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  1. #1
    kev2cool is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Love Handles, how do you lose them?

    I'm 37 years old and finding it hard to get rid of my love handles. I work out 4 to 5 times a week and do about 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. I eat tons of protien and very little carbs or fat. Still, it's seems almost impossible to get rid of this stubborn little inner tube around my stomach. Help!

  2. #2
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Welcome to the real world, lol.. The only thing is shift stubborn fat like that is to tighten up your diet further. Eating tons of Protein can still had fat if your not using the additional calouries, its a pain.

  3. #3
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    My suggestion to complement Bouncers post would be to up the cardio to 45mins 4 times a week and try doing it on an empty stomach so that you begin burning fat a lot quicker than if you had eaten.

  4. #4
    znak's Avatar
    znak is offline Senior Member
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    Love handles have to be attacked when you are at about 10 pounds above the weight to want to be. Then tighten up your calorie count (drop down 100 a day, for a week, then 200, then 300, etc. until you find your maintainence calorie count.)

    Depending on your body type and weight and desired body, adding cardio will accelerate the process.

    If your "love handles" are a beer can in diameter when you pinch or grab them, diet and cardio is the only way to get there in a reasonable time, if they are a quarter in diameter, dropping 100-200 calories a day will do it if you are eating right.

    You cannot bulk and rip at the same time. The calorie count of intake vs. burned is impossible to do that exactly. Also when you do serious cardio, you will lose size and burn some muscle, same thing, calculating the intake-burn ratio exactly is not possible.

    If you want to zap it and have mass to space, drop 500 calories a day and do serious cardio three times a week. It will be gone in two weeks.

  5. #5
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    love handles in most guys are usually the last thing to go...i found that mine are still giving me issues and i lost 12 lbs since 11% fat i dont expect to be super cut, but i think that they will go away as the fat because they are the most noticeable, but always take the most time...the advice on cutting calories and upping your cardio to 45min 5-6 days is good.

  6. #6
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    your not gonna like my answer but i had lipo a yr ago,i had love handles when i was a skinny little kid at 170 lbs,now i'm 272# 10%bf.they are genetic.surgeon took out 2 litters of fat from sides back and lower abs.said it would have never gone any other can diet and cut as much as possable but if you were one of the unfortunate genetically gifted with love handles,then they need to be sucked out.

  7. #7
    spywizard's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Danielle's Avatar
    Danielle is offline Female Member
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    those love handles are gentric..............and too bad we can't spot treat a certain spot of our body we dont like..........if it were only that everyone said bump up that cardio.....and stay strict with the diet
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  9. #9
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    diet diet diet

  10. #10
    scrumhalf09 is offline Junior Member
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    Love handles are the last fat to go. Unfortunantly there is no such thing as spot reducing when it comes to losing fat. Remember there is a couple of theories about losing fat. 1. Consume less calories then you burn or 2. Use fat as your primary fuel source.

    I would recommend introducing more cardio. Your heartrate has to be in the 60-80% THR zone for a least 20 minutes. If you are only running for 20 you might not be getting the total workout. Look at it this way, in a given 7 day week you are doing cardio less than 50% of the week, plus your are doing the bare minimum for cardio. Supplementing caffeine has also been shown to release stored triglycerides into free fatty acids for energy use. Your choice must be to cardio train to burn as many calories as possible (higher intensity-75-80% THR) or to burn fat as your fuel source (60-75% THR) for a long duration (45min - 1 hour).

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