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  1. #1
    aussie09 is offline New Member
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    not growing anymore

    Hey guys im from australia, im 23, ive been training for 3 years.
    I have never done a cycle, only a couple of test boosters.
    Since starting ive gone from 60kgs, to 80kgs, but ive been stuck on 80 for that last 6months. I do spend alot of money on supplements and every workout is intense. I train 6 days a week, ill write out my diet and workout cause i think something isnt working.

    not sure if you have heard of these supplements over there,
    wakeup: mutant mass shake
    9am: 2 cans tuna (18g protein per can) with rice
    12pm: chicken
    3:30pm: tuna with rice again
    4:30pm pre workout, then i drink celltech while i train,
    then after i train i have hydroflow protein with some glutamine.
    7pm: dinner (whatever it may be)
    before bed: mutant mass shake.

    Now with my workout, i keep the same routine for around 4 weeks, then change, This is where i think i need a new workout plan.
    Ill use chest as an example
    i do 2 warm ups.
    then i usually start with incline dumbells:

    now basically all my training follows that procedure.
    4 heavy sets. and i usually do around 4 different exercises.
    Should i do more drop sets?
    which is better bar or dumbells?
    should i eat more?
    do lighter weight with more reps?

    It is hard training naturally while all of my mates are on gear,
    but i want to stay natural. Is there any supplements that are really good that i should get?

  2. #2
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I Usually like to train in the 10-12 rep range for the most part, the switch it up to heavy for a couple of weeks in the 4-6 rep range. I typically stick to doing around 12 working sets for each body part. I'm pretty cocked by then anyways. When I go heavy I reduce my working sets.

    I dont do supplements anymore for the most part. I pretty much stick to taking a joint complex, multi-vit, creatine, and some bcaa's. I also like to eat all my calories. I only really use shakes before I work out and after. Other than than I eat solids all day.

    Bar or Dumbbell? I incorporate both.

  3. #3
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I Usually like to train in the 10-12 rep range for the most part, the switch it up to heavy for a couple of weeks in the 4-6 rep range. I typically stick to doing around 12 working sets for each body part. I'm pretty cocked by then anyways. When I go heavy I reduce my working sets.

    I dont do supplements anymore for the most part. I pretty much stick to taking a joint complex, multi-vit, creatine, and some bcaa's. I also like to eat all my calories. I only really use shakes before I work out and after. Other than than I eat solids all day.

    Bar or Dumbbell? I incorporate both.

  4. #4
    gettingthere's Avatar
    gettingthere is offline Senior Member
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Your rep range to me seems to be where the problem could lie!! i think you need to post up your full workout, rep range for size should be something like 10,8,6!!

    My friends are also on the gear and yes it can get frustrating but you can still be in great shape!! i used whey maxx and also just beginning to use some gold standard stuff, if your using them supplements a lot then maybe you should change them up a bit

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