Quick stats: 6'2", 203lbs., approx 12%bf, lifting 8 years, currently on a maintenance diet. Going to start cutting in about 3 weeks.

I was always able to get huge traps and shoulders which sort of dwarfed my chest and abs. Would it be o.k. to skip shoulders and traps to every other workout, so that my chest and abs can catch up. I really am concerned about good proportion.

Here's my split: Chest/Tri's, Back/Bi's/abs, Shoulders/traps, Legs/abs, Day off then repeat. So I've been lifting each muscle group 2 times in 10 days if you want to look at it like that. I want to take shoulder and traps out so I do them once every 10 days. Is that a mistake? I want my chest and abs to catch up. My arms are in proportion to my shoulders and traps already.

Also, I'm 23 years old and on my first sustanon cycle. So I was thinking it could help my chest catch up. What you think?