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  1. #1
    AbsolutelyLethal's Avatar
    AbsolutelyLethal is offline Associate Member
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    Miami, FL

    How to build Muscular endurance?

    Whenever I do a core lift like Bench or Squats first to failure the following exercises all suffer. For example if I hit flat bench/dumbs hard first, if i try to go to incline bench/dumbs next I have to use a lot less weight then if I did the incline first. What can I do to build this up? Its frustating to me that my workout partner can go strong the whole workout.

    Another problem I have is the supporting muscles like my bi's or tri's give out towards the end of my workout. Like during chest I can no longer lock out or during back i cant pull in or down anymore because my bi's are done.

    I have my workouts setup so that:
    1 Day: Chest
    1 Day: Back
    1 Day: Shoulders
    1 Day: Legs
    1 Day: Arms

    I usually dont do more then 4-5 exercises a day except on arms where I do 3 each on bi's and tri's.

    Another thing I'm not sure of is my workout partner is a real advocate of doing a 6 week cycle of a week of 3 by 8, then 10, then 12, then 4 by 8, then 10, and finally 12. Is this any good? I like to keep my workouts with 3 by 6-10.

    Any feedback is good....

  2. #2
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2002
    How long have you been doing your routine....maybe switch it up a little bit and give your system a shock. Hell try his routine for a few weeksand see how you respond to it. But yes your smaller muscle groups will fail much faster than your larger muscle groups. With your know everyone is different and he might just have better endurance than you or just might be stronger.

  3. #3
    AbsolutelyLethal's Avatar
    AbsolutelyLethal is offline Associate Member
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    Miami, FL
    To me whats weird is when I worked out alone during the fall semester I was doing more weight then I do with my partner now BUT the less weight with him coaxing me to do an extra 2-3 reps has made me feel sore after workouts. I NEVER feel sore after a workout normally except if I do a body part I havent done in a while, like if i skipped out on longs for a while and then do it....

    I have tried his routing before. I can handle like 3X8 or 4X8 pretty well. I start running into problems with the X10 & X12's because Im use to doing a core lift heavy with few reps and then doing auxialary stuff like 8-10 reps. Doing like 3 sets of 10 or 12 on bench tires me out because Im wired to do like 3 sets of like 7-5-3 or 3-3-3 or do like 5 by 5 or 5-4-3-2-1. I think i need suck up my pride and start off with less weight on my first lift so Im not tired as I move on...

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