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  1. #1
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating

    Working out- Lost High Level of fat- loose skin and a life story

    So I am 6'4 and currently 240. I started about ~5 weeks ago with a new diet and have losed a total of 23lbs, all fat since I have added good muscle and size and without a doubt strength.

    Just to give you a little heads up on what I have been doing is 45mins of empty stomach morning cardio every morning 7 days a week. 1 hour of lifting with my trainer (5 days a week) in the late afternoon/early evening and then doing 20 mins of cardio afterwards.

    My diet has consisted of:

    Early morning Cardio
    M1: 6 egg whites 2 whole eggs 2 pieces of whole wheat toast
    M2: 12-14 ounces of grilled chicken 3+ cups of brocolli
    M3: 1 serving of unsalted peanuts (large handful)
    M4: 2 scoops of max pro protein, 1 scoop of max carb (pure complex carsb 57g a scoop) 1 cup of milk
    PWO: 2 scoops of Syntrax Matrix and 1 cup of milk
    M5: 12-14 ounces of grilled chicken, 3+ cups of brocolli
    M6: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese

    Not the greatest diet ever, but it definitely works for me......

    But I have lost a large sum of fat and gained great definition but I have loose or extra skin when i turn my head near the sides of neck, not noticeable, but noticeable to me and some other spots too, but I was wondering how long it takes for skin tighten up. My trainer has said nto too worry about it because we will not be plateuing at all and continue with our gains and it will go away (he personally does body building comps). He thinks within the next 2-3 weeks I will be back to having a flat stomach again and thats when we will really start seeing some good gains.

    Some people do not know me here obviously so, I was sick for a ~8 month period about 3 months before this and was on prednizone for a long time and could only eat certain foods, like only pasta with low levels of butter without having the need to throwup (long stoy). Then after getting better I was in a car accident when my friedn took out a telephone pole. So for about 9-10 months I was out of commission for the most part and lost ALOT of muscle and put on some pretty good amount of weight/fat as you tell from a 263 number.

    So after this whole explanation, not really undertsanding the reason why I told it, even though I thought people may want to know. lol. My real question was how long would it take for skin to permeanently retighten, if you know what i mean. lol...........thanks fellas.......

  2. #2
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating
    I also plan on running some t-bol once I drop down to help fill in a little more and get some quality gains. Plan on doing 60mgs a day for 50days (~7 weeks)

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