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  1. #1
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    everyday training can i recover?

    I have changed from doing 3 times a week going to gym to 6 days.

    my training plan is:
    day 1= back & biceps
    day 2= chest & triceps
    day 3= legs & shoulders
    day 4= back & biceps
    day 5= chest & triceps
    day 6= legs & shoulders
    Im doing all 3 to 4 sets each

    I was doing this when i was on 3 times a week.
    Im am on pct right now taking tamoxifen proviron and HCG .
    Can i recover after the workout or not?

  2. #2
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    bro you dont grow in the gym

  3. #3
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    bro you dont grow in the gym
    wise words.

  4. #4
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    I know i dont grow in the gym i grow when im sleeping. I didnt ask if i grow i asked if recover?

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    I usually train each body part ONCE a week, if you do it right ONCE is more than enough and you need the week to let your body FULLY recover

    there are some bodyparts you can get away with training twice a week or more, but general rule of thumb is ONCE A WEEK

    can't grow if you are continually tearing down the muscles and not giving them time to repair

  6. #6
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    well if you recover youll grow.. right? if you dont grow than your not recovering right?

  7. #7
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    in other words, even if you ran each muscle 2x a week the spit needs to be completely rearranged IMO

  8. #8
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    how should be the split?? I mean if im on aas then it recovers quicker or not?

  9. #9
    eatrainrest's Avatar
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    i believe it does but that still doesnt mean i would workout 6x a week bro...if you ask my opinion id be using slingshot 4 weeks reload of high volume sets followed by 2 weeks deload with low volume high intensity sets.... dont thinki because your on gear that you still cant overtrain... 6 days in a row is overkill especially workign each muscle 2x weekly...try a simple 4 day split, each muscle 1x weekly

  10. #10
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    It totally depends on your intensity and diet as to whether you will recover. If you are in the gym "exercising" at about 50-60% intensity you will recover just fine. If you are in the gym busting your ass all you gotta do is run that routine about 7-10 days and you will find out why everyone posting in this thread is saying it's too much.

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Here is my .02cents

    I am a big guy (5'11 and 260)

    currently on cycle. I only do each bodypart ONCE a week. I work them SO HARD and SO HEAVY that by the time I am out of the gym I am completely spent

    I don't believe in spending more than 45-60 minutes in the gym with weights (if doing cardio after weights then thats different)

    anything more than 60 minutes and you are either NOT working right, smart or hard enough

    So even with AAS recovery, I just don't see how you can repeat the same muscle groups in 3 days........

    my basic split now goes

    Monday- BACK (by the time I am done deadlifting, I almost want to quit)
    Tuesday- CHEST
    Thurs- Shoulders
    Friday- LEGS LEGS LEGS ( again, by the time I am done with first exercise I want to puke)
    Saturday- REST

    don't see where I have time or energy to repeat ANYTHING.......but thats just MHO

  12. #12
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    ^^Very similar to my schedule.

    Cardio 2 sessions a day 7 days a week. (1 session a day when not contest dieting)

  13. #13
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are hearing from some of the best . I read all they had to say . I thought they met there goals and didn't worry about gains . I Want more size and strength . After there insistence on less is more I thought I would try . I have been impressed with current progress . Now I preach less is more . Not just less days but less sets .

    Weights take 30 - 45 min

    3-5 days 20-30 min cardio post workout

    sat - Back , calves
    sun-chest , abs
    tues-off ,
    wed - shoulders ,traps
    thur- bi's , tri's
    fri - off

  14. #14
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    im not doing any cardio i spend also 40 to 60 mins only in the gym but i was hitting every muscle group once a week. Im feeling that i can recover quicker doing 6 days becasue i feel the strenght and no pain when im on aas.
    maybe i should just put a day of rest in between and only 2 excercises a day.
    This is just a similar training program which ronnie coleman does also others in the gym do it also so i thought i go with this program

    day 1= back & biceps
    day 2= chest & triceps
    day 3= legs & shoulders
    day 4= rest
    day 5= chest & triceps
    day 6= legs & shoulders
    day 7=back & biceps

  15. #15
    ezlimitz's Avatar
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    you remind me of me.....get good advice then do whatever the fuk u

    I have a hard time taking a day off too.

    just messin w/you dude....

  16. #16
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey mate traing ever day not the best idea
    but it can be done aslong as u keep ur volume low
    meaning dont do 12 sets on ur chest twice a week, thats not going to get u far unless ur on alot of anabolics i mean ALOT aswell as an amazing high calorie diet
    i train my bodyparts twice a week but i keep volume low
    i do 5 sets on leg each workout
    5 sets on chest
    4-5 sets on back
    2 sets on traps
    2 sets on calves
    etc etc
    i have no troubles with overtraining, howver if i deadlift on my back day ill only deadlift on one of my back days, not both
    also dumbell rows ill only do one one back day
    what im trying to say here is yes u can do it
    if u find u can train everyday of the week and keep making strength gains then go for it
    if u find u go to the gym and u dont get stronger, or ur still sore, or even if u get weaker then drop ur volume and workout less
    just my opinion

  17. #17
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    also i dont think u should even glimpse at ronnie colemans workouts, the man injects grams of test ethanate, deca and takes orals, along with insulin , growth hormone and anything else he can
    im not bagging ronnie coleman, its what it takes to acheive the size he has
    i put hands down to him, i mean the guy would have a ruff layer of skin over his glutes from all the injections, meaning he has to find new spots to inject himself, delts, hams etc etc i cant imagine how much pain he puts himself through
    what im saying here is ur looking at a workout designed for a guy that probabaly has triple the size u do, and 10 times the anabolics u do, and maybe 5 times the calories u do
    u should not bother with workouts like these

  18. #18
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    well your right thanks for the advise ranging1

  19. #19
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you train to failure, will not recover and you will be over training.....

  20. #20
    Vires is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    Here is my .02cents

    I am a big guy (5'11 and 260)

    currently on cycle. I only do each bodypart ONCE a week. I work them SO HARD and SO HEAVY that by the time I am out of the gym I am completely spent

    I don't believe in spending more than 45-60 minutes in the gym with weights (if doing cardio after weights then thats different)

    anything more than 60 minutes and you are either NOT working right, smart or hard enough

    So even with AAS recovery, I just don't see how you can repeat the same muscle groups in 3 days........

    my basic split now goes

    Monday- BACK (by the time I am done deadlifting, I almost want to quit)
    Tuesday- CHEST
    Thurs- Shoulders
    Friday- LEGS LEGS LEGS ( again, by the time I am done with first exercise I want to puke)
    Saturday- REST

    don't see where I have time or energy to repeat ANYTHING.......but thats just MHO
    Kinda of a hijack but T-MOS would you mind sharing your workout entirely? Set and rep scheme?

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