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Thread: My bench sucks

  1. #1
    meangene1975 is offline Junior Member
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    My bench sucks

    Everything else is going good, but Im still not benching much. what kinda reps/sets should i do. 3 sets of 3 etc or what. I just want to move it up a bit

  2. #2
    Lifta's Avatar
    Lifta is offline New Member
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    I am by no means an expert but one thing that really shined some light for me on bench was when I watched the video from Milos Sarcev (I watched the nutrition portion from a forum post and liked it so much I ordered the whole dvd) and the way he explained the proper form, and a slow decline of the weight, with a 2 second pause before exploding on the push up (no bouncing off chest, elbows out to the side and not underneath you as it transitions the weight more to your tri's and squeezing on the concentric) really helped me with benching. I was benching around 365 as a max (not much but okay for a person my size) but when I changed my form to the way the video said I went down to benching around 275. A drastic decrease in weight but my chest expanded, developed more and I felt a lot more comfortable with benching. I wish I had a link to that portion of the video somehow, because it helped me a lot, but I am sure there are other more qualified people on here willing to provide a more in depth overview on how you can combat this. My understanding is higher weight, less reps with a real focus on form. Usually in the 4-6 or 8-10 rep ranges, but everyone has a different opinion. I do think that anyone will tell you though that intensity and effort with proper form should result in improvement regardless of whether you are doing 4-6 or 8-10 reps. Also, consider how may sets you are doing. Most people that have advised me have said to stay in the 9 to 12 sets range at max. Be sure not to overtrain. Just my 2 cents worth! Good luck.

  3. #3
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    what are your stats, then let us know what your bench/rep is and we can really see if you really are weak on your bench.

  4. #4
    meangene1975 is offline Junior Member
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    i way 230 and work out with 185. i do 3 set of 10. I also feel my shoulders more than i think i should

  5. #5
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
    TRT,MAN is offline Member
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    well are you a power lifter or body builder? if you are a body builder than dont worry about unless your chest is not growing.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Try some strength training, 3sets of 6, try to increase the weight every week...

  7. #7
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    id even go as low as 4 reps for the first couple sets per exercise... and diet spot on

  8. #8
    dan_e666 is offline Junior Member
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    3 sets 8 or 4 of 6 is pretty standard. doing db press and flies (flat & incline) will help your strength too

  9. #9
    astoica's Avatar
    astoica is offline New Member
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    You Do how much you think you can take, but don't over do it cuz it will cause you pain.

    I ran in tis site that has the best guides that will teach you how to start getting a nice body and also many detailed instructions that will answer many of your questions

  10. #10
    quarry206's Avatar
    quarry206 is offline Senior Member
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    add board presses to get use to more weight

    train for your CNS not hypertrophy.. sometimes a pump feeling does not equal strength.

    do your bench first, 4-6sets and at least 4 min breaks between each set, make each set count, don't be tired going into it.

    don't do pressing movements more than twice a week.

    train the connecting muscles to the movement, shoulders, rotator cuff, tris.. even your grip plays a big part
    Last edited by quarry206; 06-12-2009 at 11:34 AM.

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