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Thread: Does Fat move?

  1. #1
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    Does Fat move?

    ok now i feel like this is a stupid question but i must ask. ive done multiple body fat calcs and im at 14% right now which is a big improvement from december when i was at 25%. Ive been running 4 miles in the morning keeping my hr around 160-179 and then after my workout later in the day i run another 2 miles having my hr in the same range. And ive seen a significant improvement in my body(im cutting now obviously).

    i can see my obliques now and its satisfying seeing my improvement and what diet, a good work ethic, and not drinking too many beers can do. But i was thinking that most mens body fat builds around our stomach area but i know i still have fat other places but when i lean over with my shirt off i see my disgusting fat rolls and they see to have almost not moved at all. so is all the fat in that area that i am burning just moving to my stomach and orbiting my body? lol

    5'9'' 165

  2. #2
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    An Linne Rosach
    Unfortuantly the stomach is the last place the fat shifts from but just add some abs to your workout and keep going mate your down from 25% you must see and feel a differance

  3. #3
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    well if its the last place that fat moves from then me being able to see my obliques is an even better sign of progress. well im just going to keep doing what i am doing cause its working! thanks

  4. #4
    edgarr is offline Member
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    with that much running at that heart rate you may not be burning fat and losing muscle, just a thought.

  5. #5
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr View Post
    with that much running at that heart rate you may not be burning fat and losing muscle, just a thought.
    I agree! With your heart rate that high in the morns when you have no carbs in your system (aka glycogen) you more than likely burn mostly muscle. Low intensity steady state cardio is the only cardio I preform when carbs are depleted. Keeping your heart rate around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) is key. I can usually accomplish this by using a fast walk around my neighborhood or walking at a 3.5mph on a 10% incline on the treadmill.

  6. #6
    Frank1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    I agree! With your heart rate that high in the morns when you have no carbs in your system (aka glycogen) you more than likely burn mostly muscle. Low intensity steady state cardio is the only cardio I preform when carbs are depleted. Keeping your heart rate around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) is key. I can usually accomplish this by using a fast walk around my neighborhood or walking at a 3.5mph on a 10% incline on the treadmill.
    I agree with this as well. I'd also like to add good job on all your progress so far. We all have our stubborn areas that seem like they'll never go away. I have a big problem with lower back and love handle fat. I can be shredded everywhere else and still have love handles. Just be patient. If your progress stops, it might be time to reevaluate your diet and workout routine

  7. #7
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Check this thread mate on http://www.freeweightlossexercisepro...eart-rate.html you can check this out to see if your heart rate is right or not Below is an example of the Karvonen formula for a 23 year old person with a resting heart rate of 65 beats per minute (*to get your resting heart rate, take your pulse for one full minute.):

    220 - 23 (age) = 197
    197 - 65 (resting heart rate) = 132
    132 * 65% (low end of heart rate) OR 85% (high end) = 85.8 OR 112.2
    85.8 + 65 (resting heart rate) = 150 112.2 + 65 (rhr) = 177
    The target heart rate zone for this person would be 150 to 177

    For this person to work in his 'fat burning' zone, he would need to stay around 150 beats per minute or lower. To work within his 'cardio' zone, he would need to work at 150 bpm or higher. This step-by-step article will help you learn more about finding your target heart
    Last edited by scorpion62; 02-28-2010 at 11:22 AM.

  8. #8
    shafts basson's Avatar
    shafts basson is offline Associate Member
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    cool thanks for the replies guys. im lowering my intensity to get into that fat burning zone but on some days i will just go for endurance since i like to run. thanks!

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