Thread: arm help
05-11-2003, 08:54 AM #1
arm help
man i am making awesome gains in all areas except my arms ive gained about 15 lbs since march and my legs look chiseled chest getting bigger but i have a problem
MY ARMS ARE THE Same size i work them only 1 time a week same with all other muscle groups should I maybe do them twice a week or what any suggestions
16 years
185 lbs
05-11-2003, 09:00 AM #2
do u train heavy back then biceps?- does the trick for me
05-11-2003, 10:58 AM #3
Have you treid drop sets, negs, supersets, or static holds? If not give them a try Also make sure you that you are not doing arms after back day or back after arms .You should give at least 2-3 days inbetween .Or work the arms and back on the same day peace
05-11-2003, 12:22 PM #4Junior Member
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small arms
I have the same problem bro, so I know where your comming from.
Everyboyds body is designed differently, some people have big upperbody naturally some people have bigger arms naturally.
Your body will only grow in porportion (unless your taking huge amounds of gear) which i dont recomment at all since your so young. And i belive you can gain just as much muscle as the guys using gear who are older then you.
have u ever seen a guy with a puny little chest and 21 inch arms. Its not gonna happen bro. Ive noticed that the harder u hit the chest the bigger the tri's get, and the harder u hit the back the bigger the bi's get.
So start doing some compound movements ex: weighted pullups for the back and medium grip flat bench for the chest (going heavy as possible with good form). train the tri's right after the chest for about a month, you will put some size on your arms. Then when you feel that your gains are not there change the routine and do chest on a separate day.
go heavy on one set with low reps/ go light on the next / then heavy
keep on shocking your body
and dont forget the extra calories and protein.
your body only gets big when u feed it, not when you work out(tear the muscle).
05-11-2003, 01:08 PM #5
Thats some good advice bro
05-11-2003, 02:20 PM #6Associate Member
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i'll have to try that myself. work back w/ biceps also?
05-11-2003, 05:16 PM #7
you just have to keep tinkering with your regimen until you get the results you want.. don't EVER go by someone elses workout routine, people are sooo different when it comes to this that you need to give a few programs a try, stick with each one for a month to make sure you give it time to see any changes
05-11-2003, 08:29 PM #8
hey thanx a bunch ill try that it will help when track is over and i can devote more time to a better pump in the weight room
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