12-12-2013, 03:12 PM #1
Lagging Triceps !
Hello everyone I would like to share my personal experience with triceps training , my triceps are probably my weakest point I tried everything I always like to try different things and experiment because I learned that what works for someone doesn't mean it will work for someone else . So I started normal routine 2 exercises after chest and on arms days it did work for while but I was just starting weight lifting so anything would really work for me , after a while I started noticing that triceps are lagging started working them twice a week 2 arm days per week nothing much came out of that I said ok I'm going to blast them I trained them 3 times a week after chest,delts and arms day I have to admit they looked fuller because of all the blood pumping but not as I expected and it was a pain in the ass to do all that triceps workouts finally I said I might be overtraining like some people told man that's too much . So I dropped arms day only trained triceps after chest or delts day 3 exercises and that's it 3 exercises for triceps every week ! Guess what nothing so today I started something new I trained triceps on its own just triceps day and added biceps to back day this is my first week of this new routine and I will try it for couple of weeks but would love to get some feedbacks .
12-12-2013, 05:13 PM #2Originally Posted by bass
Well my exercise for traps are shrugs bar from front and behind 3 sets each and I like to do behind the back shrugs using plates also 3 sets.
But what does traps have to do with triceps ?
Thanks for the reply
12-12-2013, 05:13 PM #3
what's with the one paragraph posts lately, I got a head ache reading and barley went through it! what are your exercises for traps?
12-13-2013, 10:51 AM #4
I don't know how your reply moved ahead of me? weird! sorry I meant to say triceps. you probably need to change it up and add few more routines. just search youtube to get some ides, that's what I do.
12-13-2013, 09:39 PM #5
Haha yea I'm using this site app I had it on my IPhone a long time ago , I don't think it's available now maybe that's why it's doing weird things . Anyways thanks for the reply man
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