Upper body:
10-8-6-4-2 bench
3x5-8 incline bench
3x5-8 decline bench
5x10 preacher curls
5x10 dumbell curls
5x20 skull crushers
5x10 tricep kick backs
5x20 wrist curls
5x10 shrugs

Lower body:
5x20 squats
5x10 good mornings
5x10 straight leg deads
5x20 glute and hams
5x10 barbell lunges
5x5 calf raises

5x3 power clean
5x3 snatch
3x1 minute planks
3x1 minute kettle bell swings
3x1 minute Russian twist w/ kettle bell
3x1 minute kettle bell windmill
5x100 crunches/situps
5x100 reverse crunches
10 minutes of yoga

Any feedback would be highly appreciated. Thank you!