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  1. #1
    ickythump's Avatar
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    fitting in more on cycle

    my workout schedule floats from am to pm, busy life, but I get 5-6 days in.... I've come to the realization that I won't be able to spend LONGER time in the gym so I'd like to maximize my time while on cycle... rather than do upper lower splits with supersets I'd like to sprinkle in lifts from other body parts, as in say legs Monday chest Friday, so on Monday I'll sub in some chest work, Friday some legs... maybe between sets later on after big lifts.... same would go for the other days... did that make sense I can elaborate.... any thoughts if so?

  2. #2
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    175 appx
    15% appx
    lifelong exercise, solid lifting about 2.5yrs
    aiming to break down muscle, and eating clean to bulk up

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I think you need to really take a look at your training routine. Longer in the gym doesn't mean bigger or better gains anyway and you need to keep your workouts basic and productive. From what you have said it sounds like yours is all over the place.

  4. #4
    ickythump's Avatar
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    very much not the case, I answer respectfully...I am simply trying to get more in during cycle...I work a 4 day split with the fifth day for extra work on lagging muscles to work on symmetry...I may be, however, under the misguided notion that I should really add more moves to my routine on cycle versus simply upping my weights ( with reserve of course not would abandon)? would it be suggested to simply add more in terms of tempo changes, pyramids, drop sets, negatives, that sort of thing? I guess with all the reading I didn't consider how to actually change my routine around a cycle, am I over thinking it??

  5. #5
    ickythump's Avatar
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    I think I'm being a bit over zealous...I have a great routine ( personal training certificate, but that was more or less to maximize my own training) and I think what you're saying is to focus on my routine, progress in a safe manner and follow where aas can break thru my natural boundaries?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What is your routine lol

  7. #7
    ickythump's Avatar
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    my current bulking plan is as follows, I change tempos/ rests etc this is just a snap shot... rests are anywhere from 45-90sec depending on how heavy, heavy compound moves= more rest... most rep ranges are the same on big lifts and ancillary lifts, except shoulders which traps and all three delts respond to 12-15 reps being slow twitch, strength I even stay no less than 5 on them... calves and forearms almost always pyramid weights, so I'll include reps on legs for an idea

    Monday: Legs
    squat 4 sets+w.u.-12-10-8-8 adding weight each set
    Romanian dl 4x18
    ham glute bridge 4x8
    standing calf raise
    star lunges 3x5per side
    kneeling glute raise ( idk name, kneel and squeeze glutes to raise glute from ankles to legs at 90°)
    seated calf raise

    Tuesday: Shoulders/Core
    military press
    standing y or Arnold press
    Jefferson dl ( for core)
    rear flyes on incline bench( stomach down obv) and seated lat raises
    circuit of face pulls/ low pulley upright row on bench
    hanging leg lifts (2 straight forward 2 sets oblique)
    single arm farmer carries with plank for rest (I switch core up often)

    wed: rest

    Thursday: chest/tri
    incline bb bench
    fling db bench
    incline cable fly
    close grip bench for tri
    lying or standing ez bar tri extensions
    rope push down with kneeling rope extensions

    Friday: back/bi
    bent over row
    pull ups ( my favorite)
    single arm bench rows
    trap raises
    lat pull down
    straight bar curl (6 reps on this)
    drag curl
    preacher curl ( weights not machine)
    reverse grip drag ( drop set, I lack brachialis size)

    Saturday i do arms, forearms, calves, and planks... training for sports I never did arm days, they're lacking in size

    hiit if I want cardio...I warm-up, foam roll, stretch etc... sorry if it's illegible in some parts tried best to edit from phone

  8. #8
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    you out there 300?

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