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  1. #1
    triag2007 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle, Gains Slow - Overtraining?

    Hey guys, Long time reader, first time poster. I thought it's about time to take advantage of such a wealth of knowledge and experience to help with my lagging gains. I've been working out off and on for about 3 year, seriously for about 18 months. I started my first cycle three weeks ago, and am up about 5 lbs, most of which I believe to be water weight. My main question is regarding my training split and if my gains are not forthcoming due to overtraining. I LOVE being in the gym, and have a very hard time taking a day off and feel lazy when I do. I also have a hard time wrapping my head around getting gains from working a body part. Anyways, enough of the boring reading part...

    My split:

    Monday - Chest

    Flat Bench 5x8-12
    Incline DB 4x8-10
    Cable Flyes 3x12
    Decline Bench 3x10
    Skullcrushers 3x8-10
    Rope Pushdowns 3x8-10

    Tuesday - Back
    BB Row - 4x8-12
    Pulldown - 4x8-12
    T-Bar Row - 4x8-12
    Cable Row - 4x8-10
    EZ Bar Curl - 3x10
    One Arm Preacher Machine - 3x10

    Wednesday - Legs
    Squat - 5x12,10,8,8,6
    Straight Leg Deadlift - 4x8-12
    Leg Curl - 4x8-10
    Leg Extension - 4x8-12
    Leg Press - 3x8-10

    Thursday - Triceps
    DB Bench - 4x8-12
    Incline BB - 4x8-12
    Skullcrusher - 4x8-12
    V-Bar Pushdown - 3x10-12
    Overhead Tri Extension - 3x8-10
    Dips - 3x8-10

    Friday - Biceps
    Deadlift - 4x8-10
    One Arm DB Row - 4x8-10
    Straight Bar Curl - 4x8-10
    Preacher Curl super with One Arm Cable Curl - 3x8
    Hammer Curl - 3x8-10

    Saturday - Shoulders and Traps
    BB Shoulder Press - 4x8-12
    Lateral Raise - 3x8-12
    DB Shoulder Press - 4x8-12
    Front Raise - 3x8-10
    Trap Raise - 3x8-10
    Shrug - 4x8-10

    I'm at the point where I love to work out, I love getting in the gym often, but want to see some serious gains on this cycle. Any tips would be great! Thanks in advance yall.

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Hey bro and welcome.. Yes, I'd say you're definetely overtraining in general. Specifically, it seems as though you're overtraining arms because you're doing tri movements on chest day and bi movements on back day. You need to take at least two days off and perhaps three depending on your stats, diet, etc. What are your stats? Age, weight, height? Also what is your diet like.. you need to be consuming 5k+ cals/ed with a regiment like that. Even a 4-5 day split on cycle or with goals consisting of gaining lean mass, you need to eat clean and in large quanties.

    Try this:

    T-Back/rear delts
    W-Arms (bis/tris/forearms)
    F-Legs/abs/lower back


    T-Back/rear delts/forearms
    T-Legs/abs/lower back

    Interested in your diet though..


  3. #3
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    its possible to overtrain on cycle. my best gains on cycle or off has always been on 3 days a week 1hour -1 1/2 hours in the gym. hard and fast eat and grow. the above routine looks good. but here is another i know its simple but you can give it a try.
    mon: chest shoulders tri's
    wed: legs abs
    frid: back, biceps, forearms i like to do 3 exercises for large and 2-3 for small
    groups with 2-3 sets a piece.

  4. #4
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    No need to work arms like that.

    Also I don't know why people feel the need to do a Monday-this. Tuesday-This etc etc.

    You need rest even when on cycle, evenly spaced out preferably. You would probably benefit from going to a 2 day on 1 day off routine to get some rest in there. Combine the arm workouts to start it is ridiculous to have an entire workout for just biceps or triceps.

    Yeah a workout will fall on a Sunday or Saturday or both every once in a while, so what. 6 days week is way too much.

  5. #5
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    I'm in and out of the gym 30-45 mins....I go 4 times a week.

    Make sure you're eating like crazy. Food is a must.

  6. #6
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walnutz View Post
    Make sure you're eating like crazy. Food is a must.
    If the gear is legit then I agree its probably food holding you back. Most people don't eat enough because they think its more important to do everything possible to keep their abs

    Personally Id rather eat like a mother and throw light cardio (walking) in.

    Sets are kind of high. I try to do no more than 16 sets for a body part, and no more than 6 sets for calves or traps.

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