Mon. - Chest
Flat Bench DB Press x 3
Decline BB Bench Press x 3
Incline DB Bench Press x 3
High Cable Fly x 3

Tue. - Back
Deadlift x 3
Pullup x 3
Seated Cable Row x 3
Bent DB Row x 3

Wed. - Off

Thur. - Legs/Shoulders
Squat x 3
45 Leg Press x 3
Lunge x 3
SLDL x 3
Standing Calf Raise x 3
Seated BB Military x 3
Upright Row x 3
Side Lateral Raise x 3

Fri. - Arms
BB Curl x 3
Hammer DB Curl x 3
Preacher Curl x 3
CG Bench x 3
Dips x 3
Overhead DB Extension x 3

Sat. Sun. - Off

Any and all criticism is welcomed. The two things i am a little worried about are doing two versions of the deadlift in one week, and is it unnecessary to do two different types of rowing on back day [eg the cable row and db row]? Is there a different/better exercise i should swap one of them for?