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  1. #1
    GPS226's Avatar
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    why won't they GROW???

    Hey, what's up guys..starting with my stats..24 years old 5'7" 200 lbs 10% bodyfat. I've been training seriously for 3 years and have run 2 cycles so far, with appropriate PCT and off-cycle time.
    I train hard and by-the-book..I heavy squat, deadlift, etc. and I've gotten big everywhere except my arms. My arms, since the beginning of my training, have only grown marginally. I don't train my arms much and when I do it's after my main workout, kind of as an afterthought...but shouldn't they grow on their own with the rest of my training? I train back hard and my back has gotten huge, but my biceps are still puny. I train chest hard and my chest has gotten huge, but my triceps are still puny..I'm 200 pounds at 5'7" and my arms are still barely over 16" pumped! If I was totally lean they'd be like 15-something. I mean it a lack of focused arm training or genetics? I've always scoffed at people endlessly training arms, but at this point my arms are obviously lagging and I really want to bring them up. I'm off-cycle right now, btw. I will be running a bulker starting in the late fall. Any advice for improving my awful arms?

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    What does your arm workout consist of? And when do you work them out?

  3. #3
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    a. 16" inch arms for 5'7" is not puny
    b. if you want them to grow give their own day.
    mon, chest and shoulders
    tue, back and traps
    thur, legs
    fri, arms.
    super set the bis and tris and end on fore arms. DON'T over train them though.

  4. #4
    Critical Mass's Avatar
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    Give them all the attention they need. And focus on compound movements like close grip bench and baerbell curls. I believe you have to actually train your arms directly not just indirectly to make them bigger and stronger.

  5. #5
    lee.jones73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    a. 16" inch arms for 5'7" is not puny
    b. if you want them to grow give their own day.
    mon, chest and shoulders
    tue, back and traps
    thur, legs
    fri, arms.
    super set the bis and tris and end on fore arms. DON'T over train them though.
    yep try training them on theyer own or train ur bi 1st b4 ur back ses ans do tri b4 chest?

  6. #6
    Yergg is offline Junior Member
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    genetics maybe. sounds like a cop-out but I believe its possible.

  7. #7
    lee.jones73's Avatar
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    also try going heavy on arms and make sure you squeeze at full contraction, i was the same hated my arms im 6 foot and 16.9st and got 17 and half inch arms did have 16inch

  8. #8
    GPS226's Avatar
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    Thanks guys...yeah, I have never really given them a lot of time, let alone their own day. Usually I will split them with chest/tri and back/bi but sometimes i'll split chest/back and do arms on leg day. I don't do high volume for them. usually only 4-6 total sets each for bi's and tri's..should i up the volume and do more sets? I've already decided to give them their own day, so when I hit them, how many sets do you think I should do?

  9. #9
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Give them their own day or do chest/bis and back/tris. I recently started that split and can handle a lot more weight.

    Chin ups! (palms facing toward you)
    When you workout back, do bent over barbell rows (great for the biceps)
    Standing olympic bar curl
    dumbbell incline curl

    Dips! (Keep elbows in and keep your body as straight as possible)
    Skull Crushers
    Pressdowns of some sort ( I like the V-Bar)
    even close grip bench if you like

    I usually do 3 sets of 3 different exercises. Sometimes less. Around 6-9 sets for each bis and tris

    Do a good 3 sets of each exercise, staying in the 8-10 rep range.

    And when you get home, do a burnout set(each arm) of masturbation strokes kidding....

  10. #10
    lee.jones73's Avatar
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    not many coz they small muscle personally do 4sets of 3 diffrent movement at 6 to 8 reps last 2reps should be hard if it not then up the weight abit more, do that for 4sessions then change the routine use barbell for a month then dumbells always change it shocks the muscle and that makes it growth but always rember to squeeze at full contraction for 1 or 2seconds hurts but it works
    Last edited by lee.jones73; 06-06-2009 at 07:38 PM.

  11. #11
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Also, I love doing drop sets when working arms

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Give them their own day or do chest/bis and back/tris. I recently started that split and can handle a lot more weight.

    Chin ups! (palms facing toward you)
    When you workout back, do bent over barbell rows (great for the biceps)
    Standing olympic bar curl
    dumbbell incline curl

    Dips! (Keep elbows in and keep your body as straight as possible)
    Skull Crushers
    Pressdowns of some sort ( I like the V-Bar)

    Do a good 3 sets of each exercise, staying in the 8-10 rep range.

    And when you get home, do a burnout set(each arm) of masturbation strokes kidding....

    just member 2 switch over arms hehe

  13. #13
    GPS226's Avatar
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    Bigsexy, I may go with that split..the only problem I can see is that I'll feel like an idiot noob on chest/bi day..just like the retards who do nothing but chest and biceps day after day..LOL..oh well, at least I don't LOOK like a noob and that's all that matters

  14. #14
    GPS226's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lee.jones73 View Post
    just member 2 switch over arms hehe
    ehhhh, i don't know...I tend to feel it more in my delt when I masturbate...and I probably tend to overtrain my delts as it is..

  15. #15
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GPS226 View Post
    Bigsexy, I may go with that split..the only problem I can see is that I'll feel like an idiot noob on chest/bi day..just like the retards who do nothing but chest and biceps day after day..LOL..oh well, at least I don't LOOK like a noob and that's all that matters

    hahahaha. Yeah man, as long as your not that 120 pound guy who does a set of curls, followed by flexing your 12 inch arms in the mirror, followed by shadow boxing, followed by a 10 minute cell phone conversation, you'll be ok!

    lol I hate those punks.

  16. #16
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lee.jones73 View Post
    just member 2 switch over arms hehe
    Quote Originally Posted by GPS226 View Post
    ehhhh, i don't know...I tend to feel it more in my delt when I masturbate...and I probably tend to overtrain my delts as it is..

  17. #17
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    how does your bicep look compared to your tricep? as im sure you already know but your tricep comprises the majority of the arm,personally what works for me is 6-7 sets bi and 9 sets tri,used to do more but kept over training.I hit each bodypart once a week.

    mon: chest/back
    wed: legs
    fri: shoulders/bi/tri

  18. #18
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    juice cures all.

  19. #19
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    juice cures all.
    what kind grape?

  20. #20
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    what kind grape?
    orange, duh!


  21. #21
    eatrainrest's Avatar
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    comon guys, its cranberry..... obviously

  22. #22
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    also, if you are fine on the shoulders then try the "body drag curl" for biceps. it really singles out the bicep and takes the stress off the front deltoid. do 8 sets of 8 reps with the same weight giving only 20 seconds between each set. sounds crazy but it works.
    this is old guru technique and it works.

  23. #23
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    comon guys, its cranberry..... obviously
    thats incorect,,, just pop the TV at 3 am when ya wake up to piss.... and every chanell is all about ACCI BERRI .......... Im so sick of those info mercials ,, FX use to play good re runs of the Sheild and Nip tuck but now its fvckin in fo mercials all nite

    wich acci berry is really a blueberry isnt it??

  24. #24
    bmit is offline Member
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    after proper warmup:

    close grip bench press - 3 x 6,8,10 all to failure - make sure to keep your shoulders pinned back and really focus on using just your tris. i use a Smith machine to go to failure.

    dips (use weighted dips if need be) 2 x 8, 10 both to failure

    skull crushers 2 x 10, 12 both to failure

    I believe low volume and high intensity is the best route.
    rest till you FULLY recover from each set 1-2 minutes. report back in a month

  25. #25
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GPS226 View Post
    Hey, what's up guys..starting with my stats..24 years old 5'7" 200 lbs 10% bodyfat. I've been training seriously for 3 years and have run 2 cycles so far, with appropriate PCT and off-cycle time.
    I train hard and by-the-book..I heavy squat, deadlift, etc. and I've gotten big everywhere except my arms. My arms, since the beginning of my training, have only grown marginally. I don't train my arms much and when I do it's after my main workout, kind of as an afterthought...but shouldn't they grow on their own with the rest of my training? I train back hard and my back has gotten huge, but my biceps are still puny. I train chest hard and my chest has gotten huge, but my triceps are still puny..I'm 200 pounds at 5'7" and my arms are still barely over 16" pumped! If I was totally lean they'd be like 15-something. I mean it a lack of focused arm training or genetics? I've always scoffed at people endlessly training arms, but at this point my arms are obviously lagging and I really want to bring them up. I'm off-cycle right now, btw. I will be running a bulker starting in the late fall. Any advice for improving my awful arms?
    I don't know who came up with the concept of not training arms directly but I can assure it is wrong! You need to blast those arms starting now. Try 12 sets once a week for both bis and tris. Deload every 3-4 weeks for a week (6 sets) and if they are not growing its poor genetics or diet.

  26. #26
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    Hmm, being 200lbs and 5'7" with 10% bodyfat with 16" arms almost don't make sense? I would say the average guy with your stats would have between 17 to 18 inches.

  27. #27
    BRITISH ANABOLIC is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Hmm, being 200lbs and 5'7" with 10% bodyfat with 16" arms almost don't make sense? I would say the average guy with your stats would have between 17 to 18 inches.
    Dude that's exactly what he's saying, his arms are to small.

    You're just pointing out something he already said

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRITISH ANABOLIC View Post
    Dude that's exactly what he's saying, his arms are to small.

    You're just pointing out something he already said
    Well it doesn't add up, I have never seen a guy that height, that weight, that BF% with that small of arms. I want to see pictures.

  29. #29
    clancywiggum is offline Junior Member
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    weighted pullups for bi's
    weighted dips for tri's
    arm size should increase with these 2 exercises alone......

  30. #30
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I know what you mean, i am 5'6 170 lbs and my arm grow has been horrible lately. I posted about ti a few days ago and decided to add a arm day which i use to be totally against. This week will be my first arm day.


    Oh BTW liek said above, us shorter guys dont need 20 inch arms to look as big as other guys. Since we are shorter 16+ looks good on us (depending how your built).
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 06-10-2009 at 05:07 AM.

  31. #31
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    if thats you in avy right now theres noway your 200lbs.

  32. #32
    GPS226's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    I don't know who came up with the concept of not training arms directly but I can assure it is wrong! You need to blast those arms starting now. Try 12 sets once a week for both bis and tris. Deload every 3-4 weeks for a week (6 sets) and if they are not growing its poor genetics or diet.
    Yes..I've generally, up til now, followed the concept of arms not needing direct training. I've been training arms directly, 3 times in the past two weeks, for 8 sets each bi's and tri's and I'm already feeling better about them..I'm sure they're not any better yet, but they feel it.. being off-cycle right now isn't the optimal condition to start, but my goal is to bring them up as much as possible during my off-cycle. then on-cycle I can build them..of course, I'm not gonna neglect the rest of my body but I will take arms a lot more seriously..btw, should I really go up to 12 or more sets each?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    if thats you in avy right now theres noway your 200lbs.
    You are correct sir, that pic was from 2 years ago when I was 165 pounds and natural..and my 15" arms looked big....I almost miss those days, they were so much days of innocence..sigh..

  34. #34
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    try this... put an inch my arms in 4 weeks!! and I have always had the exact same problem as you!! Do this quickly as to get a good pump only minimal rest between sets


    Barbell curl 4 working sets (heavy) 8-12 reps
    one arm dumbel curls 3 working sets(heavy) 10-12 reps
    Preacher curl machine ( i use H.S. Machine) 3 sets to failure


    4 sets of dips with bodyweight to failure
    4 sets of close grip bench 8-12 reps
    3 sets of a pushdown cable movement 12-15 reps
    dips using 2 benches (feet on one Arms beind you on the other) as many reps as you can get with B.W. 3 sets

    at the end of this workout you should not even be a ble to wash your hair you will be o pumped! remember I do this whole routine in like 35 minute!! I do not rest for more than 1 minute between sets! aanything longer your pump will start to diminish!!

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