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  1. #1
    gabuilder is offline New Member
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    need some advice on chest workout

    Ok Guys Needing Some Guidence Please - Ive Made Some Good Gains In My Chest ,but I Dont Have The Full Roundness That I Desire- It Looks Like My Pec Muscle Goes Under My Arm Instead Of Rounding Out-is This A Under Developemnt Of My Chest Or Frt Shoulder? What Im Looking For Is The Round Pec W/ Definition Of The Seperation From The Shoulder--this Is The New Workout I Started This Morning- Each Bodypart Has It Own Day Of Training:

    3-sets Flat Db Press (not Including 2 Warmup Sets) 6,6,8 Rep
    3-sets Incl. Bb Press 8,8,10
    3-sets Decl Bb Press 8,8,10
    3-sets Cable Crossvr 10,10,10
    3-sets Flat Bb Press (all 3 Sets Are Drop Sets) 12,12,12
    The Last Set Of The First 4 Exercises I Drop To A Lighter Weight To Get Highr Reps

    Any Help Is Appreciated

  2. #2
    bcbrett is offline Associate Member
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    The last 3 weeks i have been doing a press exercise for 3 sets followed by a fly exercise. And then repeat.

    So example would be:

    Incline dumbell press-- two warm up sets, 3 working sets going beyond failure on the last two sets (10,8-6,3-5)
    Cable crossover. 3 sets (12,10,10) Focus on squeezing the chest
    Flat bench barbel press-- 3 sets (10,8,4-6)
    Decline dumbel flys 2 sets (10, 10)
    Weighted dips (10, 8)

    After this type of work out my chest feels spent. You get a good stretch inbetween the presses and it seems to work well for me right now.

  3. #3
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I motice that you are increasing your reps, are you then decreasing your wieght? It seems backwards. also how long are you resting between sets?

  4. #4
    gabuilder is offline New Member
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    yeah what im doing is the first set to failure-im pickn a weight that i fail at-at that particular target rep-then i light'n the weight sligtly so im able to due the next set --then lightn it again for the last set- my rest time is 1-2 min. somtimes less --i go by feel - then rest 3-4 min between exercise's

  5. #5
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I like to do 2 warm ups then 10/8/6/6 I do 4 excercises. I rest 60-90 seconds between sets and excercises I do not delay. As soon as I am ready to go I get my first set. usually 2 minutes max. I keep my heartrate up with my intenstity and wind up sweating as if I am doing light/moderate cardio. I also do a superset from inclines and cable crossovers or cable crossovers and dips. I don't know if this make sense or not but this is what has worked for me for a long time. good luck

  6. #6
    Godson's Avatar
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    I do 3 working sets, and my 4th set is just a " cool down " set i guess you can say

    i drop my 4th set to the weight i did on my 1st set or even lower to make sure i get the form as correct as possible

    i also pyramid up, which means heaviest weight on 3rd set

  7. #7
    Godson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabuilder View Post
    Ok Guys Needing Some Guidence Please - Ive Made Some Good Gains In My Chest ,but I Dont Have The Full Roundness That I Desire- It Looks Like My Pec Muscle Goes Under My Arm Instead Of Rounding Out-is This A Under Developemnt Of My Chest Or Frt Shoulder? What Im Looking For Is The Round Pec W/ Definition Of The Seperation From The Shoulder--this Is The New Workout I Started This Morning- Each Bodypart Has It Own Day Of Training:

    3-sets Flat Db Press (not Including 2 Warmup Sets) 6,6,8 Rep
    3-sets Incl. Bb Press 8,8,10
    3-sets Decl Bb Press 8,8,10
    3-sets Cable Crossvr 10,10,10
    3-sets Flat Bb Press (all 3 Sets Are Drop Sets) 12,12,12
    The Last Set Of The First 4 Exercises I Drop To A Lighter Weight To Get Highr Reps

    Any Help Is Appreciated

    you could try shocking your muscles, how i like to do it is alternate between bb day and db day for the entire workout

    incline, flat, decline, flys one week all db

    next week all bb

    i do my flies with dbs more often than cables, you routine sounds good to me though

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Try HIT. I use it now.

    2-3 warmup sets with 50-75% of 1RM.

    Then one workout set. Do as much as you can unassisted and sue a weight you can get 3-4 reps with. Rest 10 seconds, go again and do as many as you can unassisted. Do this until you cannot get one rep unassisted. Then use a spot and get 2-3 forced reps. Wait 15-20 seconds and go straight to negatives until you cant do anymore unassisted, then use a static hold to totally tax the muscle.

    Your form must be perfect throughout.

    Job done.

  9. #9
    MD22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Try HIT. I use it now.

    2-3 warmup sets with 50-75% of 1RM.

    Then one workout set. Do as much as you can unassisted and sue a weight you can get 3-4 reps with. Rest 10 seconds, go again and do as many as you can unassisted. Do this until you cannot get one rep unassisted. Then use a spot and get 2-3 forced reps. Wait 15-20 seconds and go straight to negatives until you cant do anymore unassisted, then use a static hold to totally tax the muscle.

    Your form must be perfect throughout.

    Job done.
    I agree. I like this alot too.

  10. #10
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Try HIT. I use it now.

    2-3 warmup sets with 50-75% of 1RM.

    Then one workout set. Do as much as you can unassisted and sue a weight you can get 3-4 reps with. Rest 10 seconds, go again and do as many as you can unassisted. Do this until you cannot get one rep unassisted. Then use a spot and get 2-3 forced reps. Wait 15-20 seconds and go straight to negatives until you cant do anymore unassisted, then use a static hold to totally tax the muscle.

    Your form must be perfect throughout.

    Job done.
    Where do you hold a static hold on bench? I like static grip for forearms and shrugs but have never thought about it for bench? OP, sorry fo the hijack, hopefully we both benefit

  11. #11
    gabuilder is offline New Member
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    man-all great advice -- thx so much - im still learning so thx guys

  12. #12
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    I have a chest related question, not trying to jack your thread mate. But i was wondering what are some exercises to really make your upper chest pop, to make it look like it's really popping out?

  13. #13
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Where do you hold a static hold on bench? I like static grip for forearms and shrugs but have never thought about it for bench? OP, sorry fo the hijack, hopefully we both benefit
    You must use a smith machine or a machine.

    Its very hard to use free weights with HIT on certain muscle groups.

    Watch Dorian's, Blood and Guts.

  14. #14
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    I used to pyramid. Now I do 2-3 warmups(10,6,2 on heavy days) then 3 working sets with maximum poundage from the first to last set. I may have to drop som weight on my second and third set to get some god reps out of it. I like it,I can lift more weights this way,more heavier weights.

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