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Thread: gainz affected by 1 on 1 off?

  1. #1
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    gainz affected by 1 on 1 off?

    recently i've been getting super sore after a workout and that was 2 on 1 off, but thats not the reason im asking this question. its just what ive been doing before some stuff happened. i stay sore for days too. a sore throat / jaw / ear or something and some other crap occurred and ive been only getting 1 day on 1 day off. i really try to avoid two days off but recently it has happened. should i just see if i gain bad weight or if it screws with my strength? 1 day on 1 day off bad? thinking about going back to 2 on 1 off, but gad dang are my legs sore for days. chest too. biceps etc.

    taking the night off cause friend asked. im not sure i should let this person start to think this kind of routine is cool

    still getting super sore and eating good

  2. #2
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Were you sore towards the end of your program or every time after 2 on 1 off? It sounds to me like your jumping into it too fast. Whatever allows you to continue to workout / progress is whats going to give you the most gains. I'd lower the intensity and as your body adapts and gets used to it, you can always increase the volume. Better option than going hard 2 days, debilitating yourself and repeating it without any results to show.

    Additionally, if you get injured (which it sounds like is a definite possibility), then that's a big break which would not outweigh a couple extra days rest.

    Just food for thought.

  3. #3
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    i'm sore after the 1st night on and the second night on makes another group sore. i isolate. volume is high because i need to get sore. without volume i won't get sore and i'll just stay at plateau. well i am getting results. they just aren't coming fast because i'm not on a high dose of test and taking a 19 nor.

    eh, i've been working out enough that my body is conditioned and I'm not that old. i know my body well enough not to hurt myself. and so long as i keep eating like i am i should be ok. it could happen though.

    i actually get delayed onset muscle soreness most of the time. doesn't really hit me until the day after the day after lol. i'll probably see what happens tonight

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    "stimulate don't anhilate" Lee Haney . DOMS and excessive soreness is a sign of overuse, excessive damage, and inflammation. I'd cut back how many sets your taking to failure
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  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    think of it like getting a sun tan. the sun is doing damage to your skin, its a stressor, your skin responds by healing and adding more pigmentation and thus your skin gets darker to protect you from the stress..
    you don't get a good tan by going out in the sun for 12 hours straight,, that much stress will cause damage and you won't tan, you'll burn. go out for 30mins the first day and build yourself up little by little. you don't want excessive stress, you want just enough stress to illicit a response and adaptation

  6. #6
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    good to go. I'll look for a sweet spot and vary up the routine. good to hear that actually. i just finished tonight and my chest is sore already! i'm definately going to lower the volume. I've never had to back off before. this will be an interesting part of things. now just getting my butt there isn't enough. i have to think. tonight i did about 10 - 11 sets. high to low. the other day i did about 4 - 5. high. this is so weird. i actually have to find a sweet spot. so tomorrow is an off day. I'll go from there. should i cut my sets in half, or by 2 thirds? i also work with a guy who seemed really legit to me right off the bat. tonight he admitted to me that he knows "all about that shit" he mentioned PCT and stuff. he's a big guy too. bigger than me, but not as toned. i think i may have made a mistake by telling him after he told me that "I know how to make it" then i said "that's a journey that every man must take alone." that's off topic sorry. I'm worried he could be a snitch, but his wife was with him at the gym too. she looked like a physique model, super hot chilean looking girl. toned. SEXY. i'm telling you! lol

    he was saying some crazy stuff though. he told me he had a heart attack a couple months ago. then about all this crap that was wrong with him. then tonight he told me to spend 3 hrs in the gym and that i needed super high volume to grow. i was looking at him like really? that's sounded crazy to me, but he was a big dude so i was like ookk. the only thing he said that made sense to me was that i needed to vary up routines and exercises. about that i feel he was totally correct. i do. i definitely need to add some things in.

    y would anyone want to ruin my life? i'm not a bad guy. i mind my own and do good unto others. it's my life.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 02-15-2018 at 09:00 PM.

  7. #7
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    Resistance training keeps your body metabolism up repairing the tissue damage for up to 72 hours after the workout. You grow when your muscle repairs itself not when you get it the gym and tear it down. You need sufficient rest to grow.

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    tracking i hope.

  9. #9
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Ever try a 5 on 2 off split? Sometimes 2 full rest days in a row works for people. Your body may just need more time. Also you don't need to be "sore".......also sometimes the best way to deal with soreness is working out......

  10. #10
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    that's a motivated response. lol i like it. i've been just kind of maintaining. i made a personal achievement today. don't know how but i did. benched 225lb 4 times. that was a first for me. i want to get into the 2 on 1 off again. not sure i can do 5 days in a row man. although i'm trying to not annihilate my body now. i have to hold back. and move on to another body part that feels like it needs some training / isn't feeling the burn. i benefited from the 2 on 1 off and taking a rest period and transitioning to 1 on 1 off seemed to be ok, but i'm not feeling satisfied. maybe it's the juice calling me, but then again life has been pretty hectic. i also need to figure out what my body can handle when i'm not in high gear on gear. seems like i am. man i need to get blood work done and get my stuff for the next round. i'm going to eat a horse every day and i'm going to try and train perfectly.

  11. #11
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too-$mall View Post
    that's a motivated response. lol i like it. i've been just kind of maintaining. i made a personal achievement today. don't know how but i did. benched 225lb 4 times. that was a first for me. i want to get into the 2 on 1 off again. not sure i can do 5 days in a row man. although i'm trying to not annihilate my body now. i have to hold back. and move on to another body part that feels like it needs some training / isn't feeling the burn. i benefited from the 2 on 1 off and taking a rest period and transitioning to 1 on 1 off seemed to be ok, but i'm not feeling satisfied. maybe it's the juice calling me, but then again life has been pretty hectic. i also need to figure out what my body can handle when i'm not in high gear on gear. seems like i am. man i need to get blood work done and get my stuff for the next round. i'm going to eat a horse every day and i'm going to try and train perfectly.

    I just started a 3 days on 1 off split. Back/chest, Legs, Delts/ might want to lower weight and up the reps too.....I like playing with stuff after about 2 months, I feel my body gets used to it unless its a super high intensity workout with low rest for cutting.

  12. #12
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    i think i'm still kind of figuring out what routines my body responds to best. last nights chest routine was awesome. squats too. biceps tomorrow.

    this new rear delt thing i've been doing seems to work pretty good. do that with some other exercises and i've gotten something done.

    i dont know about just 1 ex, but yea i like this one. i've been looking for new exercises.

    so far i added the one above, reverse grip bench press, inclined bench press. i think i may work on my lats more. not sure yet. when i really emphasize the static part of the movement by bring the bar to my chest and trying to hold it there a bit i can feel it in my back.

  13. #13
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    This first one he does is cool. never done, or seen that.

  14. #14
    paul_ is offline New Member
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    As jackfrost88 also said, I would look to find a sweet spot on intensity.
    From my experience, I followed a 30 second break between the exercise and pushed hard and that made me feel exhausted for days. Now sometimes I get a 30 second rest and othertimes a 3 minute rest, and it is better.
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  15. #15
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    Frequency - balance it with training load. You can do EOD just fine. Just that you will have to put more work in. In essence, you do some damage and recover from it. You can do a little damage frequently or a lot of damage less frequently. Your recovery rate is what it is and you will overtrain if you do too much damage too frequently and vice versa.

    What I like with lower frequency is you can adjust a split so you allow some joints to recover. Say you do chest/delts/triceps on one day instead of 2-3 days, the training session is longer, the delts need a little less work due to fatigue from chest, triceps needs less too... You do all the pressing movements done and your shoulder joints only get worn out again in back day. Much more time for them to heal. Just one way to manage things, one way of utilizing benefits of lower frequency...
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  16. #16
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    definitely. sounds good. thanks.

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