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  1. #1
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Diet is Good, Is my workout?

    I have got my diet down really good. Did my BMR and got a diet focused on clean bulking.

    My goals are to bulk but I really don't like fat. I rotate my workouts and change on a regular basis. This past 6 weeks.

    Monday: Chest and Bi's & Abs
    2 Chest exercises 3 sets each
    2 Chest exercises superseted with 2 Biceps exercises 3 sets each
    2 Biceps exercise supersetted with 2 Ab exercises 3 sets each
    1 Ab exercise 3 sets each

    Tuesday Legs
    18 sets of Legs (all superseted with each other in pairs or calf's) 3 sets each
    9 sets of Calfs supersetted with 9 of the leg sets

    Wednesday Off

    Thursday Back Traps & Bi's
    4 Back exercises 3 sets each (short rest 1 min)
    2 Trap exercise supersetted with 2 Biceps exercises 3 sets each

    Friday Shoulders Tri's & Abs
    2 Shouler exercises 3 sets each
    2 Shoulder exercises superseted with 2 Triceps exercises 3 sets each
    2 Biceps exercise supersetted with 2 Ab exercises 3 sets each
    1 Ab exercise 3 sets

    My rest period is generally 2 min in between supersets

    Please critique

  2. #2
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    32 6 foot 202lb 8% bf

  3. #3
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    so? bump

  4. #4
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Well looks like a good split but I'd need to see the exercises being performed.

    Looks like a Blood and Guts HIT routine with volume sets..... ha

  5. #5
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Monday: Chest and Bi's & Abs
    2 Chest exercises 3 sets each
    Incline Dumbell
    Flat Bench
    2 Chest exercises superseted with 2 Biceps exercises 3 sets each
    Cable Fly's and Hercules Curl
    Dips and Standing One arm Cable Curl
    2 Biceps exercise supersetted with 2 Ab exercises 3 sets each
    Barbell Curl and (use the rope to do ab curls)
    Isolated Dumbbell Curls and Situps
    1 Ab exercise 3 sets each

    Tuesday Legs
    18 sets of Legs (all superseted with each other in pairs or calf's) 3
    Leg Extensions & Leg Presses (machine laying in reverse) (3 sets each)
    Squts and Leg Curls (3 sets each)
    9 sets of Calfs supersetted with 6 of the leg sets
    Leg Preses and Calf Extensions
    Cable Lunges & Calf Extensions (different)
    Standing Calf Extensions

    Wednesday Off

    Thursday Back Traps & Bi's
    4 Back exercises 3 sets each (short rest 1 min)
    Wide Grip Pulldowns
    Bent over T-bar rows
    Close Grip Seated Rows and Situps
    Close Grip Lat Pulldowns and (use the rope to do ab curls)
    2 Trap exercise supersetted with 2 Biceps exercises 3 sets each
    Straight bar Shrugs & Barbell Curls
    Dumbbell Shrugs and Dumbbell Curls

    Friday Shoulders Tri's & Abs
    2 Shouler exercises 3 sets each
    Straight bar Military Presses
    Dumbbell Military Presses
    2 Shoulder exercises superseted with 2 Triceps exercises 3 sets each
    Extended Cable Lateral forward raises and V-bar tri presses
    Single arm Shoulder fly's with cable and overhead rope presses
    2 triceps exercise supersetted with 2 Ab exercises 3 sets each
    Skull Crushers and Situps
    Rope Tricep pushdowns and (use the rope to do ab curls)
    1 Ab exercise 3 sets
    Leg Raises

    My rest period is generally 2 min in between supersets
    No workout takes over 1 hour. NO Cardio.

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    What with all the supersets? They are a nice place to vacation but wouldnt want to live there.

  7. #7
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    First, I find standing there and do nothing a waste when i could be doing abs. I almost always only do small muscle groups with abs.

    Second, the pace is too slow i feel. It keeps you moving and really increases your heart rate and keeps me from doing cardio.

    I dont feel i am over doing it but please tell me if anyone thinks that I am. I know that just doing all supersets is not good because you will jeopardize gains. I try to keep them to two completely different movements because I dont want to overwork the muscle.

    I also have not superseted stuff and I don't see a strength different.

    Thanks for the feedback

  8. #8
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    why no cardio?

  9. #9
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    x2 why no cardio?
    good it if it works for you.
    2 days in between tris and chest enough time for your tri's to recover? mine usually hurt for 3 days.

  10. #10
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    I do no cardio because i hate it and I dont really see the need to get lower than 8%. If I am going to do cardio its going to have to be some type of class. I just cant get motivated for it.

    Now on the recovery aspect usually I am sore the next day and tight the second but by the third I am fully recovered. The only muscle that hurts for an extended period of time is my legs. I go as heavy as I can go and do them to failure.

  11. #11
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    x2 why no cardio?
    good it if it works for you.
    2 days in between tris and chest enough time for your tri's to recover? mine usually hurt for 3 days.

    maybe when you start back after not working out for a while but this shouldn't happen if you stay in the gym.

  12. #12
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    i do them once a week, every thursday. i been doing this same thing for the past 6 weeks or so and just recently changed.
    weighted dips, then
    overhead cable tricep extension (with rope) then
    cable tricep extension with the V bar
    4 sets each

    i find cardio hard to do when starting up again. start with a few mins and increase every week.

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