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Thread: Critique my routine

  1. #1
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Critique my routine

    My training routine has had the same platform forever. I do chest and tris and then i do back and bis. So basically none of the muscle groups get a break for more than a day. I think its hindering me and i need to completely switch my routine. Of course ive always thrown in different excercises but i need a full shake up. Heres my routine in a nutshell

    Monday- chest and tris with some leg and abs at the end
    Tues- back and bis
    Weds- chest and tris with leg and ab work at the end
    Thurs- Jujitsu
    Friday- back and bis
    Saturday- chest and tris with leg and ab
    Sunday- usually rest day but sometimes back and bis

    I think this routine is killing me. Im on cycle but still so beat up all the time that im almost nervous to increase weight. Should i switch to a monday/weds/fri routine? Is there a cookie cutter routine that i should just follow? I need to start at fundamentals. Im an experienced lifter who needs to be yelled at lol
    Below is my detailed chest routine for reference if you choose to read it. I start high and step down the weight. I dont blame you if you skip over it.

    Chest and tris:
    Flat bench 295x 3-5 reps, incline dumbell press 110lbs 3-5 reps. 1-2 min rest between
    Flat bench 275x 3-7 reps, incline dumbell press 100lbs 3-5 reps
    Flat bench 225x 8-11 reps, incline dumbell press 75lbs 6-9 reps
    I superset all of this and move on
    Tricep “skullcrusher” machine 150lbs 10-15 reps
    Incline independent bench press machine 275lbs total 6-10 reps
    I repeat this 3 times again supersetting everything until failure and moving on
    Upright bench press machine/generic tricep pushdown machine at moderate weight to do 10-12 reps until failure. Superset both 3 times each
    Leg press machine 12-17 reps until failure twice
    Same for leg extensions
    Same for generic ab machine
    Finish the workout with push ups until failure and then steam room. PHEW
    Im 5.5 190-195lbs on cycle and 25 years old. Im no slouch in the gym, especially for someone who was probably meant to be a genetically small person.

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    you do realize that there are more body parts then just back, bicep, chest, tricep,,, right ?

    I'm just giving you a hard time man. take some time and look at some muscualture anatomy charts. I think you just need a fresh view of your own body and begin opening your mind to training more body parts specifically.

    you have no shoulder day ? what about a back workout that is Lat dominate ? What about a back workout that is Rhomboid and lower trap dominant ? what about a traps and rear delts day ? Forearms ? what about hamstring and glutes day as opposed to just "leg day" , and a seperate quads and calves day ?

    get my drift brother. start breaking up your body parts and training them specifically. example, the shoulder is made up of thee muscles, I directly train just the front delt and side delt one day, then on another day I train the rear delts along with the traps.

    then you can break it up even further where you have days that a body part is trained for myofibril hypertrophy and strength, where you do more compound and heavy lifts in the 5-7 rep range.. then later you train that body part for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and metabolic stress with lots of blood flow, drop sets, giant sets, high reps..

    lots of ways to change things up.. owning a gym with a thousand members and having tons of clients, exercise programming and writing peoples programs is what I do the most of (even most my online clients have me do their programing). so I think about this type of stuff on a daily basis , and from my view point, there should be no reason for a stale routine
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    How often do you lift/rest, gear? Your right i should start concentrating muscle groups. Im just so impatient. I feel like I’ll still end up training 6 days a week to hit all the muscles and burn myself out like im doing now. I might start a log journal again too. I always did that when i was younger.
    I hit traps on back/bis. And i hit them hard. Shoulders seem to get a good burn on chest day and i never struggled with shoulders aesthetically so i guess i overlooked it. Its time to localize

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    you'll free your mind if you don't restrict your training split to the restraints of a 7 day week. your muscles have no clue what the calendar is or what Monday or Wednesday are.. train your muscle groups based on periodized cycles, have a large plan which is a macro cycle, to reach that macro cycle goal you have different periods of time called meso cycles, and each meso cycle is broken down into shorter periods called micro cycles.

    thats how I train. I can't tell you exactly how often I lift or rest, or how often I hit chest compared to back etc. etc.. because all my programming is based on cycles and is periodized. some phases or "meso cycles" are based on high volume and I'm training 3 days on 1 day off 3 days on.. some cycles have my volume split up where I'm training two sessions per day, so I'll do a small body part like biceps and forearms in the morning, and chest in the late afternoon.. some cycles I'm doing way more high intensity training and strength focused and I'm only training 3-4 days per week (but the sessions are way longer with tons of rest between sets) and one muscle group at a time..

    it all depends on the periodized and well thought out meso cyce.. this type of planning and training is what world class powerlifters and athletes have done for years, and I apply this to my own training as well as several of my clients. we have to use progressive overload and continue building upon our training to keep progressing.

    anyhow, back to not thinking about your timing in regards to the constraints of a seven day week.. I'll give you an example of one of my "micro cycles" I have posted on my phone .

    may not make a lot of sense being they are only notes for me to remember the basics of the whole program.. but this was my "week" , this was my micro cycle. I had to get through all of these workouts and body parts (without worrying about days of the week), and then I would repeat.

    Legs / deadlifts / high volume
    Chest compounds - traps
    Shoulder isolation - lats
    Arms - calves/abs
    Legs / heavy squats
    Back - chest isolation
    Shoulder compounds - traps
    Chest compounds - triceps
    Legs - calves/abs
    Back - bicep
    Shoulder isolation - lats

    so you can see I have 11 workouts with notes on wither its going to be an isolation day, a compound day, a heavy day, a high volume day. etc..
    how do you fit 11 workouts into a 7 day week !!?? you don't. thats why you forget the whole idea of the 7 day week bro split and chest day always being Monday. . I don't design programs around a calendar that was invented by heathens my muscles don't care what day it is. these 11 workouts would get done and it would take me roughly 14 days, then I simply repeat. that day of the week it was or is does not matter.
    fyi - this 11 workout micro cycle, was part of a meso cycle that only lasted say 12 weeks. after that, the whole program changes to a whole new meso cycle with a whole new micro cycle, all in context of the 12 month macro cycle .

    ok.. hope that makes some sense to you guys. sorry this shit is just ingrained in me and how I think about training. none of this shit is "new" or novel, its shit I've learned and built upon from my mentors and guys doing this at a very high level
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  5. #5
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    So its not a problem if a specific muscle goes 10-11 days without concentrated training? If thats the case (which it seems like) then i will make an entire new workout schedule. Its just hard to have that mindset when im in an 8 week cycle window of opportunity. My inner bro conscience just screams CHEST CHEST CHEST

    Also i guess i could do a meso cycle during a blast and a micro cycle while recovering, and then another meso for the next blast. Almost aligning workout cycles with the juice cycles. My head is spinning lol
    Last edited by Octaneforce; 04-20-2018 at 09:28 PM.

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    So its not a problem if a specific muscle goes 10-11 days without concentrated training?
    its absolutely a problem.. no one muscle should go that long without being stimulated again. in my programs I either have a muscle group being stimulated directly, and then directly again a few days later, or at the least being used indirectly in a compound movement (example, triceps helping in a heavy bench day is a non direct tricep activator). just because that split takes 11 days to complete, does not mean muscle groups are not getting hit multiple times during that 11 day time

  7. #7
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    Okay i gotcha i misunderstood. Im gonna log a new routine that i think will work for me and report back. It might be more like an 8 day routine though because i dont hit legs very hard.
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    Great info man!
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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Great info man!
    thanks man.. my skill set does go beyond just AAS use and protocols

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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    thanks man.. my skill set does go beyond just AAS use and protocols
    Hahaha yeah I know brother still waitin on my program

  11. #11
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Throw in some more dedicated leg days / back days. Looks like mostly chest and arms
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  12. #12
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    Jackfrost- your right, and thats gonna be part of my new routine

    Heres what i got going now, I’ll articulate it simply like gear did his routine

    Chest heavy
    Chest/triceps volume
    Biceps volume/abs

    Im not assigning a day to anything anymore. Just gonna go with my routines
    Last edited by Octaneforce; 05-01-2018 at 04:23 PM.

  13. #13
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Jackfrost- your right, and thats gonna be part of my new routine

    Heres what i got going now, I’ll articulate it simply like gear did his routine

    Chest heavy
    Chest/triceps volume
    Biceps volume/abs

    Im not assigning a day to anything anymore. Just gonna go with my routines
    Learn to embrace the leg pain haha! I guess it all depends on your goals - your still doing 2x as much biceps and triceps / chest as lower body. Your legs can take a beating with volume too. Could always have a quad focused leg day (front squats / hack squats / close stance squats etc.) and a hamstring pull focused day (stiff leg deadlifts, good mornings, hamstring curls etc.) for two complete days.

    You have a good physique - just food for thought

  14. #14
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    Learn to embrace the leg pain haha! I guess it all depends on your goals - your still doing 2x as much biceps and triceps / chest as lower body. Your legs can take a beating with volume too. Could always have a quad focused leg day (front squats / hack squats / close stance squats etc.) and a hamstring pull focused day (stiff leg deadlifts, good mornings, hamstring curls etc.) for two complete days.

    You have a good physique - just food for thought
    I know im just such a gym broscience guido douche about legs. I walk around in jeans all the time and i got stumpy legs to begin with lol. So i seem to push my upper body harder because thats what makes me feel bigger when im in a t shirt.
    I like deadlifts, they seem to activate upper and lower body so atleast i work my legs and still leave the gym with a upper body pump. I should start wearing short shorts so i feel insecure and then force myself to do legs
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