I'm 5'11 218 lbs and around 11% bf (can see top four abs really well) i'm currently on my third cycle of test/deca /dbol : first was test only, second was test/dbol. I'm currently up 26 lbs after a good cut was 191 at 7-8% and am currently bulking with around 4-5k cals a day.

Now that I got that out of the way. My current arm size is just above 17 1/2 inches. During my current bulk I did DC training for about 3 months and noticed some good strength and a little bit more size in my main areas : chest, back, legs. My arms have been stuck in a rut for more than a year and a half at the current size. I use big movements for both bi's and tri's such as dips, cg bench, jm presses, sup rows, chin ups and so forth. I have all my lifts up such as 420 bench, 500x5 squats, 565 rack deads x 3. My wrist is large framed, my fingers don't touch in the finger test. I can't think of anything else. I know some will say that my weight won't allow me bigger arms, but i've been up to 240 before and not have 18" arms.

So, basically I'm asking for help with my arm size.