I am a long time reader here, but never made a post. I don't want to talk about myself, but rather my routine.

Monday - Shoulders, arms, upper back(5 sets standing bb press, 3 sets side 3 sets front raises. 8 sets cable pulldowns(4 with bar, 4 with the v-grip), 2-4 sets cable rows. 3-4 sets triceps, 1 set biceps))
tuesday- off
wednesday- off
thursday- Back & biceps( 5 sets deadlifts, 4 sets tbar rows(with barbell in corner), 4 sets bent over rows, 2-3 sets biceps)
friday- chest & triceps ( 4 sets flat, 6 sets incline, 3 sets flys. 3 sets skullcrushers)
saturday- off
sunday- legs(6 sets bb squat, 6 sets SLDL)

I feel that this routine leaves a perfect amount of rest between all the bodyparts.

my stats are:
22 y/o
20-25% bf
6 ft

I bench 225x15, can do 5 bodyweight pullups, 40-50 pushups, 275x10 squat.
I have 8 weeks of a test e 500mg/wk cycle left.
I was originally training back just once, but on cycle I fully recover less than 36 hours after a workout. Even when I squat until I puke, Ill have jello legs for 2 days, by the 4th day Im fully recovered. I am eating about 300g protein, 500g carbs, 150-200g fat a day, including my shakes.

I would like to ask the steroid .com geniuses to critique my routine as harshly as possible.
As far as my diet goes, I know I am eating grossly over what I need, but I wanted to make sure I get as much out of this cycle as possible.