs

    Flat bench : 110kg or 242 lbs

    Wondering if someone can give me a plan to shock my chest bigtime, im happy with my other lifts but my chest is lagging big time.

    Stats are 5'11'' and 190lbs , only supps im on are whey atm but am starting H-drol soon, dont need help with diet or supps just having a down period before i hit the gym hard for the next 6 months before rugby starts back up.

    So if someone has any tips, or routines that helped them with their bench would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    PittBoy's Avatar
    PittBoy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazza21 View Post
    Alright guys and girls, never asked a question about lifting on here before but here goes.

    Was chatting with a mate last night and it made me realise how pittiful my chest 1 rep max is, and i dont have the biggest chest either.

    My legs and back 1 reps are:

    Deadlift : 200kg or 440lbs

    Squat : 190kg or 418lbs

    Flat bench : 110kg or 242 lbs

    Wondering if someone can give me a plan to shock my chest bigtime, im happy with my other lifts but my chest is lagging big time.

    Stats are 5'11'' and 190lbs , only supps im on are whey atm but am starting H-drol soon, dont need help with diet or supps just having a down period before i hit the gym hard for the next 6 months before rugby starts back up.

    So if someone has any tips, or routines that helped them with their bench would be much appreciated
    I tried Lee Hayward's blast your bench program way back when. I got 60lbs out of it. It's a lot of benching within a 3 week time period. While it did raise my max at the time I didn't retain it all.....but I did keep some of the new strength.

    Now I don't worry about my max bench I focus more on building muscle and trying to increase the weight I use to do that slowly over time.

    If your looking for quick help I'd recommend his program as it got me out of a rut. Some people on here may blast it but at the time it worked for me.

    For the long run why not try and add 5 to 10lbs a week to the bar? It's not much extra to lift but over time that 5-10lbs can turn into 50 to 100.

    Also make sure you are using proper form. I did learn that from the program and that has paid off big time.

    I'm a firm believer in it's not what ya bench but how you bench it!!! Maybe even try and squeeze one extra rep out each week at first if increasing the weight isn't possible.

    Good luck
    Last edited by PittBoy; 04-01-2009 at 08:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    forget about 1 rep maxes and doubles or triples. use 8 rep sets, progressive resistance and impeccable technique.

  4. #4
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazza21 View Post
    Alright guys and girls, never asked a question about lifting on here before but here goes.

    Was chatting with a mate last night and it made me realise how pittiful my chest 1 rep max is, and i dont have the biggest chest either.

    My legs and back 1 reps are:

    Deadlift : 200kg or 440lbs

    Squat : 190kg or 418lbs

    Flat bench : 110kg or 242 lbs

    Wondering if someone can give me a plan to shock my chest bigtime, im happy with my other lifts but my chest is lagging big time.

    Stats are 5'11'' and 190lbs , only supps im on are whey atm but am starting H-drol soon, dont need help with diet or supps just having a down period before i hit the gym hard for the next 6 months before rugby starts back up.

    So if someone has any tips, or routines that helped them with their bench would be much appreciated
    Try hitting your incline first for a few weeks, don't know if your max will go up but I can tell you from personal expierence that your chest will explode.

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    5x5 on the bench, and heavy dumbells works pretty good. If i had to choose just one i'd say heavy dumbells and switch your current chest routine up completely for about 6 weeks then hit the bench and see where you're at.

  6. #6
    Andro9's Avatar
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    try something simple like train it 2x per week meaning if you normaly train it 1x weelky and do 10-12 sets per body part then just do it 2x weekly, but in each training session only do 5 to 6 sets(mon-5-6 sets, thurs-5-6 sets if you go 2x a week equaling the amout in a normal session still)..get where this is going. you get to start out fresh and rested 2x weekly instead of once so more weight on straight sets = more size. plus itll make ya body adapt to the change which will work out for you too.

  7. #7
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    4-6 reps lower the sets 6-9 of chest in 2-3 different exercises. 4-6 maximizes white twitch muscle fibers (strength). What i mean by 4-6 reps is use the overload training principle. Do 4 sets perfect form to your max. then once you do 6 reps of that weight jack the weight up until you only get 4

  8. #8
    Barium's Avatar
    Barium is offline New Member
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    So is it 1 rep max you want to increase or is the title of this thread (mass) that you want to increase?

  9. #9
    kifenehma3ak is offline Associate Member
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    man i think u should try a {Mike Mentzer} approach for about 8 weeks take a week off and then bench. bench twice the first week each time do 5 ascending sets with a equal increment in weight 5 -7 reps, dont go heavy just do perfect reps. and then go back to ur usual workout the next week.

  10. #10
    kifenehma3ak is offline Associate Member
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    keeps the rest short between the ascending sets.

  11. #11
    Dazza21 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barium View Post
    So is it 1 rep max you want to increase or is the title of this thread (mass) that you want to increase?
    Good question, my aims are both to be honest, mass and strength. I would assume that if you're training correctly using the right reps/sets for strength that the size and strength would both go up.

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