Results 161 to 200 of 232
10-02-2004, 05:38 PM #161Originally Posted by EastCoaster
10-02-2004, 09:16 PM #162Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
I dunno what to say to ya anymore brother..... it really sounds like your lawyer is not very good, I would tear this case to pieces just based on the limited information I know.
10-03-2004, 11:53 AM #163
tommy,trust me bro,you'll be fine.these are called scare tactics,you're scared,you've just been busted and you're hearing all these different versions of whats going to happen to you..this is whats going to happen to you at worst : the school might expell you or fine will not do any jail time dude..maybe probation..thats what you'll still sucks but not the end of the world..........keep your chin up man
10-03-2004, 12:30 PM #164Originally Posted by man_of_steel
10-03-2004, 12:34 PM #165
The plea that will be brought up to the PA if i can not get the steriods sissmised will then be trying for a mistamenior if that does not work either i will be trying to get a SIS (suspended imposition of sentance) with two years probation.
40 hours community service a SATOP program, AA and NA bascaly
monthly drug testing for both roids and drugs
10-03-2004, 05:25 PM #166
Reading this gives me a sigh of relief but also simpithy for you bro. I was in a dorm and was making fake IDs and also had juice in plain view. Fortunently, the dorm people just kicked me out instead of getting any cops involved. Anyway, very sorry to hear this.
Some questions...
Monthly roid testing? whos paying for that?
I also don't see much coming out of just possesion of juice and pot, if you get convicted of the fake ID **** then I would understand some prison or jail time.
Good luck bro
10-03-2004, 07:28 PM #167Originally Posted by PiecinItUp
Yea the id thing has only been brought up by the school and not the police yet. That i feel will happen later when and if they can get enough evidence on me.
10-03-2004, 07:29 PM #168
Does anyoine know the statue of limitaion for production of fake ids?
10-03-2004, 08:06 PM #169
an english teacher, haha
Last edited by Psychotron; 10-03-2004 at 08:09 PM.
10-03-2004, 08:11 PM #170Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
It is either 7 or 15. I think I heard they raised statue of limitation on something.
No limitation for murder though.
10-03-2004, 08:38 PM #171Originally Posted by bermich
10-04-2004, 10:08 AM #172Junior Member
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Oh man sorry to hear about all this, that sucks big time. But atleast its not as bad as you originally thought.
Question, can you still be a teacher if you have a criminal record?
10-04-2004, 10:17 AM #173Originally Posted by DoubleHelix
I am hopeing to be a m,andscape arcatech
10-04-2004, 10:41 AM #174Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
Yesterday I couldn't even spell m,andscape arcatech, today I are one! JJ CTT
Try typing your responses in word, and spell check them there, then simply cut and past them?
10-06-2004, 07:37 PM #175Originally Posted by Bigen12
10-06-2004, 07:51 PM #176
Hey bro, I am a paralegal and prelaw major. First, they will not take the charges of poss. of steriods and poss. of marij. and make them one. If the marij. is less than an ounce then its a misd. The nolva and clomid are misd. also and the winny is a felony. You can plea under First Offender Status and by deffinition you are not convicted. The trial judge will probate your sentence or reehab, deversion center, boot camp. It depends how bad you are politicted. If you have no record, I dont see you getting more than boot camp at the most. Make sure you get your lawyer to ask for 1st offender so it will come off your record after you complete your sent. Also, you need to enroll right now in N.A. and ask that your bond conditions be changed to have you take a drug test every two weeks. This will show the judge that you just messed up once. If you want to talk bro, PM and I will give you my AIM name. Anything I can do to help let me know. Crazyswoll
10-06-2004, 08:09 PM #177Originally Posted by crazyswoll
10-06-2004, 08:33 PM #178
If you say no to the search and they say "fine we'll go get a warrant" you just flush the stuff if its flushable and take it to a friends house if its not, will that work?
10-07-2004, 02:22 PM #179
OK here is an up[date, the cops know i made the fake ids, i have a confrence with my lawyer and a detective tommrow, i have to tell him everyhting bvecause about 1 years ago someone broke in and stole a illinios dmv machine and they think i have it so if i can prove i don't have it and get back all the ids i made i will recive a slap on the wrist, the posssesion and steriods will both be dropped for the most part and i will recive that SIS with 2 years probabtion. With me luck and hope to be back with a update if you don't hear anything then i am in jail.
10-13-2004, 11:50 PM #180
ok tommrow is the first court date wish me luck!
10-13-2004, 11:54 PM #181
Good luck bro
10-14-2004, 12:21 AM #182Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
Well, I wouldnt give them any fake ids. The second you tell them you made fake ids and then you give them the evidence, they will charge you with it.
If it is a verbal contract where they say you will only get a slap, then it is bullshlt.
If your lawyer is there and can assure you that they will give you enemnity for handing over the IDs, then that is good.
Just stop making it easier for them. So far you have walked into EVERY trick and trap they set for you.
10-14-2004, 12:45 AM #183Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
uhh... guilty until proven innocent? wtf
10-14-2004, 12:49 AM #184
Good Luck bro hope you get off easy
10-14-2004, 08:49 AM #185
Hey bro, I agree with bermich. Never admit to anything unless you have a signed "plea agreement" granting you amnesty for your testimony. Cops can lie to you all they to get a confession from you. Thats just the way it is. Also, like i told you before, you need to ask your lawyer about "First Time Offender" treatment. I am in GA, so that is part of our state law. I am not sure if they have it where you are, but it wont hurt to ask. Let me know how things go for you. Crazyswoll
10-14-2004, 09:22 AM #186Originally Posted by AandF6969
ns...guilty until proven I dont like the sound of your attorney.
10-14-2004, 09:50 AM #187
It is very dissapointing that you did nothing to protect your illicit activities from being exposed. Irresponsible at best. I guess we'll cough it up to your age.
10-14-2004, 09:51 AM #188
ok my court date is nov 4th, that what court was about today, my lawyer think we have a very good chance of droppign the roid charge from a felony to a misterminor. Good news for me.
The ID thing, i got going for me from my understanding is that if i help get all the ids back that i made, i will not get in that much trouble. like i would get manufactor and production of goverment property.
10-14-2004, 10:49 AM #189
First of all Tommy, what steriod did you get caught with. B/c they fall into diff. schedules. If it is a Felony, the Da cannot, cannot drop a felony poss. of a controlled dangerous substance to a misdemeanor. Thats the way it goes. Also, your court today is called an arraingment. What were the exact charges you were indited on? Also, your att. doesnt sound to dependable. I would ask around if I were you. Crazyswoll
10-15-2004, 01:41 AM #190Originally Posted by MMA
I understand all that. The problem I see is they are scaring him into giving up evidence that will convict him more easily.
IE: He posted that the cops KNOW he made fake ids. The cops DO NOT know that. How could they possibly know that? From some kid giving a statement?? That is all they have on him. That would NOT make me give them fake ids.
They have NO TIES to him and the stolen dmv machine. BUT, once he gives up the fake ids, they WILL have evidence that could tie him to that.
MANUFACTURING of GOVERNMENT property. That is FEDERAL. For all we know, the FBI could pursue charges AFTER the DA presses charges for the drugs. They DO NOT CARE about what happens to him. They care about making a case that will stick with a conviction and they care about their own resume.
Your lawyer sounds like a lazy PUBLIC DEFENDER. Bro, seriously, pay 1 k and get a consultation with a REAL LAWYER on this ID situation.
Public defenders have lunch with the DAs every day in the cafeteria. They dont care about you. They use your files like trading cards.
I will trade a one year plea if you give a 2 year plea for my other case.
How do the cops KNOW you made fake ids?? Let me guess. You told them.
10-18-2004, 03:01 PM #191
ok the thing with the da is to talk about how they do not get you HIGH and are difffrent and whatnot somthing like that, i will most likly get it droped to a mistermnior. The id thing there are now about 22 kids who have turned in IDs and are telling more people who have the to turn them in. They area sking me to get back the rest of the IDs and if i can they will lower whatever change the put agaisnt me, from what i understadn because they don't do a god job explaining to me what is going on.
10-22-2004, 12:20 AM #192Originally Posted by bermich
10-25-2004, 04:05 AM #193Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
A few kids I hung out with back in the day went into a house and took a grip load of crap. They knew the guy who lived there and hung out at his house a few times. The guy knew who broke into his house and the cops arrested the kids.
Now, the detective couldnt prove anything except for receiving of stolen property because since the kids were in the house a few times before with permission, they couldnt use finger prints as evidence.
Well, the detective told one of the kids that if he brought back ALL of the stuff he stole, that charges would be reduced to posession of stolen property.
The kid being scared like you and thinking that cooperating helps, decided to get all the stuff and bring it into the detective. Well, that was the biggest mistake. All the stuff that was brought in matched his finger prints, it added up to grand theft and other crap.
Basically, the story goes, the kid got two years for residential burglary while his friends got 6 months probation for Posession of stolen property.
Why did this helpful kid get more time you ask?? Cause he was a scared fool who felt that helping the cops with their case would make them feel better about the kid or something.
The detective probably sat in the lunchroom talking to his coworkers about how easy the kid made it for him to nail him on a case that wouldnt have even gone to trial. PLUS, the detective now has a playstation, a few tvs, and stereos for his kids.
Another thing. Ask yourself why they are being so vague on explaining the ID situation to you. You said in your post that they dont do a good job explaining stuff to you.
Um wouldnt you want clarity on this matter?
I am DEAD SERIOUS when I say I feel they are gonna NAIL you with a FEDERAL CRIME the second they get enough evidence and all the IDs.
Im done with this thread because like EAST COAST said.
YOU ARE NOT READING ANY OF OUR ADVICE or any of our past mistakes.
10-25-2004, 05:23 AM #194
sry for bumping this thread.
But i just wanted to check how things were going.
hope it sorted out to the best bro
10-28-2004, 12:56 PM #195
yeah, bro, how's it going for ya?
10-28-2004, 02:58 PM #196
well no update yet, i have court the fourth, I have no formale id charges against me. I am waiting a letter r\from the PA with hopes of the steriods getting dropped to a misterminor. My lawyer wrote her a few days ago. If all goes well i will recive 1 misterminor posseion charge, I have my fingers crossed
10-28-2004, 04:31 PM #197
sh1t man, this is the first I'd heard of this. Tommy, don't feel bad for making the same mistake everyone else does, that's why they use those fcking tricks.
When you're suggesting stuff to your lawyer you've heard from AR bros does he just say "oh they don't know what they're talking about, I'm a real lawyer?" cause he needs to either say "ok I'll check on that" in which case check up on him next time you talk to him, ask if he checked that **** out. And if he just says the AR guys don't know what they're talking about then say "ok, then explain how is and why they're wrong." This guy works for you and needs to check every fcking possible avenue even if it's kind of a longshot. If you're going to stick with him, make sure he's really got your best interest in mind.
As for the "a machine got stolen a year ago" man, that sh1t sounds shady. Just like people said before, they WILL lie to you if they think you can get more evidence for them. Why would they be looking for a machine a whole year later?
Hopefully you've asked your lawyer "isn't it a violation of your rights if they put cuffs on you and took you downtown without reading you your Miranda rights?" Like eastcoast or someone said, they might not say "i'm putting you under arrest" but that's more than implied arrest.
Anyone: I've been put in the back of a cop car (locked in, couldn't get out of course) without cuffs on without being read any rights. Is there anything illegal about them detaining you like that without putting you under arrest? What is the defining moment where they now have to tell you you're under arrest and read you your rights? Can you pull some **** by saying "i want to leave" and they say "you can't" and you say "what are you arresting me for?"
For Tom's sake, if the DEA went after him after he's already been charged with the IDs in this trial would that fall under "cannot be tried for the same crime twice?"
Good luck bro, let us know what happens. Make real damm sure your lawyer is aware of what the AR guys were talking about perjury if you take the stand. They will definately use those tricks in court if it's possible.
11-01-2004, 11:16 PM #198
talked to my lawyer today, i go to court thursday. He heardf back from the PA.
The felony controled substance charge for the roids is going to be dropped to a misterminor
i will be on probabtion for 2 years with monthly drug test. i also have to complete a rehabe for roids i never new i was addictied.
There is no real update on the fake id charge or anything other then the cops can't hack my comp to find any evidence cause they don't have a computer guy anymore so they are going to ship my comp to a county expert to see if they can bring up the picture i took, with that they want me to get all the ids back that they didn't already comfiscate or have turned into them by pussies who got scared. Then i will hopefully get that dropped because the detective said because i would help get them off the street and since i got charge with everything else that i might not be getting charge with the id's. That is everything goes as planed.
But the great news is i am not gettting a felony
11-01-2004, 11:31 PM #199AnabolicAlien Guest
i want to hear more about this rehab for roids... i think it's absolutely ridiculous. you are NOT addicted.
11-01-2004, 11:53 PM #200Junior Member
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Bro I live in New York. I was busted to. I was put on probation for 3 years. While on probation for something els I was busted for roids attempting to possesa controled substace which is a B misdominor. What did they charge you with? Possesion of steroids is not a felony it is an A misdomener. i went to court a year for this still on probation I was tested randomly 6 times I took steroids the whole time and past my test every time. Probation does not look for steroids,or I would have been violated. As for the court case for the steroids I paid a $250 fine after going to court for a year.Probation never violated me. As for the piece you mean a {gun} that is a whole nother thing you get caught with a gun you are screwed. The pot and the juice are nothing that gun is going to get ya . Pot and juice are simple possesion charges if you didnt have the gun you wuodnt eb=ven had a bail. watch out for lawers and prosucutors they will lie to make thing seem worse than they are if you have no record you may only get probation if it wasnt for that gun you would probably just pay a fine. DONT SAY A WORD DONT TRUST THE COPS THEY ARE A BUNCH OF LIERS. THEY WILL SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT TO HERE TO GET YOU TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO HERE THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU. I have been arrested about 5 tme and just finished my probation my last time I was aressted I had 22 D felonies possesion and sales I beat it in court They old me I was going to do 3-7 year per felony that would be 66-144 years GIVE ME A BREAK! What did Kill someone. Just an example of what thes cops will say to get you to talk. I said nothing and beat them if a talked I be in jail right now. your charges are nothing like mine. You may be in some trouble but its not the end of the world.Your not going to jail for smoking pot and taking juice They could throw you in rehab.
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