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  1. #1
    Raster is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009

    Question Changeing my life stile, and me.

    Hay all,

    Ok so I am new here and this is my 1st post. So I hope I got it in the right place.

    I come to this site from good old google looking for info on workouts and roids.

    Been all over the net for the last fue months reading and watching vids about working out and the use of roids.

    I am not a member of a gym as of yet, As I have been working on my runing thrying to get my stam up more.

    2 times a week I run around 4 miles (no its not alot) but 2 miles of it is up the side of a mountin that is uneven and when it rains the clay ways the boots down alot. so can be a test in its self just to get up the hill to flat land.

    I am 27, 5.11" tall and way around 15.3 stone. Last time I had a health check BF was about 33% :0

    I box too but I dont do it like I did and would like to take that on again but with more stam and more weight. Would not mind getting Ribed too.

    Now I have not lived the fitest life stile over the last fue years am now smokeing 20 a day, Haveing probs stoping that but dont drink any more due to I am a driver. Down side to that is I am sat on my ass.

    Any how I have had a good look over the forums and have to say thers so much info I dont know what I need to take in.

    So if someone/some of you could give me some kind of idear on what I need to do to get fit and show some results fast that would be good.

    Allso I am not to keen on pining so what would be the best tab form roid to take starting out and what kind of work out plan shuld I have? I read you can over work out and I dont want to have problems if I can help it.

    I have uped some pix so you can get a idear of my size and build. sorry ther not the best for something like this but its the best I have at the min.

    Thanks for your time,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Changeing my life stile, and me.-me.jpg   Changeing my life stile, and me.-me2.jpg  

  2. #2
    JackSparrow is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    Hi Raster,

    Glad to see your looking to change your life for the better.

    How did you measure your bf% it seems a little high from the photo's although others can judge better than me.

    The best thing you can do right now is get your diet in line, head over to the diet section and post up your stats and a sample diet then the guys can help you tweak it for optimum results. Make sure you look through the stickies too. No one is going to spoon feed you, you'll have to put in some work yourself.

    As far as AAS go everyone on here is going to be telling you to forget about that at your bf%. You dont need them right now, they are not magic pills and will not do anything that cardio and diet wont do.

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome Raster, your diet needs to be number 1 thing you should work on,as jack said check out the diet forum there is alot of info there,read the stickies and pu together a diet and post it up,there are good folks there that are willing to help you out. You do not need aas,you need diet,cardio and lifting,aas will not make you lose weight,it is hard to tell from those pics about bf,30% does sound a little high but i think not to far off,your bf wat to high for aas,get down a diet and workout program to match your goals and i bet you will be suprised at the progress you will make over a couple of months time,there is no magic pill,you will need to work and stay consistant,some folks get out of shape over a period of several years then when they start a program they give up quickly because they think progress is to slow,get startedand stay with it bro you will get there and forget about aas for awhile.

  4. #4
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    HEy there mate...I dont think u are anywhere close 30 ...i think if anything less than 25 % ....but anyways....

    Ur diet is the main thing lik j4ever41 said ...u have to spend a good deal of time planning foods and what not....
    I love to have a sitting job cause it allows me to train legs twice in the week...
    Other than that just dont overdo the habits of society...(partying, drinking, sex) and u will be fine with ur diet and training

    The roids dont make up for a good diet...even if they are injectable form ..

    Good luck mate

  5. #5
    Raster is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009
    Thanks for your time and replys all.

    My BF was done with some thing that looked like a car game weel that was supost to put electric round my body. I am not to shore how it works but it was at work on a health check and she said it was at 33% I thort that was abit hi too. Yes I have a bit of a beer gut cumeing but I lift alot of waight when loading my truck so my sholders and back are realy tite.

    I will have a good read around the diet plans and see if I can make one up and will post that.

    Plz note guys I am not looking for a pill that will let me sit on my ass and do it all for me. I am more than willing to put the time and work in to get how I want to be. But on that note from working out when I was just a old boy I know that ther comes a point when you dont realy get any bigger without putting a hell of a lot of houers in and even then it can take years to see any change. So I was asking about roids because lets face it I know if you use them right you can realy pack it on.

    I am not to conserned about loosing weight more to the point I want to pack it on. As I said I am wanting to start boxing again and its better to be 18 stone in the ring than it is 10 stone. Other ppl that box will know what I am saying. But its each to ther own. I know wher I want to be and how I want to look. I just have to find out a plan and stick to it.

    Because my frend will be comeing with me ther is less chance of me giveing up and him giveing up lol.

    And on another note whats the hormone drug all about? That costs a good amount more than roids so whats with that? Its it better than roids or is it just newer than them?

    Once again thanks for your time and info.


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