Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

I am afraid it isn't well worked out and here's why

Your biceps and triceps are being worked all the time with your routine your using, they aren't getting any rest to grow they are constantly being worked. Personally I would aim to work them once per week but with some serious intensity and I mean hit them hard and dig deep into those tough fibers.

Stick with 2 -3 movements for biceps and don't do the same thing like your doing bb curls then cable curls, pointless. Stick with basic stuff like BB curl, incline curl and preacher but what you may think is failure probably isn't. You need to really go to positive failure and aim for a rep range between 6-12 reps. Do one working set, that's right one working set to positive failure so when you cant do another rep this is when you need to dig deep and push on and force growth. Are your progressively overloading your muscles or increasing the intensity each workout? if not you should be.

Same with triceps- drop the kickback these wont give you any size, if your after size, thickness and that lump of tissue what just hangs off the backs of your arms then stick with basic movements again but go to your limit and then some more, failure is the key and make your them have no alternative but to grow. 3 movements again and stick with one working set go with movements like skull crushers with ez or db's, dips, close grip bench press and some pushdowns, alternate things around each session but aim for that rep range and make sure you go to failure, many have no idea what true positive failure is and the only way I can explain it is pain, serious pain what you have to mentally prepare yourself to go through. Also remember don't waste reps and sets pointless!! one set and do it right and to your limit and there is no need to do anymore, jobs done.

Best of luck

Nice that's the kind of advice I've been waiting for thanks marcus