Im quite new to this forum and found it after trying to reasearch a bit more about weight training and bodybuilding.

Im 18 years old and have been lifting for approximately a year and a half but only seriously for about 3 and a half months now. During this time i have been training as heavy as i could and eating pretty much like a pig (so i have been told). I have seen some pretty good results and went from approximately 78kg's to 95kg's.
I just recently did a four week fst-7 training (slightly modified e.g i did not do all 7 sets at the end as i felt like i did not have to and would be overtraining, but kept the intensity up).

I now want to return to as heavy and intense as i can lifting but am uncertain how to go about it. I was thinking of a 5x5 program but im not to sure as i like training as heavy as i can right away and not building up to it, as i like to feel totally wrecked after a good workout.

This is what i am thinking for a program to follow. Heavy 4-8 reps.

M-Bis,Tris, Forearms (These are supersetted with each other)
{Close grip bench??? 3 sets 6x 6x 8x
Barbell curls 3 sets 6x 6x 6x}

{Weighted dips 3 sets 6x 8x 8x (not sure whether to use this instead of close grip or decrease close grip sets and increase dips??)
incline DB curls 2 sets 8x 8x }

{Skull crushers 2 sets 6x 8x
Preachers 2 sets 6x 8x}

DB wrist curls on bench 3 sets x 10 ea forearm
Seated bar wrist curls 2 sets x8

T-Legs, Calves
Squats 4 sets 10x 10x 10x 8x
Leg press 2 sets 8x 8x
Leg extension 2 sets 8x 8x or hack squats 2 sets 8x 8x ??
Stiff legged deads 2 sets 8x 8x
Leg curls 3 sets 8x 8x 8x


4-Shoulders, Back
DB shoulder press 4 sets 10x 6x 6x 8x
Side laterals 4 sets x10
Deadlift 3 sets 8x 8x 8x
Bent over barbell row 2 sets 8x 8x
V-bar cable row 3 sets 6x 6x 8x
Shrugs 3 sets 8x 10x 10x
Bent over laterals 3x 12x 10x 8x

5- Chest, Calves
Incline dumbell press 8x 6x 6x
Flat Barbell bench or flat db press? 8x 6x 6x
incline/flat bench flys? 8x 8x 10x
5x15 standing calve raise

I want to focus on more core lifts such as deadlifts, Squats, Dips etc, to bring my overall strength and mass up but am just not sure how to go about it.
I have been reading and most say that if i stick to the big lifts that i will increase my overall mass. I also lack in my legs, which i now regret and am squating my ass off to try and offset. I am not sure whether i am overtraining or doing something wrong.

My diet is pretty much eat as much as i can. It looks like:

Am meal - Bowl nutrigrain (sometimes), 5-6 whole eggs, tea
Mid morning - Scotch fillet steak sandwich w/ 2 eggs
Lunch - 2 scotch fillet steaks or 1 steak with a burger patty
Afternoon - Bowl nutrigran, 6 eggs, tea, multivitamin
Pre workout- gatorade, bananna
Post workout- some milk that i take and get home and eat as much as i can (no protein powder stuff)
Post workout meal- 2 scotch fillet steak, small pasta, tea, ice-cream
Before bed - scull lots of milk and eat some crap if im hungry

Also is occasionally eating 3-4 burgers at mcdonalds to increase my calories if i havent been eating properly or not able to okay to do.

Thanks and any advice on what i should do or what i should change would be greatly appreciated.