For my bulk phase I'm dropping my training days to three days a week. I'd like to keep 2-3 low intensity cardio sessions a week, just wondering if anyone has any input on their best placement.

Here's my planned routine, HIT training, one set per exercise. / separates what I usually rotate.

Monday - legs
leg ext
leg press / squat
hack / lunge
seated leg curl / prone leg curl
laying leg curl / stiff leg deads
standing calf raise
seated calf raise

Tuesday - OFF

Wednesday - Push
inc press, smith or machine generally
decline / dips
shoulder press, smith or machine / Arnold press
side nautilus raise / upright row (not sure about this yet)
compound tricep
isolation tricep

Thursday - OFF

Friday - Pull
wide pull ups / wide pull down / v-grip pull down
low row / barbell row / dumbbell row / cable row
rear lateral
free weight curl
machine curl

Saturday - OFF

Sunday - OFF