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  1. #1
    AJS is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up One Day Arm Cure :)

    HEY guys...well most of you guys outthere prolly think im a lunatic but this One Day Arm Cure really helped me, gain and full inch. If you guys wanna try..I'll post an article on it..and how you train on it.. here u go:

    The One-Day Arm Cure
    By Charles Poliquin:

    We live in a world of "instants." There's instant pudding, instant coffee, instant breakfast, instant everything! Speed is God, and our language is peppered with high-speed words or terms like FedEx, fax, 56.6 modems, and 300-megahertz microprocessors. When we plant a garden today, we don't plant seeds and patiently wait for them to grow; we buy full-grown plants and shove them in the ground, unceremoniously, with the help of backhoes and cranes. Modern man wants it, and he wants it now.

    With all this attention being paid to speed, it's only natural that there be a speedy equivalent in bodybuilding. For instance, what would you give to be able to put 3/8-inch on your arms in as short a length of time as 24 hours? It's entirely possible with my One-Day Arm Cure.

    Will everyone gain as much as 3/8-inch using this method? No. Some individuals will gain more. Some gain up to one inch in the five days following my one-day arm cure! I've even seen one individual who was part of the one-day-to-failure school gain 5/8-inch after doing my instant-growth routine. This particular individual hadn't made any progress in months, so I convinced him to humor me and try this method as an experiment. Obviously, his body was in dire need of more training volume. After his enlightening experience—and after going out to buy new T-shirts—he dumped his Heavy Duty Training Manual into the old shoebox where he keeps his eight-track tapes and platform shoes.

    This method was first popularized in the muscle mags of the sixties, but either few people believed it or few people had the guts to try it. It was revived back in the 80s by Canadian bodybuilding coach Gunnar Sikh. After using the technique on a few of my clients, I modified and updated it, using more recent breakthroughs in exercise physiology and nutrition.

    One word of caution, though: if you try this method, your arms will be so battle fatigued, so glycogen depleted, that they might even shrink slightly until supercompensation kicks in after the 24th hour. Once that first day is over, though, stand back and watch those suckers swell up like leeches invading a blood bank.

    The One-Day Arm Cure takes a little preparation, though. It will take the entire day, so don't plan any picnics, shopping sprees, or Clint Eastwood movie marathons. You'll need to devote the entire day to the program. Here are a few things to take into consideration:

    • Since this is an all-day program, you might want to do it on a Saturday so that nothing else will interfere with your training and eating. This will also give you Sunday to recuperate.

    • The nutritional program that accompanies the training is very important, and you'll need to eat low-glycemic index foods all day until you're done (I'll give some suggestions later on in this article).

    • In order to make things move more smoothly, you may want to prepare your food ahead of time so that nothing interferes with the tight training and eating schedule.

    • Given that this program requires you to work arms several times in one day, it might be best if you do it at home. After all, it might be stressful or mentally draining to hang around the gym all day long. That's why the program I've designed requires only very basic equipment, like a bench, dumbbells, and a barbell. (The dumbbells should be adjustable so you can accommodate the different rep brackets. If you have fixed-weight dumbbells, you might want to use PlateMates to fine-tune the load.)

    Here's the program, including scheduled meals:

    The One-Day Arm Cure Program

    7:30 Breakfast
    • 1 lean steak
    • 2 poached eggs
    • 1 slice of whole grain bread
    • 1 orange
    • 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
    • 3 g of vitamin C
    • 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

    8:30 Neurotransmitter Boost
    • 1 serving of Power Drive™

    9:00 Program A
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    9:30 Program B
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    10:00 Program A
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    10:30 Program B
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    10:45 Recovery Snack
    • 1 serving of a meal replacement drink such as GROW!™, in water, with 5 g of glutamine powder added

    11:00 Program A
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    11:30 Program B
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 5-7 reps on a 501 tempo
    • Rest 90 seconds
    • California Press: 6-8 reps on a 501 tempo

    12:00 Lunch
    • 2 chicken breasts
    • 1 mixed greens salad
    • 1 yam
    • 1 teaspoon of flax seed oil
    • 3 g of vitamin C
    • 1 multi-vitamin-mineral tablet

    1:30 Program A
    NOTE: Reps and tempo change from the morning's training.
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

    2:00 Neurotransmitter Boost
    • 1 serving of Power Drive™

    2:00 Program B*
    NOTE: Reps and tempo change from the morning's training.
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

    *If you're like most people, you'll hit a "wall" about this time—it's what marathoners call "bonking." Of course, you'll have to remember that "riches go to the strong" and keep going. Power Drive should really help you maintain your strength and mental focus.

    2:30 Program A
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

    3:00 Program B
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 8-10 reps on a 302 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • California Press: 10-12 reps on a 302 tempo

    3:15 Mid-Afternoon Snack
    • 1 serving of GROW!™ (or other meal replacement drink)
    • 1 low-glycemic index fruit, like an orange or a pear

    3:30 Program A (High Reps)
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

    4:00 Program B (High Reps)
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

    4:30 Program A (High Reps)
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 75 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

    5:00 Program B (High Reps)
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 60 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

    5:15 Snack
    • 2 low-glycemic index fruits, like oranges or pears

    5:30 Giant Set (High Reps)
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 120 seconds
    • Seated Zottman Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • Pronating Dumbbell Extensions: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 12-15 reps on a 201 tempo
    • Rest 0 seconds
    • California Press: 15-20 reps on a 201 tempo

    6:00 First Recovery Feeding
    • 2 servings of creatine, mixed with grape juice
    • 20 g branch chain amino acids
    • 2 g of vitamin C
    • 4 tablets of Champion Nutrition OxyPro
    • 800 mg of phosphatidyl serine

    7:00 Second Recovery Feeding
    Blender drink consisting of:
    • 1 GROW!™ (or other meal replacement drink)
    • 125 g of carb powder
    • 10 g of creatine
    • 20 g of glutamine

    7:30 Now that your warmup's over, it's time to get down to the real workout...nawww, just kidding. It's over. You survived. Slap yourself on the back, if you can.


  2. #2
    LittleNate's Avatar
    LittleNate is offline Junior Member
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    seems like youd be overtraining them....but im sure its worth a try. Im not sure if its phycally possible to gain 3/4'' in 5 days though

  3. #3
    AJS is offline Junior Member
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    hmm yea..but bro..alota my frenz tried it and i tried it my self. we all got good results..besides ke 2 of em.. they were bitchin lolz...well good lucK~!

  4. #4
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    I've tried it. I added about 1/4 inch to my arms that stayed permanently.

  5. #5
    LittleNate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndroholiK
    I've tried it. I added about 1/4 inch to my arms that stayed permanently.

    so u do this time.....thats it? Like say this saturday i do this give my arms about a week to recouperate and then just go back to my normal schedule...or do i have to keep training like this?

    I'll definitly try it.

  6. #6
    AJS is offline Junior Member
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    no way...just do this once..and then go back to ur regular routine.. I personally will do this once every 2, 3 months. Just have atleast like 500g of protien and 300 or more carbs and like 70-100 fatsat the end of that day. and ur str8. well it works for me.... good luck bro!

  7. #7
    Rookiejay's Avatar
    Rookiejay is offline Member
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    I wonder if that would work with other muscles...... like lats, chest or tri.....

    Did anyone try?

  8. #8
    Rookiejay's Avatar
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    What's a tempo? (501, 302, etc.)

  9. #9
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    The first number stands for how slow you lower the weight in terms of seconds, the second number is how long you hold it in that position, and the last number is how fast you bring the weight back to full contraction.
    Last edited by AndroholiK; 07-31-2003 at 11:47 AM.

  10. #10
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    ive read about many many exercises but ive never heard of zottman curls and california presses can someone explain these??

  11. #11
    AndroholiK's Avatar
    AndroholiK is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, here is the full article on the one day arm cure that AJS originally posted. Pictures of all exercises are included.

  12. #12
    Rookiejay's Avatar
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    Thanks, AndroholiK.

  13. #13
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AJS
    Speed is God, and our language is peppered with high-speed words or terms ... 56.6 modems, and 300-megahertz microprocessors.
    bahaha, when was this thing written?

    btw, i can get like a 1" gain in 30 mins: supersetting bis/tris...its called "the pump"...

    naa, i love the feeling of sore arms...i might give this thing a try...=)

    -- clocky baby

  14. #14
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    bahaha, when was this thing written?

    btw, i can get like a 1" gain in 30 mins: supersetting bis/tris...its called "the pump"...

    naa, i love the feeling of sore arms...i might give this thing a try...=)

    -- clocky baby
    If you click on the link, the red text right infront of you on the top of article says it was in 1998
    Last edited by AndroholiK; 07-31-2003 at 11:48 AM.

  15. #15
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    yea i think ill give this a try this week, only bad thing is there are about 50 different supplements i gotta pickup before i do..........ill let u guys know how it goes....

  16. #16
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
    ive read about many many exercises but ive never heard of zottman curls and california presses can someone explain these??
    Here's a link explaining zottman curls:

    Couldn't find anything on California presses. Maybe someone else can explain?

  17. #17
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybrid
    Here's a link explaining zottman curls:

    Couldn't find anything on California presses. Maybe someone else can explain?
    I already posted a link for them that explains all the excercises with pictures .

  18. #18
    Rookiejay's Avatar
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    Since the # of reps increases from 6 - 8 in the morning up to 15 - 20 in the evening - does that mean I use lighter weights in the evenings and heavier in the morning?

  19. #19
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rookiejay
    Since the # of reps increases from 6 - 8 in the morning up to 15 - 20 in the evening - does that mean I use lighter weights in the evenings and heavier in the morning?
    Of course dude. I mean think about it, if you were to use the same heavy weights in the evening, how are you gonna do twice as many reps? That's impossible unless you are using too light weights for your low reps in the morning. So yes, you change the weights. OK that's it I'm not posting anymore on this thread.

  20. #20
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    That's incredible, I'm definately gonna try this (sooner or later )..... what happens if I do bis on that day, then a couple days later I do bench, and then the day afterwards, squats? Will that fuck it up?


  21. #21
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    Thanks, Andro.

    Huge - I had the same thought - I've already asked if anyone tried this with chest or lats

    I’ll definitely try that.....

    I wonder why he uses loads of creatine after the workout??? Your body will only use a few grams (if any) - the rest will just dehydrate your system.

    I can see how glutamine could be useful. After a workout like that, I'd be stuffing myself with glutamine for a few days.

  22. #22
    solidj55 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huge Presser
    That's incredible, I'm definately gonna try this (sooner or later )..... what happens if I do bis on that day, then a couple days later I do bench, and then the day afterwards, squats? Will that fuck it up?

    Personally I would do this workout as my last workout before I had a planned weeks rest, just because I am a freak about not over training.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by solidj55
    Personally I would do this workout as my last workout before I had a planned weeks rest, just because I am a freak about not over training.
    Yeah, everyone should do this if you are going to try it. Take 5 full days off because its gonna be hard on you. After my arm day I couldn't move my arms they were in real pain, so I doubt you'll want to workout at least for 2-3 days. Maybe legs but that would just slow down the healing process of your arms. Besides your muscles need time to grow. He says take 5 days off in the article so theres no reason not to. Planning your one day arm cure just before your 1 weeks break would be the smart thing to do here.

    Huge Presser , I think you should follow what he says since its such an extraordinary workout to do. Personally, I would not only do biceps, but hey size is found through trial and error so do what you think is best.

  24. #24
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    No doubt I'll be trying this shit... I've just gotta go grab me some more multis and I'm gonna do it! Everyone who tries it put the results in this thread I wanna see how consistent this thing is.


  25. #25
    caturpilar's Avatar
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    No doubt, as huge press. said, everyone who tries this please post your results, I am definitly going to try this. Does anyone think that this will help promote growth in the forearms as well?

  26. #26
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caturpilar
    No doubt, as huge press. said, everyone who tries this please post your results, I am definitly going to try this. Does anyone think that this will help promote growth in the forearms as well?
    I'm going to go ahead and do this arm day cure again since its been like 8 months since I last did it, everyone got me so excited! I'll post my results as well.

    Caterpilar -- Yes, it'll probably put on some size on the forearms since 1-2 exercises for the biceps are working the forearms. For example the zottman curls negative part, you are working your forearms doing a reverse dumbbell curl.
    Last edited by AndroholiK; 07-31-2003 at 11:06 PM.

  27. #27
    caturpilar's Avatar
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    thanks andro. Ya now I can see the forearm workout in these exercises , I need to pull my head out of my ass. Just for shits and grins If you all post your upper arm results, measure your forearms as well, it would be interesting.

  28. #28
    hybrid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndroholiK
    I already posted a link for them that explains all the excercises with pictures .
    Whoops! My bad. Guess I should read all the words next time.

  29. #29
    AJS is offline Junior Member
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    ahhhhhhhhhhh, finally it's been exactly 5 days since i did this one day arm cure..and thank god! im quite happy with the results, iv'e gained 1/2 inch on my arms fully. now lets just hope these are permanent..damn im so happy LOL... well good luck all of u out there! ( make sure you eat like a fuken animal )


  30. #30
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    does anybody know what a good substituion would be for powerdrive????

  31. #31
    AndroholiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
    does anybody know what a good substituion would be for powerdrive????
    That paritcular supplement is just to give you extra energy so you don't bonk. Use some ephedra pills or just have some extra gatorade, that's what I did. If you can keep going then you arn't in need of it.

    I did the one day arm cure on saturday , I'll post results on thursday .

    Good luck.

  32. #32
    caturpilar's Avatar
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    I just want to bump this and see if anyone tried it yet?

  33. #33
    diskey's Avatar
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    I defently gonna try this out soon. My arms are at a really tricky pletau which almost seems impossible to get over.

    I'm currently on dbol and test so should be a great time to try this out.

    Need to get some home weights though, would be quite embarrising to that long in the gym

  34. #34
    SLUMPBUSTR's Avatar
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    sorry if this was already answered but for the ones that tried this and like there results....were you on a cycle of any type or not????

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndroholiK
    That paritcular supplement is just to give you extra energy so you don't bonk. Use some ephedra pills or just have some extra gatorade, that's what I did. If you can keep going then you arn't in need of it.

    I did the one day arm cure on saturday , I'll post results on thursday .

    Good luck.
    Hi mate, do you remember the results from your last one-day arm cure workout ?!

  36. #36
    JEO3's Avatar
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    Yeah i've heard of that routine, it looks like part of this routine that activates hyperplasia muscle growth. I ordered a book on it, haven't tried the all day routine yet...I did the first 2 months of the routine and didn't have gains. ( i have decided that was because of my diet though)
    It's worth a try though...if it works...I think the theory is that it activates the survial mechanism of the muscles, be cause they think they are in danger, they must grow...

  37. #37
    rambo's Avatar
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    I don't think this is really as scientifically sound as its made out to be. Im gonna bump this for DBarcelo. I've been reading up about this, and I've got my own opinions, i wanna hear someone elses take on it.

  38. #38
    DBarcelo's Avatar
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    First off, I'd like to say, "Thank you Rambo". It's nice to know that my opinions and suggestions are looked at as being worthy.

    I've looked the program over and first, I'd like to say that my first impression was that this is an advertisment for BioTest.

    The next thing that jumps out at me is the number of reps and sets. When you break it down, you're doing 8 sets of each excercise and there are 4 excercises in each "Program". I'm assuming that you only do one of the programs and not both of them in one day. So that's 32 movements thru the day.

    Another thing that cought my attention is the way that the reps go from 5-7 and end up at 12-15 while at the same time the rest goes from 90 seconds to none at all. At the same time that all of that is happening, you are also doing the reps progressively faster and faster. Basically, you're going from an anaerobic excercise to an aerobic excercise.

    The only thing that really bothered me was the thing about eating low-glycemic index foods. Glycemic index rates the quality of the carbohydrates found in foods. This is basically saying to look for foods with low quality carbs. That makes me think that the person that wrote this doesn't know what they're talking about (but knows some medical terms), and thus everything else they say isn't worth my attention. Or they're actually telling people to look for foods that have low quality carbs while they are doing something that's going cause their body to need as much high quality carbs as possible in order to avoid muscle breakdown, in which case, I wouldn't pay any attention to what they have to say, because they don't know what they're talking about.

    The last thing is that there's nothing in here about drinking. Since you end up doing more cardio towards the end, I think it would be very important that you be instructed to drink something (preferabley Gatorade), and not to drink any more than one or two cups per hour.

    As far as the program itself goes, I think it does have some merit. This isn't the kind of thing you should do as a regular rutine. Doing that will cause your body to atrophy, even with all of the food. Unless you only work out once per week, then you MAY be able to make gains, but then you would have the overtraining issue luming over your head. Even if it's once per week, I don't see the average person being able to deal with working out like that all the time. I think the best use for this is when you hit a wall and you just can't increase strength or size. This is a good way to shock your muscles into growing again. I do something very simular to this when I get stuck, and it works very well. But with my method, I give myself a few minutes to rest between sets (just like my regular training). I should also point out that this probably isn't the best thing for a skinny guy to be doing. When you're very thin, you have issues going on with your metabolism, your apetite and normally a few other things. Basically, your body breaks things down a lot quicker when you're skinny, so doing this will cause your muscles to atrophy a lot quicker than a bigger guy. If you're on a cycle, it may work out for you, but even then I would still suggest keeping it to a couple weeks.

    This post is long enough, and I don't really feel like going into the whole biological reasons for my opinions, but if anyone wants me to, I can.

    In short, I think that this program can work if done short term But if you try to make this a regular rutine, I think most people will end up losing muscle.

  39. #39
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    I believe that it can be used as a plateau buster, but i doubt the long term gains that people regain are accurate. I think that the depletion of glycogen in the targeted muscle group results in a muscle group that is initially so depleted, that the muscle cells themselves "plasmolyse" for lack of a better term. When glycogen recomposition occurs, they replasmolyse, and for anyone who has witnessed it molecularly, replasmolysis results in a temporarily bigger cell... so by the hypertrophic qualities alleged are merely temporarily, and yes they can last up to a week..probably in some cases two, only due to the cells tendency to uptake glycogen in a severely depleted area. Most of the people who commented on other boards say they keep their gains permanently within 3 days after the workout, but i highly doubt that they are retaining PERMANENT gains due to a marathon curlfest. They just neglect to measure 1 month down the road, during which time they very well might have added 1/4 inch of legit muscle. On the flip, like DBarcelo said, it is most likely an excellent plateau buster, to shock the body into growth... i dont know, take it for what its worth.

  40. #40
    AndroholiK's Avatar
    AndroholiK is offline Junior Member
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    Santa Monica
    Quote Originally Posted by diskey
    Hi mate, do you remember the results from your last one-day arm cure workout ?!
    Hey, my first time I was when I was a pure newbie. I actually gained about 1/2 size on my arms. But this program is a bitch to do and it makes you feel sick at the end of the day. The zottman curls make your forearms feel really weird as well. The second time I did it, about 1 1/2 years later, I did it with a friend in my garage and I must say I was disappointed. I maybed gained 1/5 of an inch or less. My arms felt like rubber for days.

    Honestly, if you're excited try it. But overall the only thing that I purely think promises gains are heavy barbell curls and preachers. They have always gave me good gains.

    DBarcelo, I agree with all your points of view. The article was written in 1998. He doesn't even mention water in this program which is rather funny.

    Last edited by AndroholiK; 10-17-2003 at 02:31 PM.

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