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Thread: Workout Program

  1. #1
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Workout Program

    Hi all,

    I've been running roughly the same workout program over the past year and had decent results:

    Weights: 2 - 3X/wk

    HIIT Cardio: 1 - 2X/wk

    Steady state cardio (i.e. 3 mile run uphill): Sometimes 1X/wk

    My weight program looks like this:

    Day 1:
    * Bench (3 warmup sets, 3 work sets of 5 reps)
    * Squat (3 warmup sets, 3 work sets of 5 reps)
    * Incline dumbbell press (3 work sets of 8 reps)
    * Bodyweight pullups or chinups (3 sets of 10 - 12)
    * Bicep curl (2 sets of 10 reps)
    * Weighted hyperextensions (3 sets of 10)

    Day 2:
    * OH Military press (3 warmup sets, 3 work sets of 5 reps)
    * Squat (3 warmup sets, 3 work sets of 5 reps)
    * Deadlift (dropsets of 5 up to work set weight)
    * Bodyweight pullups or chinups (3 sets of 10 - 12)
    * Cable pull squats (2 sets of 10 reps)

    Day 3 repeats day 1

    After about a year, my left shoulder is starting to hurt most notably after bench or incline dumbbell bench. I dropped bench and went to an old pushup routine I used to do, but I'm still getting some soreness (not sore as in worked out but sore as in pain). I'm lifting more than I have in my life in terms of weight FWIW. Is there an adjustment I can make to the lifting exercises to ease the shoulder strain to allow recovery but not lose strength?

  2. #2
    spin_doctor is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2013
    Kind of a modified 5x5 or 3x5. I just started 5x5 about 3 weeks ago and like it so far. Started out too heavy, but I can always de-load in a couple of weeks. Your workout looks solid. You may try machines for your shoulder problem to give better control. Hammer Strength or something similar. I know that is not optimal or match the strength focus of your workout, but its better than skipping or relying on pushups.

  3. #3
    Rusty11's Avatar
    Rusty11 is offline Senior Member
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    I can tell you that I tried to push through some elbow pain for a couple of months. Bicep exercises hurt like hell. I pressed on. Finally, I realized that the pain was not going to subside 'til I stopped those exercises. After about 4 weeks, elbow felt better, so I started working biceps again. That was three months ago. Sometimes, you gotta listen to your body. Good luck.

    Edit: Not saying you need to stop; it was the only thing that alleviated my pain.
    Last edited by Rusty11; 07-05-2013 at 06:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    U tried msm crystals?. Just be careful if you've tore any of the smaller muscles u need to give it time to repair. Msm crystals will help speed things up if u take 5gs a day. Pretty much forever. But u don't want to make things worse as rusty said.

  5. #5
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    May 2012
    Thanks guys. I think I'll skip shoulder exercises for a month or so and stick to lower body and back exercises until it feels better.

  6. #6
    BIGTIMEPUSH's Avatar
    BIGTIMEPUSH is offline Associate Member
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    Spring Hill Florida
    Awesome routine, little bit of bulking sets mixed with a little bit of cutting.

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