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  1. #1
    Chizzled is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    How does this look for gaining mass?

    Day 1 chest/calves
    Dec bench 5x5
    incline dumbell press 2x8-10
    incline flyes 2x8-10
    Push ups 3x20
    standing calve raises 5xfailure
    Calf press on leg press machine 5xfailure

    Day 2 Back/Shoulders
    military press 5x5
    side laterals 3-5x8-10
    deads 5x5
    chins 2x8-10
    shrugs 2x8-10
    rows 2x8-10
    bent over laterals 2x8-10

    Day 3 rest

    Day 4 Legs
    squats 5x5
    leg press or hacks 2x8-10
    stiff legged deads 2x8-10
    leg curls 2x8-10
    standing calve raises 5xfailure
    Calf press on leg press machine 5xfailure
    abs - weighted static holds

    Day 5 Bis/Tris
    close grip bench press 5x5
    incline barbell curls 5x5
    weighted dips 2x8-10
    skull crushers 2x8-10
    preacher curls 2x8-10
    Dumbbell decline triceps extension 2x8-10

    Day 6 Rest

    Day 7 Repeat....
    Last edited by Chizzled; 06-19-2011 at 05:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Arctic Circle
    Gaining mass is going to be determined almost exclusively by diet, not training routine. Everyone responds differently to different exercises and training regiments, so saying something like you need X more reps or you should be doing Y exercise this way or at this inclination instead is ludacris. Your workout looks like the typical cookie cutter 5 on / 2 off. The only "mistake" I notice is how close your training Chest & shoulders. I would switch day 2 with day 4 or 5. This is because a lot of chest exercises use the deltoid shoulder muscles as secondary muscles so a good rule of thumb is to space these two muscle groups out as much as possible or train them on the same day.

    You seem to be stuck on a "2x8 - 10" methodology. If this works for you then don't fix something that's not broken, but feel free to try a different combination and see how your muscles feel/grow. Listen to your body.

    This are principles I feel are universal to training, regardless of your goals:

    1) Give yourself atleast 1 rest day, although 2 would be great. - Your muscles don't grow in the gym, they do so when your resting
    (2) Get to the gym, do what you've planned, and get out. You can be social all you want, but avoid trying out half of a buddy's routine or a random exercise here and there.
    (3) Lift with proper technique
    (4) Make every second of every rep of every set count.
    (5) Don't worry too much about numbers. If you plan to do 8 reps, but on that 8th rep you can still do another 1-3, then do them. Otherwise your just selling yourself short.
    (6) Do the Big 3 : Bench Press / Deadlift / Squat.

    In summary, concentrate on how your body responds and see what works. If there was an optimal number for sets/reps/exercises then gyms would only have X different machines and everyone would be doing the same thing. This is obviously not the case.

  3. #3
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ugh.. as said by windex your training muscles way to close together, that training routine will kill you quick, your doing to much and to many heavy compound lifts too close together
    if your relatively new train fullbody thrice, if youve been at it for a while train upper body twice and lower body twice, ill give a little example of an upper day focusing more on back strength
    military press-3x12/10/8
    db rows-3x12/10/8
    vanity exercise-2x15/12/10- go for big ol pump
    key= / means to switch the rep range each week
    Last edited by lifter65; 06-20-2011 at 03:42 PM.

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