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  1. #1
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Started using a sleeve and lifts went up

    I have moderate tendenitis. Usually when I hear about tendonitis its the one that joins the bicep or forearm muscles. In my case its the tendon of my tricep where it joins near the elbow.

    I started using a sleeve and my lifts went up. The discomfort dramatically went away.

    I'm basically asking you guys a couple of things. Does anyone have a similar story? And two do you think its the sleeve or that its psychological? I have been wearing only one sleeve but plan to buy another one just to see if my lifts increase or if it has any protective properties.

    PS: Anyone thinking about getting a sleeve, I also have been keeping a thing of Tiger Balm by my computer and rubbing it on before bed (sleeping with it on). Seems to help. Can't tell if it has any long term carry over, but it makes sleeping and relaxing at home easier.

  2. #2
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    i have a similar elbow issue. the tendon that runs from my tri to forearm on the inside of the elbow tends to hurt when holding heavy weight (deads, shrugs, etc.). What kind of sleeve is it? can you post a pick? I am considering trying one to see if it helps. Thanks man.


  3. #3
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Its a McDavid model 485R , "Protection Level II"


    It will soak up a ton of sweat in a single session. If you are smart you'll do what I do. Take the gym hair dryer and stick it on the end of one end and leave it on for a couple of minutes. It will dry the sweat out.

  4. #4
    NMacFar's Avatar
    NMacFar is offline Member
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    I have a similar problem. I was arm wrestling a couple weeks ago and my elbow is fu**ed up. I can throw around 300+ lbs like it's my job, and now i'm all messed up because of two minutes of arm wrestling. Now in order to throw around big weight I'm popping Motrin and spraying Menthol spray. I know i'm only delaying the inevitable, unfortunately.

    I'm going to look into that sleeve, thanks for the heads up!

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have what I call a stinger in my left forearm that joins the muscle to the top of the elbow (instead of the outside). I've been using DMSO and it seems to be helping. It's got me bummed since my curls have really been suffering for almost a month!

  6. #6
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey cherry,

    midway through m cycle my strength sky rocketed but the joints in my elbows didn't keep up. I got two sleaves one for each arm and started taking heaps of glucosomine... Evntually my joints stopped hurting, but def the sleaves help alot...

  7. #7
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    I currently have tendenitis in my elbow , i havent trained my arms for 2 weeks, and on my way to 3rd week without training.

    Feels bad man, i'm feeling really down by just training my legs and abs.

  8. #8
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NMacFar View Post
    I have a similar problem. I was arm wrestling a couple weeks ago and my elbow is fu**ed up. I can throw around 300+ lbs like it's my job, and now i'm all messed up because of two minutes of arm wrestling. Now in order to throw around big weight I'm popping Motrin and spraying Menthol spray. I know i'm only delaying the inevitable, unfortunately.

    I'm going to look into that sleeve, thanks for the heads up!
    Yeah I highly recommend it. It helped me during workout and I really feel it wasn't all in my head or anything either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I have what I call a stinger in my left forearm that joins the muscle to the top of the elbow (instead of the outside). I've been using DMSO and it seems to be helping. It's got me bummed since my curls have really been suffering for almost a month!
    I ordered DMSO today. I am going to take 3 weeks off from shoulder and chest exercises and see what im like then. If problems persist, I will start using DMSO.

    I have read that DMSO is very powerful and can leach foreign compounds into the body. It must be used in a very sterile way. Just throwing that out there in case anyone is new to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Hey cherry,

    midway through m cycle my strength sky rocketed but the joints in my elbows didn't keep up. I got two sleaves one for each arm and started taking heaps of glucosomine... Evntually my joints stopped hurting, but def the sleaves help alot...
    Hey pepper good to see you have stuck around like myself. I am on glucosamine too. I made a list at one time of the vitamins that help joints according to pro bbers. I know omega 3s like fish oil and krill oil are supposed to along with some others. Good to know on the sleeves I am about to buy a 2nd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Td00 View Post
    I currently have tendenitis in my elbow , i havent trained my arms for 2 weeks, and on my way to 3rd week without training.

    Feels bad man, i'm feeling really down by just training my legs and abs.
    You're doing the right thing imo. I am taking 3 weeks; I read that if you keep going and it keeps hurting (mine got bad enough it hurts at home doing nothing) it will become a chronic condition that you have .. well.. forever-ish. So at some point people imo should take a few weeks, see if it heals some or fully.

  9. #9
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    ^^^ In 3 weeks without working your arms you lose atleast a month of progress i think.

    I just pushed myself till the pain became too much to take, it'd even hurt at the night... perhaps if i just stopped as soon as i felt little pain i would've rested for 1 week instead of 3... Live and learn...

  10. #10
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    It takes at least a month to lose any muscle. probably more depending on the natural limits of the individual.

    That is what the sleeve is supposed to do. it takes a lot of stress of the tendons in the beginning of the concentric part of the motion. that is where the tendonitis acts up and hurts the most. Good warmups and slow stretching is a good idea. Start really light.

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