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  1. #201
    NUTRI-VET is offline Junior Member
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    Bro my freind is a police detctive in New York on the police powerlifting team and a bodybuilder. He failed the drug test 3 times for steroids . They mad him do 6 months of rehab or he would loose his job.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAlien
    i want to hear more about this rehab for roids... i think it's absolutely ridiculous. you are NOT addicted.


  2. #202
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NUTRI-VET
    Bro I live in New York. I was busted to. I was put on probation for 3 years. While on probation for something els I was busted for roids attempting to possesa controled substace which is a B misdominor. What did they charge you with? Possesion of steroids is not a felony it is an A misdomener. i went to court a year for this still on probation I was tested randomly 6 times I took steroids the whole time and past my test every time. Probation does not look for steroids,or I would have been violated. As for the court case for the steroids I paid a $250 fine after going to court for a year.Probation never violated me. As for the piece you mean a {gun} that is a whole nother thing you get caught with a gun you are screwed. The pot and the juice are nothing that gun is going to get ya . Pot and juice are simple possesion charges if you didnt have the gun you wuodnt eb=ven had a bail. watch out for lawers and prosucutors they will lie to make thing seem worse than they are if you have no record you may only get probation if it wasnt for that gun you would probably just pay a fine. DONT SAY A WORD DONT TRUST THE COPS THEY ARE A BUNCH OF LIERS. THEY WILL SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT TO HERE TO GET YOU TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO HERE THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU. I have been arrested about 5 tme and just finished my probation my last time I was aressted I had 22 D felonies possesion and sales I beat it in court They old me I was going to do 3-7 year per felony that would be 66-144 years GIVE ME A BREAK! What did Kill someone. Just an example of what thes cops will say to get you to talk. I said nothing and beat them if a talked I be in jail right now. your charges are nothing like mine. You may be in some trouble but its not the end of the world.Your not going to jail for smoking pot and taking juice They could throw you in rehab.
    i was charged with a controled substanbce charge for the roids,
    The peice i was tlakign about was for smoking the pot with

  3. #203
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAlien
    i want to hear more about this rehab for roids... i think it's absolutely ridiculous. you are NOT addicted.

    Yea no kidding, i am probably goign to be with crack heads.
    This will be the first Rid rehab in this county, they don't know anything about it. my lawyer told me i would be teaching them about roids more then they will teaching me.

  4. #204
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    ok i just got done with court, i will have another one the 22nd of november. I talked to my lawyer and i found out i will be atentting rehab at the university. The only thing is they don't have a program for it, so it is going to go down like this. I will be attending rehab for eating disorders, believe that they think i have a problem with my body so i use substance to get it done, at the same time i will have specail meetings with a counsular explaining steroids and how they work so that i can help the school start a drug program for roids. I need some help from you guys though, i need to find research on roids from legit sites, i am already getting info from this site. i don't think they would allow me to use people qoutes though. It looks like everything is going to come out pretty good.

  5. #205
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    steroids r that big of a charge in the states? where in the states r u from? i dint know it was a fellony. in canada they just take em away or sometimes they dont even take them!

  6. #206
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh man! I wanna move to Canada now.

  7. #207
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    steroids r that big of a charge in the states? where in the states r u from? i dint know it was a fellony. in canada they just take em away or sometimes they dont even take them!
    im from Chicago, but i am going to school in MO

  8. #208
    Philliagorillia's Avatar
    Philliagorillia is offline Associate Member
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    Im MO huh, what school ya at bro?

  9. #209
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philliagorillia
    Im MO huh, what school ya at bro?

  10. #210
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
    ChiTownTommy is offline Senior Member
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    ok how is this,
    First step for getting it drop to a misterminor i have to help start a steroid program for my school, by giving a two page paper to a consular explaining effects of testosterone , how does this look to you guys/girls
    Tom Platz

    Steroid Side Effects

    Besides the obvious effect of muscle growth due to the increase of testosterone there are several negative effect to steroid use . To name a few, natural testosterone reduction, water and salt retention, gynecomastia , (breast growth). One of the most visible signs of steroids is that of back and body acne. There are several more side effects, which I will go into with more detail.
    Once a person starts to give himself injections of a false testosterone that your body does not produce your body stops making your own. Males testicular will shrink because they are not being used to support your body with testosterone. I will also stat that theses effects are only reversible if steroids are not taken for long periods of time. If a continued use or roids for several months without stopping or using post cycle therapy a male can go sterile.
    The body retains massive amounts of water and salt retention well on a cycle of steroids. This gives a person a bloated look as if they are extremely heavy. There are several problems with this other then your physical appearance. You body cannot handle the increased sudden weight of the water along with you heart has problems pumping extra fluids through the body. This extra stress on your body is un-needed and unhealthy.
    When there is too much testosterone in the body sometimes when your body cannot handle it the testosterone will convert to estrogen. When your have the increased estrogen in enlarges you’re soft muscle tissues giving you the appearance of breasts. These effects also happen to some boys when they hit puberty, with very minimum as oppose to steroids. People take nolvadex witch decrease gynecomastia symptoms; people have also had a surgery to take away “gyno” symptoms.
    There is a increase in body acne due to steroids are oil based. The oil comes through your pores and causes an increase in acne. The acne mostly shows up on your shoulders and back; some people get it on their chest as well. Women are more susceptible to get acne worse then men, some people do not get any acne depending how your body reacts. The skin also gets stretch marks do to the water retention and increase of mass from steroid use. Women who use steroids may also lose that smooth soft skin due to the increased size of their pores. Baldness is also a side effect of asteroids but only with a few oral steroids witch I was not taking.
    There is also an increase amount of aggression with the increased level of testosterone. Most steroid users can handle the extra aggression rather well venting it in the gym. Some people who cannot handle the increased aggression have taken in out in fights and in relation ships causing problems like breaking up of a relation ship and being arrested. This is also known as “roid rage ” most people think that every steroid use has this witch is a common misconception. This increased aggression helps people in the weight room push weight one more rep or five pounds heavier. This has lead some people to think that steroids are metal addicting because you lose that edge well lifting.
    Steroids are a horrible thing for minors they cause growth problems for them. It can cause overgrowth or the body for young athletes. They can cause bones to overgrow; they can also cause minors body to stop naturally growing. Another problem steroids can cause is a increased blood pressure. Due to the increase weight the blood pressure increase to manage the increase. Also when doing certain lifts such as bench and squats, lifter hold their breath and increase blood flowing. One major internal problem people have well using steroids is kidney problems. You kidney already has to filter out toxic from your body and not you just increase the toxics for you kidney causing it to overwork.
    Well I was on testosterone noticed some of these effects such as a slight increase of back and shoulder acne. I also felt that extra aggression well I was lifting, I didn’t want to stop working out. I also had a few things happen to me witch I did not read anything one such as increased sweating, I sweat a lot normally but this was more then usual. I also had a few nights when I could not go to sleep and I would toss and turn in bed for hours. I was fully aware of these side effect prior to my use of testosterone, I felt due to my low levels of test I was taking in I would not suffer these sides but I have realized these effects happen to everyone.

  11. #211
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Looks good to me bro. Congrats on the outcome of your cases and good luck with the rest of the way.

  12. #212
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    i had court on November 22
    Countinued untill january 18th until i show completion of counsaling
    then my controld substance charge will be dropped to a misterminor

  13. #213
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    This whole thing sucks , I know looking back you wish you hadn't done that fake I.D. crap. I'm glad it turned out okay. Probation is a biatch. This includes no alcohol from my experience. Man you gotta keep your nose clean or all bets are off, you're done. YOU WILL GO TO PRISON. And serve your sentence. Keepin outta trouble is really hard especially when you have to look over your shoulder. Have you told the police about the AR site? I urge you to be honest.

  14. #214
    -2z- is offline New Member
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    Good to hear you're gonna be ok. That's gotta be creepy man.

    For the record, if anyone decides to "enhance" themselves, it might be best to refrain from any other activities that might attract law enforcement. Keep it simple.

  15. #215
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    This whole thing sucks , I know looking back you wish you hadn't done that fake I.D. crap. I'm glad it turned out okay. Probation is a biatch. This includes no alcohol from my experience. Man you gotta keep your nose clean or all bets are off, you're done. YOU WILL GO TO PRISON. And serve your sentence. Keepin outta trouble is really hard especially when you have to look over your shoulder. Have you told the police about the AR site? I urge you to be honest.
    I told my counsular but he is under whatever were what we say to eachother is kept in privacy so he can't tell anyone. All i said was that i learned a little about injections and time from reading in the forum.

  16. #216
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    ok it is all finally over and done with. I ended up getting the controlled substance felony charge drop due to completion of consuling and me pleading guilty on possesion of marjuna and possesion of parafanalia. Two misderminors. I will be on two years probation with drug testing not sure if they are going to be testing for roids as well and pot i meeet with my probation officer on the 7th. The whole fake id thing is still under investgation.

  17. #217
    spidernbutterfly's Avatar
    spidernbutterfly is offline Associate Member
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    Just make sure youget the poin across that it was personal use only, ur not dealing! U canmake a plea w/ the pros office by your self but only a fool represents himself. I highly doubt ud get prison, let alone jail time. first offense, most likely a fine with comm service AND a deferred sentence. no more trouble for a certan amount of time ect. - SnB

  18. #218
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spidernbutterfly
    Just make sure youget the poin across that it was personal use only, ur not dealing! U canmake a plea w/ the pros office by your self but only a fool represents himself. I highly doubt ud get prison, let alone jail time. first offense, most likely a fine with comm service AND a deferred sentence. no more trouble for a certan amount of time ect. - SnB

    What the hell? Did you even read this post? He just said its over and done with.

  19. #219
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
    ok it is all finally over and done with. I ended up getting the controlled substance felony charge drop due to completion of consuling and me pleading guilty on possesion of marjuna and possesion of parafanalia. Two misderminors. I will be on two years probation with drug testing not sure if they are going to be testing for roids as well and pot i meeet with my probation officer on the 7th. The whole fake id thing is still under investgation.
    You suck tom.

  20. #220
    Cygnus's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear bout you gettin busted. If there is no evidence of intent to sell/distribute, if your lawyer is worth a crap, at the worst he should be able to plea bargain it down to a misdemeanor. If not, find one who can. I really have a hard time believing you would get any jail/prison time out of a posession charge in such a small quantity. Maybe a couple in county jail but I doubt even that. I know its hard to do, but try and stay calm man and like I said if your lawyer is any good, he should be able to plea this down to a slap on the hand as long as there was no intent to sell. Thats a different ballgame. Hang in there bro.

  21. #221
    IntensityX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnus
    Sorry to hear bout you gettin busted. If there is no evidence of intent to sell/distribute, if your lawyer is worth a crap, at the worst he should be able to plea bargain it down to a misdemeanor. If not, find one who can. I really have a hard time believing you would get any jail/prison time out of a posession charge in such a small quantity. Maybe a couple in county jail but I doubt even that. I know its hard to do, but try and stay calm man and like I said if your lawyer is any good, he should be able to plea this down to a slap on the hand as long as there was no intent to sell. Thats a different ballgame. Hang in there bro.
    Oh man not another one,hey dude it's OVER geez

  22. #222
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
    ChiTownTommy is offline Senior Member
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    OK since they have dropped the controled substance charge and what not i am getting drug tested still, Random drug test that is, well i have not smoked any pot latly and it is only a piss test, will roids show up?

  23. #223
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Only if they do a specific steriod drug test but most drug tests are the 6 panel drug tests that are looking for such things as pot, amph and the such.

  24. #224
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiTownTommy
    OK since they have dropped the controled substance charge and what not i am getting drug tested still, Random drug test that is, well i have not smoked any pot latly and it is only a piss test, will roids show up?
    dont tell me your dumbass is back on after all that.

  25. #225
    GQplaya is offline Associate Member
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    bro i would jus stay clean, at least until everything is cleared up

  26. #226
    MMA's Avatar
    MMA is offline VET
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    they don't normally test for juice...but they might for you! nature of the crime. don't risk it

  27. #227
    clhp20's Avatar
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    I haven't read anything about the search warrant. What did it say they were looking for, They have to be very specific. If steroids and drugs were not apart of it. I highly doubt that they can get you for it. That would fall under illegal search and seizure.

    I'd check on that.

    I haven't read all the posts so it could very well be in here some where, but i am not about to read through 6 pages to try and find it.

    Just something for you to think about.

  28. #228
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    in a hole
    **** this thread is old lol

  29. #229
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    "I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident. I will pray for you tonight." was my original post but **** this happened last year. Nevermind, Hope everything is well.

  30. #230
    bedrock's Avatar
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    A piece

    What do you mean a piece, you mean a gun ? Man, your not just improving your body, or self image throught the educated use of Anabolics. Which in my opinion you should be left alone for.
    Your in college, smoking pot, having a gun ( I assume thats what you mean by a piece), dealing in fake ID's, Steroids and only god knows what else your mixed up in man. C'mon you don't have any business doing roids at your unresponsible age. Sorry bro but now you gotta take your lumps. Make sure you learn something from this.

  31. #231
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Train naturally for 5 years first, you're not ready for gear.


  32. #232
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bedrock
    What do you mean a piece, you mean a gun ? Man, your not just improving your body, or self image throught the educated use of Anabolics. Which in my opinion you should be left alone for.
    Your in college, smoking pot, having a gun ( I assume thats what you mean by a piece), dealing in fake ID's, Steroids and only god knows what else your mixed up in man. C'mon you don't have any business doing roids at your unresponsible age. Sorry bro but now you gotta take your lumps. Make sure you learn something from this.
    he doesnt have a gun...

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