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  1. #1
    viciouspoultry is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    How is this workout?

    My primary goal is to gain muscle/mass. I plan on starting the workout next week and I am open to suggestions. Also I will be doing HIIT between 3 to 4 days a week as well (10-100 yard sprints or so)

    Monday (Chest + Shoulders)
    Bench Press( 3x3, 3 warm up)
    Incline Bench(3x3)
    Dumbell Press(3x3)
    Military Press(3x3, 2 warm up)
    Dumbell Laterial Raises(3x3)

    Front Squat(3x3)
    Leg Press(3x3)
    Standing Calf Raises(3x3)
    Seated Calf Raises(3x3)

    Thursday(Back + Abs)
    Dead Lift(3x3, 1 warm up)
    Seated Pulley Rows(3x3)
    Forward Crunches(3x20)
    Reverse Crunches (3x20)
    Leg Raises(3x 20)

    Barbell Curl (3x3)
    Lying Dumbbell Ext (3x3)
    Dumbbell Curls (3x3)
    Close-Grip Bench Press (3x3)
    EZ-Bar Curl (3x3)
    Straight- Bar Pushdowns (3x3)


  2. #2
    randym2690 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    nah man trust me i went through the same shit heavy weight small reps but think that works if you wanna lift heavy weight not if u wanna gain muscle you have to stick and train for hypertrophy( muscle building) and thats a strict 6-12 reps and stick to full body days if i was you i would try this

    monday,wens, friday 6-12 reps
    stright leg deads
    walking lunge
    bench 3 sets
    inc bench 3 sets
    pull ups body weight if to easy load up a belt
    bent over row
    reverse fly or post delt raise
    body weight or weighted dips
    inc curls

    core work bridges back extensions crunch supermans side bridge

    i would exchange different things mabye step ups and front squats you know just different things an shoot for 30-90 seconds rest. big compound movments give biggest change in hormone balance

    just my .02

  3. #3
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    thers no proven rep range for hypertrophy bro.. just throwing it out there

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