I am currently on TRT at 200mg Test Cyp a week. I am rally lifting heavy right now as I am shooting for a goal of 405 on the bench by the end of this month. I am 6'0" 255lbs. I am about 20%BF..last time I checked it. I was wanting to hit my goal by the end of the month then start cutting body fat in order to do a blast the first of January. I would like to drop about 20-25 lbs of fat but not lose muscle. I am currently doing a low/high carb rotation. Two days low..1 day high.

Is there a workout that would help me out with this. I was thinking maybe do something like this....Sprint for 1 minute, do set of push ups, sprint for one minute, do bicep curl, sprint for one minute, so tricep extensions....so on until I hit every body part. Then repeat it once more or even twice. Do this 5 times a week? My thoughts are on this is I hate cardio so it would break up the 20-30 minutes of being on the treadmill or stair climber.

Or should I just lift low weight/high reps and do HITT after training?

Or should I lift heavy/low reps and do HITT after training?

Any opinions would be appreciated. I started thinking about doing something different after watching the Crossfit games last night. Of course I could never be as lean as those guys, but I would like to be leaner than what I am. The lowest I have ever been is 225 and that was two years ago. But I have alot more muscle now than I did back then. I went from 270 to 225 in 6 months. I think my trainer just wanted me to lose scale weight so he didn't care if it was fat or muscle.

So any help guys I would appreciate it.

Kind of looking for something different, but have no idea.