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  1. #1
    Slide's Avatar
    Slide is offline Associate Member
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    AM barfing issue...?

    I have read on here that you are supposed to have some food in your stomach if you are working out in the morning so you don't burn muscle.

    I recently started to take 1 scoop of whey (about 25g/ 100 cal) at about 6am. I hate this b/c i get about two sets into my workout and want to vomit. I find that i can only workout about half as hard after i eat as i have to keep stopping to keep from puking.

    Anybody have any suggestions? will I get used to it? it has been a week and i am struggling.

  2. #2
    Hollcraft is offline New Member
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    What I like to do is eat around 6 am when I wake up. Usually some oatmeal and eggs. Get ready for school, practice guitar, etc, then its about 7. In the gym by about 7:15, out by 8; then I'm done. Just give yourself some extra time after you eat and save the whey for a pwo shake.

  3. #3
    Voland's Avatar
    Voland is offline Celtiberian Pagan Whoremachine Leader
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    get a lot more time. and at least an hour between the meal and workout. i do 2 hours.
    I've also realisde that haveing shakes pre workout is a guarantee for nausea. Thats why i got rid of shakes. It takes longer (to me) to digest a shake than some rice and chicken.

  4. #4
    jfalco's Avatar
    jfalco is offline Member
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    If I waited 2 whole hours after I ate to workout, I would be too hungry to make it through the workout.

    I agree that a shake pre workout would make nauseous. I recommend trying something easier to digest like outmeal with a banana and then wait maybe 20 minutes before your workout. You need energy from carbs, not protein for working out. Then drink that shake when you're done.

    Other people can explain this better than me, but when you wake up you are in a catabolic state from the 8 hour fast you've just had. Working out in a catabolic state will not build a lot of muscle. You really need to eat before you lift. The easiest way for your body to make energy is from carbs. Simple carbs will give you a quick burst of energy and snap you out of the catabolic state, but the energy from them is used pretty quick. These are probably the only carbs in your shake. So after 20 minutes that will be used up and you will become tired and nauseous. You need some complex carbs to get you through that work out w/o running out of energy. It would probably be good if you had some sort of protein w/ your breakfast, but protein is harder to digest, so you might not be able to handle it if you need to work out right after you get up. Carbs are what you need to get a good work out. Protein is for building muscle, which happens after you workout.
    Last edited by jfalco; 04-10-2009 at 09:53 AM.

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