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  1. #1
    LunchEater is offline New Member
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    cramping muscles

    Lately it seems that after I will end up cramping up a little later. It only started happening within the last few months and Im wondering if yall had any insights on what is causing this. The muscles that are doing it are pecs, bis, and tris. They will only start cramping one I hold the muscle in a certain position (staight arm = tricep cramp).

    Could it be diet? Perhaps over doing it in the gym?

  2. #2
    NC600cbr's Avatar
    NC600cbr is offline Associate Member
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    Make sure your water intake is adequate. Sipping on BCAA's during your workout is a good way to make sure you're taking in water during your lift in addition to the benefit of the BCAA's.

    Taking a multi for the proper vitamins and minerals can help.
    Magnesium and Potassium are important (bananas are a good fuel source before the gym and can help with the cramping).

    I used to get horrible calf cramps back when I wrestled - mostly due to dehydration but I have very tight leg muscles and can tell the difference when I havn't drank enough water in general.

    Anyways hope some of this might help. Good luck.

  3. #3
    LunchEater is offline New Member
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    Hmm. I will try upping my water intake a bit. Usually do eat a banana before lifting.

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Ya def a lot of water is needed.. also, If banannas aren't doing it for you, maybe a potassium supplement.

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