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  1. #1
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    Cardio right after workout ok?

    Lately I have really been getting into my cardio, loving it for some reason? twice a day sometimes. And when I am done my work out (even on legs day) I cant seem to walk PAST the tread mill without jumping on for 45 mins. My question is this, 'Will cardio right after workout affect muscle growth?'
    I have always done cardio but never right after workout, BC

  2. #2
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    If you really want to do cardio after weights I'd suggest drink your protein, and then do cardio.

    Remember, you're depleted of all your glycogen stores, so it's very easy for you to burn muscle if you do aerobic acticity.

  3. #3
    SocraticMind's Avatar
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    You should be able to do it fine, but as lean 'n mean said its important to keep in mind that your body is in a glucose depleted state. This means that if you go into too long or too intense of cardio you will likely begin to break down amino acids in order to fufill your body's energy requirements (eg. lose muscle).

    To prevent muscle loss it would be a good idea to do lower intensity cardio. After workout cardio is actually ideal in the sense that your body is already primed for fat burning. If you were doing cardio normally (except when doing fasted cardio) your body takes 20-25 minutes to burn off the glucose in the blood, but in this case it is ready to begin burning fat very quickly after you begin.

  4. #4
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks guys, I will continue with my post workout cardio, I will try to choke down a shake first from now on. Thanks

  5. #5
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    I wanna challenge the shake comment a little. Don't you think this would hinder the fat burning? Wouldn't it be more benefical to take amino's rather than an actual shake? I would think the calories you are consuming in the shake would be used as fuel as your glucose/glycogen stores would be depleted.

  6. #6
    makod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac View Post
    I wanna challenge the shake comment a little. Don't you think this would hinder the fat burning? Wouldn't it be more benefical to take amino's rather than an actual shake? I would think the calories you are consuming in the shake would be used as fuel as your glucose/glycogen stores would be depleted.
    x2 BCAAs while lifting? then cardio?

  7. #7
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
    BritishColumbian is offline Senior Member
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    so no shake then?

  8. #8
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac View Post
    I wanna challenge the shake comment a little. Don't you think this would hinder the fat burning? Wouldn't it be more benefical to take amino's rather than an actual shake? I would think the calories you are consuming in the shake would be used as fuel as your glucose/glycogen stores would be depleted.
    Yeah BCAA's work for sure. Thou I think not everybody has them(myself including). And I'd never step on a treadmill right after my workout....I'd rather not do cardio than risk burning muscles. I personally like to do my cardio and weight training sessions apart. I have a question for BC, why do you do cardio 2x per day?

  9. #9
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    I am 14% bf and trying to get down to 12 at least. I live 2 blocks from the beach, it will be swarming with babes in 3 weeks.

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    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BritishColumbian View Post
    Lately I have really been getting into my cardio, loving it for some reason? twice a day sometimes. And when I am done my work out (even on legs day) I cant seem to walk PAST the tread mill without jumping on for 45 mins. My question is this, 'Will cardio right after workout affect muscle growth?'
    I have always done cardio but never right after workout, BC
    If you do over 3 days per week of cardio it will in fact deter muscle growth! I would not do cardio after legs if you are in a mass phase.

  11. #11
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    If you do over 3 days per week of cardio it will in fact deter muscle growth! I would not do cardio after legs if you are in a mass phase.
    hay bro,do you mean if u do more than 3 days a week after workout or if you do more than three days a week period it will hinder gains? why im asking is that i do 4 days a week about 30 mins eather like 6-8 hrs before or after working out.usually before in the morning and im wondering if im hurrting my assuming u meant after working out but just wondering cus i was actually thinking about adding a fith day.i do it in the form of HIIT on my bike if that matters at all.thanks

  12. #12
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Bc I like low impact cardio after workout only with no shake. Max 40 minutes. banana immediately afterwards and then shake 15-20 minutes later as the body is still buring fat for awhile after cardio.

  13. #13
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    If you do over 3 days per week of cardio it will in fact deter muscle growth! I would not do cardio after legs if you are in a mass phase.
    Ronnie I'm interested to hear the 'why' of your statement. I made a post yesterday with an article saying that it would take a significant amount of cardio to decrease muscle growth. As someone that has to eat and eat and some more to keep positive pounds I don't want a few minutes of cardio to minimize my work. I mean 3 days of cardio is not much...

    Sorry to hijack but it is along the lines to you getting your answer BC.

  14. #14
    Bigpup101's Avatar
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    I didn't read all comments but cardio after workout is fine..but i would keep it short and sweet, I do 20 mins 3.5mph on a 2% incline. I would take BCAA'S supps if i were you and don't do cardio on leg day!

  15. #15
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    blood is shunted from your digestive organs during exercise to supply the muscles. Not that some digestion doesnt occur, but it is detered. I actually think that its best to begin sipping on a shake 20 minutes before your workout is over. I do believe though that this would increase blood glucose levels which could replenish glycogen stores and take away from the benefit of forcing the body to use fat as an energy source.

  16. #16
    BritishColumbian's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your input! Very informative thread! I'm now doing 30 min low impact cardio, shake 15 min. after I leave the gym.

  17. #17
    CBGB's Avatar
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    Great information guys. Very interesting!!!

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