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Thread: Clings

  1. #1
    Ryan121 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2008


    I would like to hear what the conseus is on Cleans.I am in a agrument over whether they should be incorporated into our workout. Please provide thoughts
    Last edited by Ryan121; 12-09-2009 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #2
    420daytona's Avatar
    420daytona is offline Junior Member
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    As far as I know, cleans are used mostly to develop explosiveness in athletes and not to put on size. We used them for football wieghtlifting.

  3. #3
    thomaskstewart's Avatar
    thomaskstewart is offline Junior Member
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    I've used Cleans and High-pulls both and I think that as for Cleans they are a great way to work your upper back and Biceps if you work in the up position... meaning just stand no deadlift portion... use less weight

    I like high pulls because for one they're fun to do once you learn the form right and even though they are mostly for power and strength... isn't both power and strength a good thing if you're trying to lift heavier weights... besides the fact that when I'm done with Cleans and high-pulls I'm friggin exhausted and sore for like 4 days after all over my body in places I'm hardly ever sore in...

    I only throw these into either my back or legs routine when I feel I need to... usually every 3-4 weeks or so... I think to be a good bodybuilder you have to know your body and be able to adjust as you go... obviously from a well organized and strick program but...

  4. #4
    BPack10's Avatar
    BPack10 is offline New Member
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    I always thought cleans and high pulls helped me with my strength on deadlifts but haven't done them for a few years. I would get sore from them too. I have reoccurring tendinitis in my forearms and haven't done them in a few years but I really think they build up the upper back too...

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