Hey guys. I have worked hard to build up my physique where I can now bench 225 4x (with no assist). This was a big accomplishment for me and is the strongest I've ever been. My question: I just started a crossfit program at a new gym and the trainer there wants me to stop benching/lifting free weights outside of their classes - says in 6-8 weeks with him he can get me to 275 just by doing stretching and their cross fit program. Is this realistic?

My current program is doing a full body workout 3x per week with free weights. I mostly do compound movements like bench, squat, deads, military press etc. I try to go heavy as much as possible and I don't use a trainer. Crossfit would be a departure from this completely obviously. I have just started with this program and it is clear that I lack flexibility! I think it would probably increase my explosiveness as well. But I am not certain that the investment in cross fit training makes sense for me. Looking great and feeling great/being strong is my goal overall - I want to be jacked! Would like to hear opinions on this. My career is demanding from an hours per week perspective, so I am unable to participate in many other sports besides fitness currently. I am currently using an hrt dose of test cyp which has helped me make great strides lifting. Look forward to hearing opinions on this, you guys on this forum are great; extremely helpful to me