Hi. I've split this up in 2 parts (Background Info.) & (5 Questions)

Background Info.:

I'm a 41 yr old male at 5 feet 10 inches tall & a current weight of 215 lbs.

I've been working out on and off since 18. Consistently for 1 year and 3 months.

I can easily pinch 3 inches off my belly.

I am muscular, my chest and my back and shoulders are pretty good. My arms are not as big and defined--arms have always lagged behind for me.

I was hovering at 200-202 lbs for a long time.

Although, My metabolism has slowed down at my current age of 41 yrs old, I always had a high metabolism at a young age and was a hard-gaining ectomorph in the sense that my bones aren't DENSE but light-boned.

I haven't smoked cigarettes or weed for 1 yr & a half after having smoked them for 20 years from 19 to 39 yrs of age.

Blood tests reveal no problems with my kidneys nor Liver, or other problems.

I workout 4 days per week as follows:

Tue, Wed, (off on Thur) Friday & Saturday (off on Sunday).

I underwent a hair transplant procedure & was told I couldn't workout for 2 weeks, I ended up not working out for 4 weeks and being not as active due to recuperation from my surgery, I must have put on an extra 15 lbs from 200 to 215 lbs.


1) Why am I huffing and puffing, getting winded, breathing heavily after only 7 minutes of light jogging? When at 200 lbs, I could jog 15-20 minutes?

2) Is that extra 15 lbs of weight which (usually for me) genetically goes to my belly really responsible for me breathing harder?

(I feel like I'm a smoker with all the heavy breathing...and although I am not impotent, (nor obese) I find myself having to stop in the middle of making love to my ladyfriend because I am breathing so heavily and then get back to making love after a few-several seconds of slowing down or resting.)

(*I have ordered a body-fat calipher to get my exact BF and I've also ordered a better digital scale to get myself consciously THINKING ABOUT MY BODY-FAT LEVELS AND WEIGHT.

*I've also ordered Jumping Jacks to do some stationery Jumping Jack cardio.

I am seriously also considering buying a $700 motorized treadmill to jog in the comfort of my own home and to avoid joint, feet, ankle injuries that can happen from jogging on pavement or some uneven dirt roads.)

3) Should I slowly work up my cardio from my current PITIFUL 5-7 MINUTES TO 10-15 THEN ULTIMATELY 20-30 MINUTES OF CONTINUOUS JOGGING?

4) Would the cardio kill unwanted belly fat and improve my breathing so that I don't huff and puff and have more stamina?

5) *Also what is a good, clean, low-fat, high-protein BREAKFAST THAT IS EASY TO MAKE?

(I usually eat lean chicken breasts for LUNCH AND DINNER in small portions and I add spices to aid in fat-burning & to speed up metabolism.)

My current breakfast is 1 cream cheese bagel, a glass of juice, an apple, a cup of green tea.

Once in a while I mix it up & eat scrambled eggs with turkey bacon--2 sandwhiches.)

Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate any constructive feedback.