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  1. #1
    Ridge596 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    My current football workout. Anywhere to improve.

    Coach's chest workout days(Mon/Wed, or Tues/Thurs, depending on what our coach says.)
    -Bench Press: 3 sets. 65% for 12, 70% for 10, 75% for 8. Reps go down in two each week but up 5% until I hit a 6-4-2.
    -Close Grip: 3 sets of eight. At the moment the weight is 185, but it fluctuates a lot for some reason, dunno why.
    -Dumb bell flat bench: 3 sets of eight with 75 pounds.
    -Tricep extensions: 3 sets of 8 with 90 pounds. Love this exercise!
    -Dumb bell shrugs: Three sets of 8 with 100 pounds. Most weight we have =/
    -Up right rows: Three sets of 8 with 115 pounds.

    Coach's leg workouts(Mon/Wed, or Tues/Thurs, depending on what our coach says.)
    -Squats: Same formula as the bench press.
    -Deadlifts: Three sets of eight with 175 pounds.
    -Calf raises: Three sets of regular, in, and out holding it for five seconds with each rep.
    -Push press: Three sets of eight with 115 pounds.
    -This weird exercise I don't know the name of o.o I take dumbbells and basically squat down and explode upwards as high as I can for three sets of eight. 35 pounds.
    -Cleans: Three sets of eight with 115. But, ass to the ground!

    Friday, off for football game.

    *Note* Each of these days I do sprints and other HIIT things, followed by six minutes of a six inch exercises.

    Bench Press- 315 pounds.
    Squat- 350.
    Close Grip-260.

    Shall be starting a cycle this next week. Anywhere I can improve in this workout at? Thinking about adding a Saturday bicep day too. Would this be a good idea?

  2. #2
    Ridge596 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I'm also 6'0-6'1 and 193 pounds.

  3. #3
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    From a BBing perspective, this workout is a disaster. What are your goals? I have never been an athlete, so I am not sure how thing looks in terms of Football conditioning. I would say this is more strength oriented and you will not see too much gain in size because you are neglecting quite a few muscles groups...

  4. #4
    Ridge596 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    It's not a bodybuilding workout at all, don't worry about that. All I care about is strength, so I'm looking for some advice to help me smash the plateau I think I'm hitting.

    I also gained 30 pounds on this in a year People think I'm on gear, but I'm all natural at the moment.

    Before and after
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	125947Click image for larger version. 

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