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Thread: is it detrimental to have a chest day, arm day, and then a light chest/arm day?

  1. #1
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    is it detrimental to have a chest day, arm day, and then a light chest/arm day?

    In the same week. On cycle btw. Is this over training? Also would it hurt to do higher reps and lower weight on the ligjt day while my heavy days are 6 reps? Would the two different lifting styles in the same week hurt gains?

  2. #2
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    On cycle and even off I would argue that very few people will ever experience "over training"

    Personally based on the very limited info you provided I would say no problem at all.

    But there are far better workout structures. If you hit chest intensely and balls to the wall, you wont be able to hit it again so soon.

    Will it hurt gains? not sure what your goal is. If goal is strength, possibly. If goal is hypertrophy probably not.

  3. #3
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Gains are not free even up to genetic potential. Being sore as hell and not wanting to move and joints popping is not an indication of over is an indication that gains are not free IMHO. The body is resilient.

    Quote Originally Posted by hellomycognomen View Post
    On cycle and even off I would argue that very few people will ever experience "over training"

    Personally based on the very limited info you provided I would say no problem at all.

    But there are far better workout structures. If you hit chest intensely and balls to the wall, you wont be able to hit it again so soon.

    Will it hurt gains? not sure what your goal is. If goal is strength, possibly. If goal is hypertrophy probably not.

  4. #4
    davesah1's Avatar
    davesah1 is offline Member
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    bump to what these guys said^. I noticed increased size with increased frequency at the sacrifice of strength. Grab your gym ego by the balls if you really want to grow.

  5. #5
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As long as you are eating enough nutrients to rebuild those muscles and you are putting at least a few days in between those I would say not much problem at all. I do 3 on ad 1 off, which means roughly each muscle group 2x/week, and I have done that for years and have yet to plateau or hit any kind of wall.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaxbrah View Post
    In the same week. On cycle btw. Is this over training? Also would it hurt to do higher reps and lower weight on the ligjt day while my heavy days are 6 reps? Would the two different lifting styles in the same week hurt gains?
    arm day?

    too much training on isolations, and....
    ....not enough training on compounds.

    Unless you are fairly advanced and need to bump some lagging body parts? this your motivation?

  7. #7
    auswest is offline Banned
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    If you are hitting a muscle group correctly with intensity there is no need to be training it so frequently nor would you want to, everyone is in such a rush trying to make gains believing more is better.. It isn't, rest and healing builds muscle. A frequency of every 6 days is as frequent as I would hit a muscle group. 2 on 1 off. I will never train more than 2 days in a row again. Once you get your head over thinking more is better you will see better progress, give everything to your workout and you will not feel the need to hit that muscle multiple times within a seven day period. Quality not quantity IMO.

    If you are not happy with what you are achieving with 1 workout a week doing that twice a week won't make a difference, concentrate and improve your workout, don't increase it.. High intensity and muscle connection, we all think we have good mind muscle connection but I can guarantee we don't it is something that needs working on every time you are in the gym, every second that you are lifting and every second you are resting between sets you should be trying to improve that connection and focus it is something even pros are continually trying to improve it's a never ending lesson
    Last edited by auswest; 05-25-2014 at 12:43 AM.
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  8. #8
    Stoptheslowdown's Avatar
    Stoptheslowdown is offline New Member
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    I used get away with blasting chest with arms once a week, the pump would hold for a good few days, but as I get older, I find that creating 2 chest days Is beneficial for me. Since I chase numbers on the bench due to a powerlifting background, I try and do a strict percentage based work our on a Monday, concentrating on something like 5X5 all done with paused reps. I follow this with flys and dumbbell incline.
    3 days later, Id do a work out 2, which would just be some of the exercises I did not do on workout 1. might be something like close grip bench, cable flys and dips.
    I find that this is ok for about 3 to 4 weeks, then the c.n.s. gets tired, gains stop and its time to go back to one monster workout a week for chest for 6 to 8 weeks.

    Variation is key. Learn to listen to your body.
    Last edited by Stoptheslowdown; 06-04-2014 at 11:17 AM.

  9. #9
    diabeticknowledge is offline Associate Member
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    arm day. are you a professional arm wrestler?

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