06-10-2013, 08:59 PM #1Junior Member
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Lower leg mass
At a different gym this week and hitting my abs I noticed my ankles are unbelievably mismatched in size (width wise). I broke my leg when I was 6 y/o (spiral tibia fracture at the ankle) so it wouldn't surprise me if I've been protecting it all these years subconsciously.
Any way to even out this area? I was thinking something one-legged and straight legged to focus on the soleus but definitely open to suggestions.
06-10-2013, 09:21 PM #2
Did you read you post? I mean, you can't GROW your ankle... just do calf raises and such
06-10-2013, 09:48 PM #3Junior Member
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Not referring to the bone...sorry if that was unclear. But there's plenty of muscle in the area. Just wondering if anyone has dealt with anything similar and if there's anything to do besides calf raises. Adducting and abducting the ankle might be difficult (but possible) but I have no idea if there would be any value in it.
06-10-2013, 09:59 PM #4
06-10-2013, 10:22 PM #5Junior Member
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Thanks for the input kelkel. I'll just keep the one legged stuff and hope it evens out a bit.
06-10-2013, 10:24 PM #6Banned
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Originally Posted by MakeEveryRepCount
06-10-2013, 11:40 PM #7
MakeEveryRepCount is it only your soleus that is lacking in size or is it the entire calf area.
06-11-2013, 12:01 PM #8Junior Member
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Gastrocs are good. Got genetically lucky I guess. But below that is where I have the issue so primarily a soleus issue...maybe some of the other really small muscles (I'd have to look them up have any idea the names) on the inner and outer part of the leg, just above the joint.
06-11-2013, 12:15 PM #9
All calf exercises will work the soleus. The best way to train the soleus is with the seated calf raise this isolates the muscle and will put maximum stress on it.
06-11-2013, 09:05 PM #10Junior Member
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Interesting you say that. I read somewhere long ago that the soleus extends across the joint so its more effective to hit it with standing movements (hence my earlier comment). Sounds like I need to look at an anatomy book...
06-12-2013, 11:56 AM #11
Magazine Articles
Muscle & Fitness / July 2009
The Calf-Time Show
Of all the muscle groups, none generate the controversy, misinformation and confusion that the calves do. They're alternately ignored and abused, overworked and underemployed. But that should come as no surprise. After all, calves are unique: The biggest muscle is barely visible and the visible muscle is barely pronounceable. For every guy who works his calves daily with no returns, there's another who has never even heard of a calf raise yet is walking around on Herculean pins.
Some will blame their small calves on bad genes, throw their hands in the air and resign themselves to a lifetime of boot-cut jeans. But genes aren't entirely at fault because anyone can improve with the right training program. Yet most people don't work their calves correctly, notes Eric Sternlicht, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles and a trainer for 30 years at Simply Fit in Orange, California. His celebrity clientele has included the Incredible Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno. "There seems to be a misconception that muscle fibers in the calves, forearms and abs are fundamentally different from the rest of the body," he says. "They aren't. People who don't get a response from calf training are usually over- training or using light weights."
When people think of the calves, they generally focus on the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The former, commonly called the gastroc, is the most visible. It has a medial and a lateral head and tends to have a somewhat diamond shape when fully developed. The soleus is partially visible from the front, but it lies underneath the gastrocnemius on the back of the leg. Yet the soleus is the bigger muscle and makes up about 75% of your calf musculature. "People typically train with their legs extended, which ignores the soleus entirely," Sternlicht says. "If you really want to increase the size of your calves, the best way is to work the soleus."
Both the gastroc and the soleus raise the heel, but each operates at a different time. The gastrocnemius comes into play when the leg is straight; the soleus activates when the knee is bent. The Achilles tendon helps pull the heel up and the foot forward with each step. These muscles and tendons work in conjunction while absorbing the force of thousands of steps each day. "The calves are used to high reps but low force," Sternlicht explains. "One way to look at it is to compare a sprinter's calves to a marathon runner's calves. The sprinter does far fewer reps, but his intensity is higher. So we want to increase the intensity."
Training calves twice a week is plenty, Sternlicht says. "You have to give them time to recover. I've been doing this for 30 years, and I've watched people train them four days a week. That's like 20-25 sets. They overtrain to the point where their calves don't grow."
Similarly, exercise that involves the legs and calves, such as the work done on most cardio machines, is best done before a calf workout. "A lot of people train calves hard and then do cardio, which ends up working their calves again," Sternlicht points out.
"You have to decide what your main goal is. If you want hypertrophy in your calves, do cardio first."
If overtraining isn't your problem, you might not be using enough weight to stress the tendons and force growth. Your calves are conditioned for high reps with relatively low weight (as in walking), so that won't make them bigger. Yet most people work their calves that way in the gym. "Calves need training like every other muscle group," Sternlicht says. "I always see guys using weights they can easily handle. To make your calves grow, use heavy weights in the 3-8-rep range and do negatives with a partner."
Unlike chest and back - which benefit from being hit from a variety of angles - calves are limited to two positions: straight- and bent-legged. Period. "You don't need a wide variety of exercises," Sternlicht explains. "You might switch for psychological reasons or just to have some variety. But physically, there's no difference between seated calf raises and training calves on the leg press with your knees bent 90 degrees. Each move activates the soleus." While much has been made of toe position - turning them out works the medial head and turning them in stresses the lateral head - in the end it's a matter of splitting hairs because going hard and heavy takes priority. "1 believe it's better to keep your toes neutral," Sternlicht says. "If someone has a deficiency in the medial or lateral head, then he might change toe position. Otherwise, keep them straight." Choosing which exercises to do can be a personal preference or may simply be based on what equipment is available. But remember: Whether it's the latest piece of Cybex equipment in a state-of-the-art gym or piling the kids on your back for a homemade donkey press, focus on using the heaviest load possible. M&F
TARGET: Gastrocnemius
START: Stand erect with your shoulders under the pads, legs straight and knees nearly locked. Place your toes and the balls of your feet on the step so your heels are unsupported. (If using a bar, support the weight across your shoulders; If using dumbbells, hold the weights at your sides with your palms in.)
EXECUTION: Push straight up onto the balls of your feet until you reach your maximum height. Hold the contraction, then slowly lower the weight until you feel a stretch in your calves. Repeat for reps without bouncing.
INTENSITY TECHNIQUE: Increase the amount of time you hold the contraction as your endurance improves.
TARGET: Gastrocnemius
START: Sit In a leg-press machine with your back fully supported, placing your toes at the bottom of the foot platform so your heels hang off.
EXECUTION: With your knees nearly locked, extend your ankles. Lower under control until the weight creates maximum stretch at the bottom. Note: For safety, make sure the machine handles remain locked.
Note: For safety, make sure the machine handles remain locked. INTENSITY TECHNIQUE: Have a partner help lift the weight so you can do forced negatives.
TARGET: Soleus
START: Sit erect with your knees under the pads, and your toes and the balls of your feet on the step so your heels are unsupported. Your knees should be bent 90 degrees with your toes facing forward.
EXECUTION: Lower your heels as far as possible until you feel a stretch In your calves. Push up onto the balls of your feet, raising your heels above your toes or until you reach maximum extension. Repeat through the full range of motion.
INTENSITY TECHNIQUE: At the bottom of the exercise, either you or your partner can push down on the weight to force greater flexion.
TARGET: Gastrocnemius
START: Step onto the calf-raise platform of your choice and center the pad so the weight is distributed evenly across your hips. Place your toes and the balls of your feet on the step so your heels are unsupported. Grasp the handles and unlock the safety catches.
EXECUTION: With your knees bent very slightly, rise onto the balls of your feet. Extend your ankles, then lower your heels in a controlled manner. VARIATION: If you use the bent-over donkey calf raise, you can attach weights to a chain belt and hang the plates between your legs. Arnold Schwarzenegger would do this with a guy on his back - hence the name.
TARGET: Soleus
START: Sit in a leg-press machine with your back fully supported, placing your toes at the bottom of the foot platform so your heels hang off the edge.
EXECUTION: This is nearly the same as the straight-leg calf press except your knees are bent. Place your hands on your knees for support. Avoid pushing the weight with your hands or quads. Remember to lock the safeties.
INTENSITY TECHNIQUE: Hold and flex at maximum extension to reach the top of the soleus.
06-12-2013, 05:13 PM #12Junior Member
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Thanks TS. Going to put some of these things to work, namely the holds, and see how it goes.
06-12-2013, 10:42 PM #13
Good thread
06-18-2013, 07:19 AM #14
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