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  1. #1
    Benguran is offline New Member
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    Training intensity during cycle?

    Need some advice. I'm 53 working out 4 times a week and have decided to do a deca +testo cycle. Will I need less recovery time during the cycle or should I stick to my normal 4 days / week?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Well I dont know your split but I will say this. You kind of answered your question in the title of the thread. Your intensity must increase. Not your time at the gym. Take it to the limit and past. Read Marcus' HIT training threads. You will get the picture.

  3. #3
    Wintermaul's Avatar
    Wintermaul is offline Junior Member
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    I think this depends on the workoutplan, how you do it and what you goal is. If you train HIT-style you naturally will put more efford in lifting the same weights over a shorter timeperiod. If uou do a GVT-plan or 5x5 you would lift heavier at over the same timeperiod. Its simplyfied a bit, but i hope you get the idea. Follow your originally plan but increase either intensity or weights to follow your gains.

  4. #4
    Benguran is offline New Member
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    Thank for your response. Thought maybe I needed less time to recover during a cycle. Want to put on maximum lbm during the cycle. Novis here.

  5. #5
    Benguran is offline New Member
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    Got this training routine for the first 2 weeks from a well known fitness guy here in South Africa. Any thoughts?



    Dumbbell Incline press: 4 sets- reps 8-12

    Smith flat chest 4 sets -reps 12 max

    Incline flyes 4 sets- reps 12 max

    cross overs- 4sets - reps 20

    Barbell rep outs to failure- 5 sets- reps 25 (To give you a better understanding lie ona flat bench grab a straight bar go narrow grip and pump it and focus on squeezing your chest-this is going to burn like a mother ****er but it is a perfect way to end a workout by failure of weight training.

    Tuesday- Back and Calves.

    Lateral Pull down- 4 sets-12 reps

    Bent over BB row 4 sets-10 reps

    Tbar row- 4 sets-10reps

    Rope pull- 4 sets- 20 reps.


    Standing calf raises 4 sets- 30 reps

    Seated calf raise- 4 sets- 30 reps

    Toe press on leg press machine- 4 sets-30 reps

    Wednesday: Legs

    Leg entensions: 4 sets- 15 reps

    Leg press: 4 sets- 15reps

    Squats: 4 sets- 8-12 reps

    Straight leg deadlift: 4 sets- 12 reps max

    Hamstring curls: 4 sets-10 reps

    Lunges: 4 sets- 30 lunges per step(this gets tough so if you around for wednesday morning we can train together sometime regarding legs)

    This same leg workout can adn will be repeated on saturday with same exercises and rep ranges so we can dientify what works and what doesnt for your body.

    Thursday- Arms:

    Preacher curls: 4 sets- 15-20 reps

    Seated alternate curls 4 sets- 10 reps max

    Hammer curls: 4 sets- 12 reps

    Rope push downs- 4 sets- 15 reps max

    Machine dips: 4 sets- 12 reps max

    Over head extensions: 4 sets- 12 reps

    Straight bar 5 x failure 20 reps per set

    Friday: shoulders

    Side raisers 7 sets- 12 reps

    Smith press- 4 sets- 10 reps

    Bent over side raisers-4 sets-12 reps

    Hanging leg raisers- 4 sets- 12 reps(this is an movement)

    Ab crunch- 4 sets- 20 reps

    side raisers- 4 sets- 15reps

    Saturday: repeat as above for legs

    Cardio: i expect you doing 30mins of stepper after your weight training every day and you said sunday you normally train i want you doing 1hr stepper.

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Here is my thing man. All reps #'s are good for for me are max's. In other words if you can do more than 12 without hitting failure then you need to up the weight. Every set to failure and if you have a spotter forced reps and negatives. I recently adopted this fully, not partially and the results after 20+ years doing this were very impressive. You have to train more intensely than you ever have to grow and when on cycle to maximize gains. It not time in the gym its quality of the time.

  7. #7
    Benguran is offline New Member
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    Thnxs again

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