Thread: shape'n girls problem areas
08-01-2009, 05:43 PM #1
shape'n girls problem areas
hey my Gf is really asking for help on her problem areas and i have no clue, she tried a few things, but she really wants to firm and tone her legs, abs and butt, is there a good routine out there for that, and basic nutrion facts and helping advice that could help her and us? she is small and petite and as so to me i dont know why she feels the need to inprove perfection lol, but ya advice would be helpful. thanks.
08-01-2009, 10:16 PM #2
Squats, lunges, stepmill, stiff leg deadlifts, glute kick backs, search for other glute exercises etc
Ab routines
And of course diet will be the number factor as there is no such thing as spot reduction it is a overall loss of body fat in order to get toned so hammering away at abs without diet won't do shit
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