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  1. #1
    TRONtheMAN's Avatar
    TRONtheMAN is offline Junior Member
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    Question Advice needed on 2 routines

    Hi, i've got 2 routines written up and i was wanting to get some input from you guys on which one you guys think would be better. Im 20 years old, 6'1" 200lbs, 12ish BF%, over 3 years training. My main goals for the next 6-8 months is to bulk up, but not a "fat" bulk. Here they are:

    Workout 1
    Deads- 4 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 3-5
    Military Press- 3-4 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10
    Hack Squat- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8

    Workout 2
    Bench Press- 4 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10
    Heavy Barbell Curls- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10
    Close-grip Bench Press- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10

    Workout 3
    Squats- 4 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10
    Bent Row- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 8-10
    DB Shoulder Press- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 10

    Workout 4
    Incline Hammer Strength Press- 3 warmup sets, then 1 working set of 10
    Dips- 3 sets of 10-15
    Pullups/Chinups- 3 sets of 10-12

    The other routine is more traditional.

    Workout 1
    Deads- 4 sets of 5-8
    Bent Row- 3 sets of 10
    Lat Pulldown- 3 sets of 10
    Chins- 3 sets of 12
    CGBP- 4 sets of 8-10
    Dips- 3 sets of 12
    Rope Pressdown- 3 sets of 15

    Workout 2
    Bench Press- 4 sets of 8-10
    Incline DB Press- 3 sets of 10-12
    Cable Crossover- 3 sets of 20
    Barbell Curls- 4 sets of 10
    Preacher Curls- 3 sets of 12-15

    Workout 3
    Squats- 3 sets of 8-10
    Hack Squat- 3 sets of 8-10
    Leg Press- 3 sets of 10-12
    Calf Raise- 4 sets of 15
    Leg Curl- 4 sets of 10

    Workout 4
    Military Press- 4 sets of 10
    Lateral Raise- 3 sets of 15
    DB Shrug- 3 sets of 10-15
    Machine Shrug- 3 sets of 10-12

    My workout schedule is one day on, one day off (M,W,F,Sun,T,TH,Sat,M, etc..). Which routine do you guys think would be more beneficial to gaining some real good mass? My diet is good, but not great. It's a work in progress. Supplements are the basics (CM, Glut, Beta-A, AAKG, protein, taurine, caffeine). Sorry for the novel, but i wanted to get it all out there. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you guys, you are all awesome.

  2. #2
    hummerman's Avatar
    hummerman is offline Associate Member
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    Both are no good IMO.

    Second is better than first but i wouldnt use either.

    I shoot more for the 6-8 reps for bulk aswell.

    Training triceps the day before chest isnt a great idea either.

    Two exercises for biceps seems strange to.

    Just my thoughts.
    Last edited by hummerman; 10-14-2009 at 01:03 PM.

  3. #3
    TRONtheMAN's Avatar
    TRONtheMAN is offline Junior Member
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    I see what your saying about the rep range, i've always responded better to a few more reps. Ill tinker with that though. I like to mix back/triceps and chest/biceps because i like to mix pushing with pulling. I only do 1 or 2 bicep exercises because my biceps respond better to less work. Thanks for the help.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Both of them are off a little imo. Example: Routine #2 Workout #1, Too much going on and 23 sets is way too many.
    Routine #1: What's up with all this warming up and only 1 working set. What is warming up to you and why so many?
    If i had to choose i'd take #2 i guess and just move some stuff around. Or tweak #1 a little to a more powerlifting routine. That would probably work best.

  5. #5
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    I liked the nr 2 choice better just because thats how I like to do things.
    I would also shoot for lower reps maybe 5-8 on basic and 8-10 on cons.
    I also think less is more when bulking...and more food.

  6. #6
    TRONtheMAN's Avatar
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    I figure that if im doing each bodypart once a week, then i should hit it hard. The warmup sets are sets of increasing resistance, then one real working set (sorta HIT style). I figured that the 8-10 rep range is better for overall hypertrophy. What do you guys think? thank you.

  7. #7
    TRONtheMAN's Avatar
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    I've been a full-body guy for the last year or so, but i thought i'd see what you guys thought of a more traditional split. Do you guys think that i can still achieve a good amount of mass and strength doing full-body? I want to stick with my lifting pattern as far as one day on and one day off (i'd go to the gym everyday if it were beneficial, i love the gym). Can you guys recommend any good full-body routines? Thanks.

  8. #8
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Full-body is for the summer and beach,not mass.

  9. #9
    hummerman's Avatar
    hummerman is offline Associate Member
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    One thing i try to do aswell is never use the same exercises back to back. I try to change things up or at least change the order up if your limited to equipment.

    I believe DIET is your main key to getting the bulk your looking for.

    As a young grasshopper i trained like a demon and now at the age of 33 (sunday was my birthday) iam making the best gains of my life due to providing my body with a correct diet. Another major correction i have made from my grasshopper days is form. I see this mistake everyday at the gym. Young grasshoppers with twig like arms trying to curl or bench weights that are way over there limits. Using the famous swinging curl to impress your buddies isnt going to make your biceps grow any faster.

    You need to pick a routine that works the best for your body and a correct diet

  10. #10
    TRONtheMAN's Avatar
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    I'm leaning more towards a full-body split comprised of majority compound lifts. Maybe 2-3 compound lifts per workout with 1-2 accessory lifts at the end. What kind of sets/reps range do you guys think i should go with? While mass is my goal, i want it to be more lean mass than anything. Also, can i still maintain my lifting schedule of one day on then one day off? Thanks for the help.

  11. #11
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    All though I have never done a full-body workout I can say mine.
    You should do eod with full body and no more than 3 times a week.
    Keep the reps low on the basic movements and a little higher on the consentration movements. 3 sets x 3 times a week= 9 sets total so that should do it.

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