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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    Blog Entries

    Swiss ball rollouts vs wheel vs cruches? Which is better?

    Hello all,

    I have been doing the p90x ab ripper x and it has been going great, however I recently came across a number of articles on line indicating that crunches are for the most part overrated and can actually harm your vertebrae.

    The articles mention that in comparative studies swiss ball rollouts and plank type holds engage the abs more so than crunches.

    So the question is do any of you have any opinions on the swiss ball rollouts and their effectiveness on sculpting abs and if so would you recommend them over crunches?

    Also seem to me that the swiss ball rollouts are just a variation on the old school ab wheel.

    So in the end what is best for abs? Cruches? Swiss ball rollouts? or the ab wheel?


  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    There is no stone written elements regarding this issue.

    You have to try it and see it for yourself, whatever works for you is the key, as always.

    I can show you studies that squats engage abs more than crunches? Does this mean we should all squat twice a week and never perform any isometric exercises regarding abs?

    It is true, by the way, that crunches can actually harm your vertebrae. I have managed to develop vertebrae hypertrophy and chronic muscle spasm in the lower back due to having performed numerous sit-ups on the roman chair and often with additional weight. But again, everyone is different.

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