Hi gang I've been a very busy boy the past year looking after a client and I've been indulging far far to much and to be honest turned into a blob!
All the airplane meals and quick fast food has destroyed me. Along with the 18 hour days looking after the client I haven't even seen a gym. Now I'm home and needing to get back to the old fit me.
First off I've cut all crap completely out of my diet and slowly starting to loose weight bit by bit.
My cardio has suffered immensely I really find it hard to do things without getting out of breath and sweating like a pig.
I have started walking 2 miles every other day and on my days off from walking I walk for 2 minutes and jog for 2 minutes to help shift some weight.

oIs it safe to take a thermogenic compound to raise my temperature whilst doing this cardio?

I have been thinking about a serious diet and can't find one that I think will be suitable for me to help my weight loss.

I have recently started working out again very lightly with the following routine:
o monday chest/triceps/abs cardio 2x2 walk jog
otuesday shoulders 2 mile walk
oWednesday back/biceps/abs 2x2 walk jog
oThursday legs 2 mile walk
oFriday arms abs 2x2 walk jog
oSaturday 2 mile walk
oSunday 2 mile walk

2x2 walk jog is walk for 2 minutes jog for 2 minutes.

I hope that I can shed some serious fat and get back to the old body I used to have when I was strongman training.

Any comments or questions would be welcomed thanks guys